Chapter 1

♚Romeo and Juliet♛... N O T❣

    I run downstairs throwing my backpack over my shoulder "YAH JaeHyun SooHyun!Lets go~!" I walk into the living room seeing my brothers watching cartoons with grandpa "Morning papa!" he smiles at me as I smile at him SooHyun cheers "Minnie noona I'm turning in the picture I made of our family today!I hope Mr.Cho likes it." I lean down ruffling his hair "Aww I know he will like it lets head off now." He nods and runs over to Papa.Papa helps him put his backpack on.JaeHyun grabs his backpack in his uniform and walks to the front door putting on his shoes.SooHyun runs over to me and grabs my hand.We stop at the front door I help him put on hos shoes and slip on mine.I kiss papa on the cheek and take SooHyun's hand again walking out the door and down the street with JaeHyun next to us.SooHyun grabs his hand "Jae hyung why so serious?" JaeHyun chuckles "I'm fine Hyunnie I'm just nervous" I smile at him punching his arm lightly "Yah!You are my little brother.You are a great guy.You might possibly even get a girlfriend today~" I singed he blushes making SooHyun laugh.We walk up to JaeHyun's school.Everyone starts whispering. SooHyun tugs the end of JaeHyun's uniform.JaeHyun kneels down "Hyung be a good boy today or I will beat you up when you get home." JaeHyun laughs kissing his forehead and ruffling his hair. "Alright little man" Jaehyun kisses my cheek and runs off into his school to the office.

   SooHyun grabs my hand again as we walk off to his school. "I can't wait for today!All our songsaenims are going to be at school today!!" I laugh as he runs in front of me.We stop at a stop sign as I feel someone watching me.I look up and see six boys staring at me.SooHyun notices them "YAH HYUNGS STOP STARING AT MY NOONA SHE IS OFF LIMITS TO ALL...1...2...3...4...5...6...SIX OF YOU!" I start laughing as the six boys stare at him in shock.He sticks his tongue at them and pulls me across the street.I hear footsteps behind me,I roll my eyes.SooHyun starts singing his ABC's as we enter the gate to his school "MR.CHO NOONA IS HERE!" Cho Kyuhyun runs over grinning,he picks up my hand and kisses it "Hello my lady." I roll my eyes pulling my hand out of grip. I lean down "Since noona doesn't have any school today I'll be here right when school is let out arrasso?" SooHyun nods kissing my cheek and running off.Kyuhyun tries to hit on me "So Kei do you wanna go out sometime?" I look at him "Sorry I'm busy for forever.Peace" I walk off taking my headphones out and putting them on,plugging them into my phone and blasting my music.I feel someone grab my shoulder.I turn around seeing the boys from earlier.I slide my headphones so they are hanging around my neck.You can hear Don't Hate Me By Epik High playing.

  "May I help you?" I asked them.One with a gummy smile grins at me "How 'bout telling us your name beautiful?" I smirk "The names Kei.You?" "I'm Yongguk.These are my boys Himchan,Daehyun,Youngjae,Jongup and Zelo."I nod at all of them."Wanna hang out noona?" asks Zelo.I smile at him "Sorry but I can't I gotta go somewhere." Zelo grabs my arm "Then at least let us walk you there noona!Please~?!" I laugh and nod and start to walk off with them following me.Zelo runs up to me and draps his arm over my shoulders as we walk.I giggle and wrap my arm around his waist.I walk over to a beat up looking garage. "Uhh noona why are we here?I don't think this place is opened." says Zelo looking around.The rest of BAP agrees with him.I laugh "Seunghyun oppa come out already!" He laughs and comes out with his works onesie arms wrapped around his waist wearing a white tank top clinging to his ripped turso and grease marks on his face.He hugs me as I squeal trying to get him off "Oppa~!" "Ah annyeong my dongsaeng whats up?" he plants a wet kiss on my cheek as I push him off.He laughs and ruffles my hair noticing BAP "Who are these guys?Hmmm?Is on of them your boyfriend?!WHO!I WILL KILL HIM!" BAP backs away from him as he playfully glares at them "Ani oppa these are my new friends" He nods and holds a hand out to Yongguk "Kim SeungHyun" Yongguk takes his hand "Bang Yongguk these are my boys Himchan,Daehyun,Youngjae,Jongup and Junhong We call him Zelo though" Seunghyun nods shaking all their hands.

