
Ice Queen


Post Sergery 2010 } 'At the Dorm'.


“You look like !” Min announced cheerfully that next morning.

I gave her my darkest look without actually being able to move my eyes much.

“Yeah well, it will be worth it.” I sniffed.

Min rolled her eyes and flopped down on the sofa next to me, jolting my body. I winced as the movement caused my neck to move and my chin to brush against my top. Casting her another dirty look I scooted further away from her.

“Jeez, sorry.” Min mumbled, not sounding all that sorry at all. “You missed a great party last night.” She told me cheerfully.

I clenched my jaw, despite the pain to my chin and resisted the urge to chew her out for how she thought she could talk to me when I was practically invalid. When I’m healed, she will feel my wrath, I thought spitefully.

“Oh really.” I answered idly instead, as though I couldn’t care less. 

“Yeah. Li-Na was going around bragging about snagging the StarGirlz spot, can you believe it?” She shot me a sideward’s glance. “A lot of people noticed you weren’t there.”

“Of course they would notice I wasn't there.” I sniffed. "Everyone loves me."

Spotting Min’s sour expression from the corner of my eye, I felt a rush of triumph. It wasn’t my fault she was bitterly jealous that I had been picked, with Li-Na, in the final line-up for a new girl group, StarGirlz, beating 50 other Trainee’s, including Min. Out of the five in the line-up, only two would be picked, but I was pretty confident in my skills.

Besides, It wasn’t my fault I was about to make it big, and she wasn’t.

“Yeah, well…” Min mumbled, clearly furious. “There’s rumours circling about why you weren’t there.” She pointed out a little nastily. “Your ‘flu’ excuse is really beginning to wear itself thin you know.”

“It doesn’t matter.” I drawled, admiring my painted nails. I find being stuck in the dorm gives me a perfect opportunity to play about with my nail art. “Soon I will be debuting, and all will be forgotten. I mean, loads of Idols get surgery. It’s not that uncommon anymore.”

“Of course not.” Min answered sweetly – too­ sweetly. “When do you find out who get’s chosen for StarGirlz, anyway?”

“Soon.” I smiled. “They’ve already written the full first album, though, how cool is that?”

“Very.” Min agreed, looking away.

“I know.” I sighed happily. She rolled her eyes and stormed off towards her room.

Once I heard her dorm room slam shut, I sagged on the sofa glumly. I wanted to debut, but with Li-Na? If possible, she was even more frustrating and y than Min, which honestly was saying something. Already Li-Na had sent me a sarcastic ‘get well soon’ message, as well as an annoying selca of herself at the party, cozying up with Min, Jun-Ah and Ae-Ni, like she was rubbing in the fact that I wasn't there.

Really, if anyone needed fats removing from her face, it was Li-Na.

Scowling I leaned back and tried to keep my goal in mind. I was close, soon I would be debuting and earning money regularly, lot’s of it. That was all that was important, not what Min thought, not how y Li-Na could be… None of that mattered. All that mattered was sending money home to my family, to Yuura...

Just then, the door to our dorm entered and the ditzy twins came home.

“No way!” Ae-Ni gasped in response to something Jun-Ah had said

“Seriously, I saw them talking!” Jun-Ah exclaimed.

The pair entered the living space and gave me a little wave as they dumped down their shopping bags.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, curiously. 

“Jun here claims she saw the new foreign Trainee talking with Key from SHINee, but she’s obviously lying.”

“I’m not!” Jun-Ah exclaimed defensively, crossing her arms. “I really did see them! It wasn’t for long, but they were definitely talking!”

“Wait… What new foreign Trainee?” I asked, fighting the urge to frown.

“Oh, I forgot you’ve not been at SMA recently, so you won’t have heard. An American has been signed as a Trainee, can you believe it?”

“Is she any good?” I asked immediately, thoughts of Beyoncé coming to mind.

Ae-Ni and Jun looked at one another before shrugging.

“She’s alright.” Jun-Ah admitted.

