✮Secret Yearning

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Secret Yearning

Author: mushynuneo

Characters: Nichkhun, Tiffany, Donghae, Yuri, Tace- Yonna

Genre: Romance

Summary: Tiffany Hwang never liked being alone. She had everything--friends, money, perfect job...and she loves the crowd! Her outgoing self just didn't suit her to be all alone. She was too cheerful to stand alone. She felt awkward whenever she's alone. She hated that insecure feeling. She needed someone beside her—everywhere, everytime she needs him. Someone she can rely & lean on. Tiffany Hwang needed a friend. Of course she had some friends, but she needed that...particular friend.

A friend who would sleep next to her, carress her hair gently, pushes her cutely, play with her, have no shy feelings towards her, and everything else in her mind. And it had to be a man. A male friend.

A friend with benefits.

Nichkhun Buck was a perfect man. He had everything--money, money, perfect job, house, car, except a lot of friends, and a girlfriend. He hated being in the crowd. He liked being alone. He never liked going to parties, because he didn't have that riot self in him. He wasn't that kind of nerd that is sometimes anti-social. He wasn't really anti-social, but he liked it better when he's alone. Well, a friend might complete his life more.

A friend who understands him the best, is able to cook, makes great jokes, have no shy feelings towards him, and also hates the crowd. And it had to be a girl. A female friend.

A friend for a lifetime

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BiscuitTeacher #3
I have requested! :)
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Requested for a story! (:
vexatious #7
thank you for advertising my story! ^^
requested c:
I have requested~ :D