Chapter 5- Sick

My Life with 13 Boys



Soo Jung's POV


Aaarghh!” My head hurts. It feels like it's going to explode. Not just a simple headache. This isn't the normal hangovers I usually get after drinking a lot. My head hurt so much that I was shaking and tearing up. Someone, please help me.


After an hour of resting on my bed because of my never ending headache, I felt really weak. Too weak to move my fingers, too weak to wiggle my toes, too weak to even get out of bed and wash up. Why am I feeling so weird today...? This isn't a hangover. I know it isn't. I couldn't be sick. I heard knocks on my door and my manager came in to tell me to wash up and get ready for 'Star King' the variety show. I couldn't just tell her that I felt sick. I would be irresponsible. I got up slowly and made my way to the bathroom. It was a miracle that I could even walk there, not to mention that I was sick and tired. I ignored what I was feeling and carried on walking to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, surprised at my pale and horrible looking face. I washed up quickly and put on some makeup, trying to cover up my pale face. I changed into a simple outfit and got out of the house, skipping breakfast as usual. I got into the car and my head started throbbing again but this time, harder. Gosh, I feel so horrible... I closed my eyes and asked my manager “Ji Young unnie, who are the other guests today?” She replied “Super Junior, f(x) and 2PM. That should be all.” I nodded and slept until we reached the destination.


As I woke up, everything started to spin and I got really dizzy. That didn't help much as I still had a horrible headache. I felt worse than the morning. Help me... Please... I stepped out of the car with wobbly legs and walked to the entrance of the building with much effort. It was brunch before the filming started and there I was sitting with Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, LeeTeuk and Sungmin. I laid my head on the table. I didn't feel like eating anything. The members looked at me and felt worried. “Hey. Are you okay?” I heard Ryeowook ask. I nodded my head and tried to sleep. I couldn't, of course. My horrible headache and dizziness didn't help at all. Someone was shaking me, vigorously and I got so irritated at him or her. He said “Soo Jung-ah, eat something. You have to eat something.” It was Ryeowook. I ignored him and stood up, telling them I would be at the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom, hoping I would get some rest but I was feeling so weird. In the middle of the corridor, I felt so sick. I covered my mouth with my hand and ran to the bathroom. I was sick, for sure. I ran into one of the stalls and let out everything. I sat on the floor and I was shaking, sweating and even tearing up. I felt weird and sick. I wasn't even sure if I was sick. Could it be just a hangover? I stayed in that position for a long while, 20 minutes, I guess. Just as I heard my name along the corridors and heard the bathroom door open, I vomited into the toilet bowl again, feeling sicker than before. I heard Sungmin's voice “Soo Jung? Is that you?” He walked closer and saw me sitting on the floor, a hand over my head, sweat and tears rolling down my face and I was shaking. Sungmin shouted and called the members. He came back to me and said “Oh my gosh. Soo Jung-ah, are you okay?”


Double update :)

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Chapter 8: No problem ;) Good luck on exams and take your time. I will wait ;3
Chapter 7: Huhu.. Kyuhyun fell for her.. :3
Chapter 6: Omona.. I hope she'll be okay.. >< Pabo Soo Jung
Chapter 4: awh.. I hope she won't be experiencing anything hard from now on.. :/
Chapter 3: please update soon, I really want to see Donghae's reaction.
Chapter 3: Poor Soo Jung.. :/ I'm sure she'll be fine now, since she's with Donghae. :)
Chapter 2: Huhu cousins *_*
I wonder what will his reaction be when he'll found out about Soo Jung's father.. ._.
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh. It's so sad yet so cute. T^T