“I heard her once when she was in singing practice, and she’s actually really good, but her dancing’s not all that great I hear.” Ae-Ni explained.

“But she must be pretty good, since Ki-bum-oppa actually sought her out to speak to her at the party.”Jun-Ah announced.

I shook my head in bewilderment. “Why would SME sign an American? She won’t be popular with Netizens and she won't even speak Korean!” I seethed, feeling my hands clench into fists.

“She speaks a little bit.” Ae-Ni frowned. “Everyone says she’s getting more and more fluent.”

“This is absolutely ridiculous.” I huffed, sinking back into the sofa. “What a waste of time and energy training her. She won’t make it in our Industry, I can tell you that! No doubt Ki-bum-oppa was feeling sorry for her.”

“You never know, she might become a huge star and put us all to shame!” Jin-Ah announced with amusement.

“Oh my Gosh, could you imagine?” Ae-Ni giggled. I shot them both a dirty look.

“This isn't funny, it's the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. I’d rather gouge my eyes out than share a stage with her.” Both Jun and Ae-Ni raised their eyebrows at my hostility but remained quiet whilst I seethed in silence.

I was appalled. How dare she come to our country, taking our entertainment spots? Why didn’t she stick to her own Industry and leave Kpop to us? Agh, it made me so angry!

“Pass me the remote.” I demanded harshly, clenching my jaw despite the pain it caused.

Jun-Ah quickly passed It over and I flicked on the TV, wanting a distraction. Min stormed out of her room wearing her SMA gear, providing just that.

“You have practice?” Jun-Ah asked, surprised.

Min scowled over at us all as she swapped her slippers for her trainers.

“I’ve been moved down a class.” She spat. I turned away, unable to conceal my smile. That news had definitely brightened up my foul mood.

“Oh no! How come?” Jun-Ah asked, concerned.

Ae-Ni turned towards her also, whilst I watched the TV, secretly listening.

“I have no idea! Mr. Kim just called and told me to come in to start my new lesson, and everyone knows the lower level lessons start at this time. This is ridiculous!”

“It is!” Jun-Ah agreed.

“It’s really unfair!” Ae-Ni went on whilst I rolled my eyes at their up.

“Don’t worry.” I told Min, still looking at the TV. “When Mr. Kim sees how well you do in that lower class he will move you up for sure. He’s probably just testing you, or putting you in there to show the lower levels what a true dancer can do.”

All three of them stared at me, stunned. I looked at them in confusion.

“What?” I demanded with a frown.

Min blinked rapidly and a huge smile spread across her face. She rushed at me and hugged me tightly, causing me to wince as she jolted my injuries.

“Thanks Hana.” She whispered. “I’m sorry for being so jealous. I’m happy for you, I promise.” She told me thickly. I hugged her back gently, whilst inside I felt a rush of satisfaction.

A little compliment here and a bit of flattery there was all it took to win Min back over. She was too simple.

“I was only telling the truth. And don’t worry, all is forgiven.” I told her gently.

Like the saying goes: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


Hongdae 2010 } 'The Photoshoot'.


“Great job everybody!” The photographer called. “That’s a wrap!” I smiled in satisfaction and sauntered over to the changing rooms, stripping off my fancy modeling clothes and changing into my regular day wear.

Outside, my best friend, Kim Nam Joon, was waiting, leaning casually against the wall. I could see the female staff watching him with dreamy expressions and smiled smugly that he was waiting for me.

“Hey beautiful.” He greeted, smiling easily. I smiled back and threaded my arms through his.

“The shoot went well.” I smiled, waving to the staff as we left together, the two of us slipping on our shades.

“Yeah. Though that Photographer was a little uncreative.” He shrugged. I nodded in agreement.

“Are you busy later?” I asked hopefully. Nam Joon patted my hand tenderly.

“I’m afraid so. I have another recording session later with the guys.” I pouted at the news.

