Safe In Your Arms

Come Away

I let out a huff once I finally got the door open. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw my boyfriend, Wonwoo’s shoes by the shoe rack. The tense feelings in my body seemed to go away, but when I let go of the door and it slammed shut, I was reminded of all the things that went horribly wrong that day.

I failed the exam I had been studying hours for. The store I had applied for gave my position to another girl who gave her application in late. A classmate of mine spilled acrylic paint all over my clothes and backpack. I didn’t have enough money to buy any food, and on top of all that, it rained. Hard. I walk home, and the forecast didn’t exactly call for showers.

At this point, I was hoping for some miracle. My prayers were answered when I called out, “Mom? Dad?” I swallowed the lump stuck in my throat. “Wonwoo?” The shuffling of feet sounded from the kitchen. I bent down and began to undo the laces of my shoes.

“You’re here?” I heard a voice ask as I looked up. I quickly slipped my shoes off and let my backpack fall off my shoulder before running to Wonwoo, letting his arms wrap around me. A deep chuckle resonated from his chest. “You’re wet.” My eyes met his, and I wrinkled my nose.

“Sorry…it rained, and I didn’t have an umbrella,” I replied with a soft smile.

Wonwoo grinned, his eyes softening. Wonwoo spoke with a quiet voice, “Well, then, I think you should go wash up and take a shower, or something.” Wonwoo mimicked my action from before and scrunched his nose up. “You smell like a wet dog.” His laugh echoed in the empty house. Wonwoo’s arms loosened, and I began to walk to my room.

“Hey, Wonwoo, where are my parents?” I wondered out loud. I wasn’t feeling all too well as I dragged my feet.

My lovely boyfriend answered, “They went out to the supermarket and for dinner. They told me to tell you and asked me to watch you.” I turned around. Wonwoo shrugged. “It kind of surprised me when they asked.” I opened my bedroom door, taking off my uniform blazer. He continued, “I didn’t think they’d approve of me being here with you alone.”

I was looking in my closet for some pajamas when Wonwoo became quiet. My eyes wandered, and I could see him leaning against the door frame with a slight smirk. I gulped and continued my search for clothes. Another sigh escaped my lips as I finally pulled a t-shirt and sweatpants from the depths of my closet. I briskly walked passed Wonwoo. I headed to the washroom, taking his advice of showering. Wonwoo must have sensed something was wrong, but I decided I’d deal with everything after a quiet, peaceful shower.

Once I finished in the washroom, I was greeted by Wonwoo standing right in front of the door. His presence startled me, but nonetheless, I was happy to see him.

“Look, Wonwoo, I haven’t been having a great day and-”

“I know.” My lips were pressed tightly together. “I got my usual hug whenever I see you…but where was my smile?” There was a sad look on his face, and out of the blue, a pang of guilt hit me. I didn’t Wonwoo feeling upset because I was. I wanted Wonwoo to comfort me.


Suddenly, Wonwoo grabbed my hand and brought me to the empty space that was between the dining room and the living room. He let go of me and walked over to the speakers I set up by the television. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but all off a sudden, the soft melody of a guitar began to play. He walked back to me and smiled. Taking my hands and putting them onto his shoulders, he placed his hands on my hips. “Just…relax.”

I didn’t understand what Wonwoo was doing, but I let him continue. His smile already had me in a trance.

Wonwoo began to sway back and forth, urging me on to do the same. I did. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, listening to the lyrics and focusing on the presence of the one I love.

“Come away with me in the night. Come away with me, and I will write you a song.” The lyrics seemed promising.

Wonwoo’s fingers lightly squeezed my sides, and I opened my eyes. He was looking into mine with a look of love written all over his face. He pressed his lips together then they parted.

Come away with me on a bus. Come away where they can’t tempt us with their lies.”

The window that faced the room we were in let the rays of the now setting sun in. They brought a lovely, golden glow to everything. Wonwoo’s face was illuminated by the sun. I was astonished. Wonwoo’s hands continued to hold me as the light, acoustic music continued to fill the room. Gently, he took his hands in mine and spun me around. I faced him once again and chuckled.

“You don’t have to tell me what happened.” Wonwoo ‘s movements matched with mine as we stepped lightly across the floor. He spun me again with our hands over my head, and when his eyes met mine, his lips met my cheek. “But don’t forget that I’m always here for you,” he whispered. Then, his lips brushed mine softly.

“Come away with me, and we’ll kiss on the mountain top. Come away with me, and I’ll never stop loving you.”

Wonwoo’s fingers danced across my arm as he continued to guide me around. He planted soft kisses everywhere he could. He would say, “I want you to always smile,” and, “I think your smile is the most beautiful thing in the world.” He would hold me in his arms with that gentle, but dominant softness in a boy. Wonwoo always lifted the burdens on my shoulders. I felt like I was on cloud nine.

Wonwoo stared at me with such intensity that I couldn’t help but look away. “Don’t look away,” he mumbled with an almost whiny voice. Wonwoo was needy, but so was I. I needed Wonwoo here, and he needed me. He was the only one who could make me feel giddy and embarrassed, but comfortable and safe in his strong arms.

“And I want to wake up with the rain falling on a tin roof, while I’m safe there in your arms.” 

Wonwoo began to move slower with the music. He brushed my wet strands of hair behind my ear. We danced, and with the help of Wonwoo’s skills, we both moved gracefully. I smiled at him. Everything I was worrying about disappeared.

It was as if the whole world has stopped turning. Wonwoo and I were the only ones, and this moment was only ours. Looking at Wonwoo again, his beautiful face was still illuminated by the aurous rays of the sun. Everything was glowing, but Wonwoo shined the brightest among everything.

“So, all I ask is for you to come away with me in the night. Come away with me.”

Wonwoo stopped entirely, his hands resting on my hips and mine lazily on his shoulders. I his cheek with my thumb, feeling the smooth skin. I kissed him there. He took hold of my hands and gave a kiss to each. Wonwoo let out hot breaths, and he looked up, dropping my hands. I was back in his arms again.

“I love you,” Wonwoo muttered. “And I don’t like seeing you upset.” He held me closer to his chest and buried his face in my hair.

I gnawed at my bottom lip. I lifted my chin off of his shoulder and kissed the spot below his ear. I murmured, “I love you, too, Wonwoo. I couldn’t ever be upset if you’re with me.” I shut my eyes, and I was sure Wonwoo did the same. I didn’t want to let go of Wonwoo because I knew I’d miss the feeling of his arms around me. Wonwoo was my prince, and I was his princess.




A/N: I'm quite tired...of school...and waiting for Seventeen to come and debut. Currently, I am on my phone, and editing this is quite the challenge, haha. Luckily, because I think Wonwoo is gorgeous and needs more love ((ahdgshkald i dont like sharing though sorry ;;)), I'm going through this trouble lol. OH, and there was another member revealed yesterday through their livestream named Joshua Hong. OMG HE'S SO CUTE GAH AND HE SAID HI TO ME YEAH WOOT WOOT. I also asked if they wanted to come to Canada, and I told them a joke...but they didn't get it sobs. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it ^^ *sigh* Seventeen, you make me sigh.

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DomoKunPlush #1
Chapter 1: Gah, such a great story!
WonWoo needs much more love.
Chapter 1: I love your way of writing, hehe~
Aw, it's so cute. :3 I want a boyfriend like that. :D

I'm agree with you. WonWoo neds sooooo much love! He is so cute and funny. :)

Fighting! :)