Chapter 3- Past...

My Life with 13 Boys


Soo Jung's POV


I know! Lee Soo Jung is my cousin!” Donghae suddenly exclaimed while I was staring at the ground, trying to kill the awkward silence. That made everything better but weirder. Well, at least for me. “Uh... Cousin...? What are you talking about?” I asked him. I mean how can he, Lee Donghae of Super Junior be my cousin. You've got to be kidding me. Seriously, does he think that he could joke at this time. For goodness sake, it is 12 midnight and all of us really want to go home and there he was, exclaiming that I was his cousin.


He held my shoulders and looked into my eyes with those perfect chocolate coloured eyes. He said “Soo Jung- ah. You don't remember me? I was you know... Uh... There 5 or 6 years ago.” Immediately, I recognized him. As he said “Uh... There...” I knew he was the same Lee Donghae from 5 years ago. “Is- Is it really- Is it really you, Donghae-ah?” I asked, stammering. He smiled and hugged me. He knew I needed the comfort as soon as he mentioned “There” because only his family along with my family were there. Mother didn't have many friends as she stayed at home most of the time and most of our relatives either migrated or you know... Died. That was the last time I saw him, his family. Donghae. Lee Donghae. No wonder it was so familiar.


Uh... Are- Are we kind of supposed to be here? You know we could leave and then come back right...?” Some member said suddenly and cleared his throat afterward. They all looked at us, confused as Donghae and I were having really close body contact. Well, he is my cousin so it doesn't really matter. “Uh... I'm a bit lost right now... Actually, very lost. Could you... You know... Explain?” Another member asked. I swear that I am blushing right now. Kind of embarrassing but I was still able to hide my blush. I bowed at the members who looked confused and said “Sorry. Uh... Just... Uh... I...” Stammering... As always. Kind of a bad habit?


Donghae offered me a seat next to him and another guy. He reminded me of a monkey...? “Quit staring.” Someone said pissed off but absolutely not the monkey guy. He was somewhere at the other end of the table. “Would you care to explain now?” I looked at the man who said that last sentence and recognized him immediately, Park Jung Soo or LeeTeuk. I cleared my throat and said “Well, I'll start from the beginning? So first, Lee Donghae is my cousin and my name is Lee Soo Jung. The last time we met was around 5 years ago and never did afterward. Uh... That's kind of it...?” Donghae asked “How is Uncle Hyun Seung?” Oh no. Not again. I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down and not breaking down into tears. I closed my eyes and smiled falsely. I said “He- He's fine.” He eyed me suspiciously. He then asked “No he's not. Say the truth. I know when you are lying.” I looked at him with pleading eyes that were filled with pain, sorrow and sadness. Today was too much. Too much for me to bear. “I can't- I can't say it.” I said while closing my eyes, slowing looking to the ground. I tried to hold in all my tears though one did manage to escape. “Say it.” He said fiercely. I hate it when Donghae is like this. Always serious when it comes to family. I took a deep breath and finally said “I don't know. I left 3 years ago.” His eyes widened and I knew he was going to ask more so even before him asking, I replied “I had no choice. Unnie left before me.” I whispered in a softer voice this time “He abused me. He abused us since mummy left...”




Father was on the verge of tears as mother's hand slipped out of his. It was time. She just left. Soo Young unnie and myself were crying next to her death bed, shaking her and telling her to wake up. Father stood up suddenly and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut. I was scared, afraid. Why did mother leave? Ever since that day, Soo Young unnie and I were suffering. Every time we came home from school or stepped into that house, father would be there, drinking. He would throw the glass bottles over, smashing them on the wall that was near us or the floor that was beneath us. I thought he would stop those actions after awhile but no. My trust that had been with father for so long drifted away, day by day.


He never restocked the food either, no drinks except alcohol and no food. Not even a bag of chips. I was never allowed out after Soo Young unnie left the house. Not even to school. I decided to never leave my room. I suffered a lot. He never went to check on me, gave me food or at least a drink. Even if it's alcohol, I would still drink it all. But no, sadly, he didn't do anything. I was curled up in a ball in one corner of the room when suddenly, father opened the door. Was he going to give me food? Or at least a drop of water? Suddenly, he just pulled me out of the room and into the basement. He couldn't do anything. I had to trust him but how? He threw me into one of the empty rooms in the basement, no water, no food, no wind, just a small bulb in the middle of the room. I was getting used to it, getting skinnier and skinnier by the day. I was shocked and scared that I had turned into a bag of bones. Anorexia... I suffered from that eating disorder. This wasn't my fault. I was about to die but he didn't care.


I don't remember anything after that but I remember lying on the hospital bed and the nurse said that I was out for 2 months. How? How did I get out of that dungeon? After that, I tried to eat but the taste of food in my mouth just made me puke. I didn't like it anymore. My taste buds were paralyzed. I know they were delicious if I was a normal girl but after not eating for many months and drinking for many months, it tasted disgusting. I had to stay in the hospital for a total of 6 months before getting myself back into the way I was. The first thing I did was to find some money. I thought that I wouldn't have anything on me, not even a cent so I went to ask the nurses if they took my card or some money or something but they said that someone found me on the streets, looking pale and skinny while wearing dirty shirts and shorts. I remembered that I placed my card in the shorts that I was wearing so I searched everywhere. I couldn't find it but something was telling me that I had it here with me. I snapped. I remembered creating a secret pocket that no one could find and there it was, my card. I went to the nearest bank and withdrew thousands of money. First, I went shopping to find myself clean, new clothes and then I went to look for a job. Not forgetting a house, I went to the real estate agents. I had more than enough to spend. Millions of money, should be the amount of money that I had. Luckily, I had my card with me all that time.


While I was looking for a job, someone approached me and said something about an entertainment and said that I should train. Just something about singing and since I could earn money, I took it up. Never did I know that it was tough. Not just tough but that of a thousand. Training for more than 8 hours per day, I finally debuted. I started to enjoy my new life, I could hide, I could change, I could be someone that nobody recognized.


-----Flashback End-----


The radio show that I attended today was the first time in 3 years. That one question made me remember the past, made me breakdown and cry. I never wanted it to happen but it did. Not expecting to meet my cousin too. Never knew it was him. This meeting turned out to be a blessing in disguise. At least I had someone to take care of me.


Sorry for not updating for so long and if this chapter seemed really boring, I am so sorry too T.T I wanted to update yesterday since Yesung went to the army but I didn't. Sorry for not updating for so long. >< Hope you like this chapter :)

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Chapter 8: No problem ;) Good luck on exams and take your time. I will wait ;3
Chapter 7: Huhu.. Kyuhyun fell for her.. :3
Chapter 6: Omona.. I hope she'll be okay.. >< Pabo Soo Jung
Chapter 4: awh.. I hope she won't be experiencing anything hard from now on.. :/
Chapter 3: please update soon, I really want to see Donghae's reaction.
Chapter 3: Poor Soo Jung.. :/ I'm sure she'll be fine now, since she's with Donghae. :)
Chapter 2: Huhu cousins *_*
I wonder what will his reaction be when he'll found out about Soo Jung's father.. ._.
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh. It's so sad yet so cute. T^T