  I hug Seunghyun's arm and pout cutely using aeygo "Oppa is my baby fixed yet?" He laughs ruffling my hair again "Ne shes in the garage." I smile and run inside dropping off my backpack in the office and running into the garage seeing my baby nice and clean.I scream "THANK YOU OPPA!" I hear laughing as I grab my helmet and keys.I start my baby sliding my helmet on keeping the sunglass part up.I look up at BAP and Seunghyun anyone wanna go for a ride?" Seunghyun laughs "I have enough bikes for all of us its just one of you has to ride with Kei" Yongguk nods "Okay I will go with her" He hops on the back of my bike wearing another helmet.I smirk as his hands wrap around my waist. "Ready for the ride of your life?" I ask as I push down the sunglass thing.I hear him say "What?" I laugh and zoom out of the garage once Seunghyun oppa opens the garage door.I hear Yongguk screaming in his deep voice.I hear laughing right next to me on both my left and right side. I turn slightly and see the rest of the guys on either side of me.I smile and motion Seunghyun oppa to go to Han river.He nods.We arrive at Han River.We all get off the bikes putting up the kickstands.I laugh as Yongguk kisses the floor.He looks up at me and gives me a gummy smile.I wink at him walking over to Seunghyun oppa at the shore line with the rest of BAP.

  I sit next to him.He turns to me and smiles drapping his arm around my neck pulling me in close to him.Yongguk sits right next to me.I turn towards him and drap my arm around his neck He smiles at me and wraps his arm around my waist.What we didn't know three other gangs were watching us.I feel a buzzing from my phone.I take it out and notice a text from my grandfather 'Yah!I got your brothers already but stay at the garage..Please your father and his brothers are looking for you stay inside okay?Where are you?' I text him back 'Papa I am at Han River.What do you mean my dad and his brothers?Isn't appa dead?' He calls me a few seconds later "GET BACK TO THE GARAGE NOW!YOUR APPA IS IN TOWN.GO GO GO GO GO NOW! I'LL EXPLAIN LATER OKAY?" "Ne." he hangs up as I quickly get up "Oppas Zelo we have to get back to the garage I think I am in trouble." They nod getting up and we all quickly run to the bikes kicking up the kickstands.As I am about to put my helmet on I hear "Hyung I found her!" I look towards the voice and see a gang running towards us.I quickly put my helmet on and Yongguk grabs on to my waist as I start my baby and drive off quickly behind everyone else.I hear Yongguk curse "What the hell?Block B is after her?" I shrug it off as we enter the garage quickly closing the door.I step off my bike and enter the office seeing my grandfather there with my younger brothers.I tell my brothers to go into the garage with the guys.

  I sit down in front of my grandfather "Papa.Explain this now." He sighs and grabs my hand "Kei mianhe I'm sorry for holding this in all these years.The man you though was your appa is not.Yeah your mom and him met when she was pregnat with you then got married when you were three.Your mom help a man cheat on his wife and they created you.He just found out about you a while back and is looking for you so he can win custody of you.He is a bad man Minnie.Stay away from him okay?" I look at him "Papa he doesn't sound so bad why can-" "KEIMIN HE WAS THE ONE WHO CAUSED YOUR PARENTS CAR ACCIDENT" I look at him shocked.I pull my hand out of his grip and walk out of the office with him calling my name.I walk into the small patio near the garage and sigh laying down on the rail.I hear footsteps walk over to me.I open my eyes and see Yongguk looking down at me.He holds a hand out to me I take it.He pulls me up and helps me down from the rail.He pulls me over to the bench and we sit down together.He wipes the tears from my cheeks and pulls me into a hug "Let it out I know you need to." I sob into his shirt gripping on to it as well.Little did we know..someone was very jealous watching Yongguk comfort me "Hyung...why?" says a guy with brown hair gripping his hands in fists.

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luv_teenfinitexo #3
Chapter 1: Update soon ~~ :)
skyryuuna #4
Chapter 1: update soon
That is one heck of a lot of groups you are using :p good luck with the story though, Nasty! Fighting~ ;)
skyryuuna #6
update soon
i really like the plot!