Plan N

A Plan For Love


"A double date? Why?" I ask feeling a little nervous.
"I just thought that it would be kind of fun, you me, and our guys."
"Uh, when would we go?"
"On the weekend, probably Saturday." 
This isn't part if the plan though! He only agreed to pretend as long as its to make Gikwang jealous. Wouldn't taking on a date that isn't even related to Gikwang be asking too much?
"Sure, we would love to go!" Yoseob answers for me.
"Really!... I mean yay! Can't wait, it's going to be fun with both of our oppas!" I say cheerily but confused. 
Me and Elle spend the last bit of lunch talking about the double date. She recommended that we go eat at a noodle place and then to the karaoke rooms. Sounded good to me I guess, at least it wasn't stuff for like, you know.. Real couples. I'm glad Yoseob said yes, but he really didn't have to, but it helps me.
~After School~
Class went pretty normally, the teachers actually been teaching us these days which is nice, but I preferred when we just did nothing the entire time. Well I guess it's time to walk home, alone as usual. 
"Ya, where do you think you're going? And without oppa?"
I turn around to see Yoseob walking towards me. I wonder what he wants.
"Oh, hey what's up?"
"What do you mean, I need you for my half of the deal." 
"After school? I don't remember agreeing to that much."
"It was in the fine print. Now lets go."
What fine print. Oh whatever, he's gonna go on the double date, so I guess I owe him.
"Umm. So where are we going?"
"Right now I'm not sure exactly where. I'm just going to try out all the places she usually goes to."
He really should have planned this out better..
And after about an hour of walking around, he finally decides that we should go where his gang hangs out, because she's almost always there.. If she's almost always there why didn't he think about that in the first place?
So we finally get to what looks like an abandoned cafe and Yoseob extents his hand towards me, so I take his hand.
"I recommend you stay close because it's hard to tell when one of these guys might try to pull something." Yoseob says in a low voice.
Yea, like I didn't know that before when that other guy grabbed me at school.
So we walk in and it's like really dark and pretty scary in here. Everything has dust on it, the tables have spider webs under them, and well as always all the gang guys look pretty scary too. I wonder of Yoseob's ex is anywhere around here... I don't see her.
"Hey op.."
His face doesn't look too good.. What is he looking at? 
I look right around where he's looking, and the first thing I see is his ex, and she's flirting with another guy, and it looks like she's doing a really good job too. What can I do? It looks like Yoseob might lose his girl to another guy before he can pull off his plan...
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Like this Story! :D
Chapter 22: Very unpredictable, loved it ~ lol. Good job authornim.
* walks into the horizon humming ' Beautiful Night ' *
Chapter 20: O.O!!! Now Kikwang the bad guy!!!? What happened to hin?
Chapter 12: Uh oh.....
Chapter 11: She didn't have to do that when her BFF told her how Kiwi felt!!! *throws rage* step 4 is pathetic!!! D: bet she'll lose him !
Chapter 10: Omfg. She still insisting? If there is anything I hate more is a dumb lead character female especially XD. But gosh what about Kiwi oppa:c
Chapter 22: Yoseobie so cheesy!!!!
b2utylove57 #8
Finished the story :D unpredictable events that were just-right :) I'm glad she ended up with him (don't wanna spoil the story) 'cause otherwise the love aspect wouldn't have been as interesting ;) Plus it's good she deviated from the plan a bit hehe~
Finished?! oh I miss this fanfic!! TT TT TT
Good job author nim!! :))