Nam Joon – better known as Rap Monster in his company - had been an old childhood friend and was signed to Big Hit Entertainment. We had ran into one another at a coffee shop a few months ago and decided to keep in touch. Though we mostly only text, he sometimes finds the time to come and see me.

“How are the guys?” I asked regretfully.

“Doing good. You should come and play with us some time. ” He offered.

“I wish I could.” I admitted regretfully. “But I’m really busy with the StarGirlz lineup. Manager Kim says the Director Ajusshi’s are being difficult.”

“Everything will be fine.” Nam Joon assured me easily, slowing down so we were stood still. “Debuting is the hardest part. All the contract details, rules, and formalities. When it’s all over everything will go smoothly.”

“I hope so.” I sighed. "How is your debut going?"

"Good... Though the name 'Rap Monster' is still growing on me." He chuckled. "You'll watch our showcase, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it." I vowed.

"Anyway..." He spoke, suddenly placing his hands on either side of my face and stepping closer. I blinked in surprise and stared up at him, my heart beating a little faster. "When did you get this done, hmm?" He asked, tapping my nose, my chin then finally under my eyes. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"A while ago. Why, don't you like it?" I asked, pouting. He laughed as he released his hold on my face.

"You look pretty." He relented. I grinned proudly. "But - you looked pretty before, too. You don't need all the surgery, Hana." He scolded.

I rolled my eyes and carried on walking, having heard this argument already from my Mother after i'd sent her a selca of my newest look. My Father, however, approved of the work done, considering he was the one who always signed surgery permission forms.

We were now standing by my SUV, where Manager Kim was stood at the front of the car talking on his hand phone. Spotting us, he quickly hung up and rushed over, cutting off our conversation, to which I was secretly pleased. I still felt uncomfortable discussing my new face.

“Ah, Rap Monster, it’s been a while.” Manager Kim noted a little tightly.

He didn’t approve of being close to a Trainee of our rival company. Nam Joon inclined his head before turning towards me with a kind smile.

“I’ll call you later, okay?” I nodded my head and gave him a quick hug.

“Definitely. I’ll keep you updated.” I waved him off before climbing into the back of the SUV with a disapproving Manager Kim.

“You most certainly won’t keep him informed!” He snapped as the doors closed. “You won’t tell him any of the StarGirlz business, do you understand?”

“Here we go again.” I sighed, bored of this conversation. “Nam Joon-Oppa won’t tell the Media about any of it! He can be trusted, he’s-“

“Your childhood friend, I know, but he’s also a big part of Big Hit, who knows who he might tell your business too? It could ruin the StarGirlz debut!”

“He wont!” I stressed tiredly.

“We’ll see.” Manager Kim sniffed. “You wait, when your possible position In StarGirlz is ruined by that boy, don’t you come crying to me!”

“Fine, I won’t.” I mumbled, too tired for a fight.

“Anyhow, we have an appointment at the hospital.” Manager Kim went on, still a little snippy. I closed my eyes, feeling my stomach tightening. 

“Again? I thought we were done with the surgeries.”

“Are you saying you’re against more?” He demanded. I faltered.

“I… No but, I just thought with my chin, nose and eyes done we were finished with it.”

“We’re far from finished.” Manager Kim told me. “You need some fats removing from your legs.”

“I thought my fats were alright and that’s why we didn’t do it?”

“How can they be?” He exclaimed. "With your recent weight loss on your stomach, your thighs look even bigger!"

I glanced out of the window, where all I could see was my reflection. I blinked, once, twice... Then sighed.

“You’re right.” I admitted, stunned. Manager Kim shot me an ‘i-told-you-so’ look.

“That’s why I’ve booked you in. Don’t worry, you will have the perfect body ready for starting your StarGirlz promotions.”

I bit my lip.

I hoped so.



Authors Note:


Again more surgery is planned to help Hana on her ‘quest’ to stardom. But how far is too far, hmmm? We shall see.

Did you like the introduction of Rap Mon? He’s a cute best friend ^^

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batonkun #1
Update soon, neh? ^^