My laptop breaks down

My Family vs. My Addiction

My laptop breaks down

Me *crying bitter tears*
My father *snorts*: "And we all know the reason: you're ridiculous high amount of Korean stuff! It was just a matter of time until your laptop couldn't bear all those pictures....and videos.....and more pictures, anymore. The poor thing.....*patts my laptop*"
Me: "Dad, there goes the hard work of two and a half years of collecting!!!! You will never understand the VALUE of all those pictures...and macros...and videos...”


AN// Darkest day of my entire life....I wasn't able to go online for one week and then even our internet connection broke down V.v But I'm glad my neighbour could save the majority of pictures/videos etc. (I had the rest on CD; because I'm a genius! XD)

main image: found on tumblr

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