
The New Girl

Chapter 2 - Hope...


My parents just don’t understand me. I wish I had enough money to buy a ticket to Seoul and then marry my dream oppa. Well, that’s never going to happen without a job.


Urgh! If this wasn’t enough my sister is here, why is she home?


‘I need my laptop back, it’s important and plus I don’t want your rubbish Korean idols on my computer’

‘They are not stupid, they are highly intelligent. Unlike some people. Now leave. I have important studying on how to pass an audition here’ I shoved her laptop at her chest and slammed the door shut with a bang.

Now, I am looking at the requirements here and it says I need to:

1.       Be at an intermediate singing level or

2.       Be at an intermediate dancing level

3.       Look presentable

4.       To be able to speak in Korean fluently or know conversational Korean

5.       Choose an appropriate song choice (non explicit version)

6.       Dress appropriately

Okay, so that isn’t too hard I guess, if I just practice my dancing a little more, I should be able to pass.

As I was thinking about this, I didn’t even hear my mum knock on the door.

‘Megan. Megan. MEGAN!’

‘Sorry Mom, I was just thinking about how I won’t be able to get to audition in Korea’

‘You’re so dramatic. Anyway, there may be hope for you yet. Come downstairs, me and dad have something for you’


‘Okay, so we have checked in all of these places but we still haven’t found anyone suitable’ the manager oppa said pointing at a map of the world.

‘Hyun, we have had many replies back from London, China, America and Thailand, and around 60 of them fit the specification. I have sent emails asking for them to come to their nearest audition hall where we will be waiting to go and choose the best candidates’ another manager said

‘That is good, okay; I will bring Yoseob, Kikwang, Hyuna, Jiyoon and G.NA’


‘I hope it’s a good surprise because otherwise I may as well just go and hibernate in my room’

‘I am sure you will not be disappointed’ Dad said

There it was. The shining glimmer of hope. No, it was not Big Bang in my living room. But an envelope. However, it was not just any envelope. Someone had written ‘AUDITION INVITE’ on the front of it.

‘Don’t you want to open it instead of letting your jaw hang on the floor?’

I ran over and opened it as quickly as I could. I read it:


BCC: [email protected]

Subject: Audition Confirmed

To Megan Silver

I would like to thank you for you audition form and tape that was sent into us at CUBE ENTERTAINMENT.

The founder and I really liked your audition and we would like you to come and audition at the Lake Theatre Hall on the 23rd August 2013. I have attached the rules and conditions that will need to be read and followed.

As you’re under the age of 18, you must get permission from your parents.

Good Luck



I nearly fainted! What? How? Why? I never sent in any tape of form. Wait….

I looked at my parents and they smiled at me. Awww I love my parents. Now all I could do now was practice and hope that I get through. 


Thank you for reading. Sorry if its not a long story but i am trying to get to the main story as quickly as i can ^_____^

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