K.Will Part 2[Final]

Imagine Collections

You wake up lightly feeling the bed shake as your boyfriend wakes up. He had a successful concert last year and you still remember the night you celebrated with him. You smile happily at the memories. The cuddling on the couch, the kiss at the counter, the constant hugs before dinner and most of all your own personal mini-concert the day after.

You lightly turn to face him, your boyfriend, everyone called him K.Will on stage but you liked to call him, “Hyung-Soo oppa good morning” you smiled up to him as he put a shirt on. He hated wearing shirts when he slept, which you didn’t mind.

He looked to you, “Ah good morning. Sorry did I wake you up ____-ah?” he asked as he lightly kissed you on the top of your head.

You shook your head lightly, “A little. But it’s ok. I have to get up soon anyways” you smiled.

“Ah. That’s right. You have to work early today, don’t you?” he smiled and went to go get ready in the bathroom attached to your bedroom.

You stretch lightly, “yeah. It’s so tiring when they constantly change my schedule” you say lightly as you get up to also get ready for work.

You both finish getting ready and have a quick breakfast. He kisses your lips lightly as he opens the door and goes to his car to his manager and heads out for his schedules for the day.

You smile happily as you watch him leaving from the crack in the curtains. You walk outside after a while and put your sunglasses over your eyes and adjust your hat on your head as you walk down the street. You have on a pair of white shorts and a blue and white stripped sleeveless shirt with a small white baseball cap on your head and a pair of white and blue zebra print sunglasses.

You get to work and are greeted happily by everyone. You bow and smile happily to everyone as you take your hat and sunglasses off. You get to work right away on the project you’ve been working on. You were working on writing up a script for the new drama you were hoping to find a director for soon. You already had a few people in mind but you still had a few scripts left before you could talk to them about directing your project.

It was a romantic-comedy and you based some of the scenes on your relationship, with the approval of Hyung-Soo. He always supported your decisions but you all didn’t agree on everything. But you only had one major fight. And that was when he got into a scandal from his Please, Don’t music video, but, besides that you have never had huge fights that had threatened your relationship. Everyone in your office had seen the article K.Will had published about you two finally opening up to the media about your relationship. You have now been going out for 3 years and many fan girls have calmed down from the incident and openly accept you rather than hate you like they did at first.

You finish the final script closer to the end of your day and even went through lunch without noticing. You go into the lunch office and grab some of your leftovers you kept there over night. You heat it up in the microwave and eat it quickly, not realizing you had been that hungry all day.

You go in and decide to e-mail the script to a couple of directors and producers to see if you could get the project on the way. You were really hoping this drama would work out this time. It had taken you so long to finish this and you didn’t want your work to go to waste. This was your first assignment with this company and you wanted it to be successful.

You head home for the day and decide to just check your email when you go into work the next day. You were ready for date with Hyung-Soo that night.

You got home before him and decided to put on a long dress. It went to your ankles and had a slit up the right leg. He loved when you showed your legs like that. But not with other guys around, he was actually the very protective type of man. Which you had always loved since you were a bit protective yourself.

You put on a pair of black high heels to match your red dress and black over coat, which went from your shoulders to the bottom of your ribs and was pretty thin. Luckily for you it was summer so it wouldn’t be too cold that night.

After a while Hyung-Soo walked in and his jaw almost fell off when he saw you looking so beautiful. He walked over quickly leaving the flowers for you on the table and he just instantly hugged you, “Thank the world your mine” he smiled and then kissed your forehead lightly. “Shall we go?” he asks as he picks up the flowers and hands them to you.

You accept them lightly and smile with a small blush on your face. You nod as you replace the flowers with his hand and place the flowers in the vase on the table.

You walk out to his car and he opens the door for you so you can sit in the car then closes the door behind you and goes to the driver’s side and gets in. he starts the car engine and drives off to the restraint you had reservations for.

You have a really fancy dinner with him and find yourself not yet wanting to go back to the house. So you both decided to go to a fancy dance place. Your outfits would fit in better there than a club. You got your own personal room at the dance hall and he takes you inside. It’s a beautiful place and was one of those really expensive places. Hyung-Soo barely convinced you to come here. He knows you don’t like when he over spends on things that he doesn’t have to spend any money on. You are happy just being with him.

The music in your room starts. Hyung-Soo had turned it on without you noticing. He walked over and held one hand out with the other behind his back. “May I have this dance?” he gently smiles to you.

You smile back and lightly accept his hand; “Of course you may oppa” you say and lightly take his hand. He places his free hand on your hip and you place your free hand on his shoulder. You both stare into each other’s eyes as you dance.

After a while you lean your head on his shoulder and dance like that. He eventually leans his head against yours and you both move your arms to where you are hugging each other. Your arms around his neck and his arms both around your waist, holding the two of you close together. You blush and smile. You always loved dancing with him like this. You always felt so happy and safe in his arms.

After a while the music stops and you both reluctantly separate. Hyung-Soo says he has to go someone quickly and that he will be right back. You sit at a table in the room and lightly sip on a glass of wine supplied by the hotel for your room only.

After a while Hyung-Soo comes back. He turns the lights out before entering into the room with a cake lit in his hands. He then begins to sing happy birthday to you in Korean. After he finishes you blow out the candles on the cake with tears building in your eyes. From behind his back he pulls out the flowers he had been holding in his free hand the whole time. “Happy Birthday ____-ah” he smiles and kisses your forehead lightly.

You hug him but then he suddenly pulls away, “Wait…I have one more present!” he says smiling happily.

“You don’t need to give me anything else” you try to persuade him.

He puts his hand up to stop your words, “Trust me…this is something we both, hopefully, really want” he smiles. You see him reach into his pocket. He holds a small box in his hand as he slowly kneels down on one knee.

You cover your mouth as he opens the box revealing a simple yet beautiful diamond covered ring. “___-ah…will you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth?” he asks.

You can’t take it anymore and let your tears fall. He closes the box as he sees you jump forward towards him and stands to catch you as you hug him. “YES!!! Hyung-Soo!! YES ILL MARRY YOU!!!!” you say through your tears.

He hugs you tightly to him. You both pull away and look at each other in the eyes. Then you both kiss one another gently yet passionately. “This is the best birthday ever” you say smiling and kiss him again.

“I’m glad you like it” he chuckles against your lips and you kiss for what seems like hours. As the newly engaged couple.

The End.



Hope you liked this one *^^*


MinHyun out!!

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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
allkpop4ever #5
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3