The Third Son

I Do Believe You
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The long ride to Seoul was coming to an end, and if it weren’t for her being so edgy and nervous, Yoonmi would have been asleep by now. She sat in the back of the car fiddling with her phone, adjusting different settings simply to keep herself occupied. The Shins were playing constant trot music the entire trip, resulting in Yoonmi listening to the same songs in her SII’s playlist over and over again the whole trip. That is until the car started to slow down to 30mph as it rolled into a suburban looking neighborhood. Yoonmi stared in awe as she pulled out her ear buds. All of the houses were big and gorgeous with perfectly green grass, expertly trimmed hedges, and hundreds of different flowers decorating the lawns. Where she was from, this was rarely if ever seen.

“Certainly a change, huh Yoonmi?” Mrs. Shin looked back at her and smiled.

“Yeah…” She whispered back.

A few minutes later the car slowed down even more and pulled into the driveway of a familiar looking house.

“We’re home!” The couple chorused. Yoonmi gulped audibly and whimpered as her stomach twisted and twirled madly.  She took one last look at the house before putting her head down and squeezing her eyes shut. Maybe she was being dramatic, but the house looked much bigger than before. However whether it was big or small Yoonmi would still be frightened. She’d kind of just rolled with it until now. Now, was the time to freak out.

I changed my mind, the orphanage isn’t that bad! She pursed her lips and furrowed her brows.

Before she realized it, Mrs. Shin had her door open and was gesturing Yoonmi to get out. Yoonmi let out a shaky breath before wobbling out of the car.

“Long ride I know!” Mrs. Shin said shutting the door behind her. Mr. Shin had already pulled out Yoonmi’s suitcases and voluntarily carried them into the house for her. Upon entering, Yoonmi was taken aback. It was even nicer than the outside, with dark wood flooring and paintings covering the walls. In the living room three white sofas were placed around a coffee table in front of a large flat screen hanging on the wall.

“Boys, come down here!” Mrs. Shin hollered up the large staircase, it echoed easily showing off the scale of the structure. Yoonmi stood awkwardly, looking around the main room and into what looked like a dining room until she heard footsteps down the stairs. If she weren’t so tense, her jaw would have probably dropped. She was expecting boys that at least looked around her age with plain dark hair, not this. The boys that came down the stairs could have been models.

“Hello!” One of the boys cooed, his voice sweet and innocent sounding. His hair was a medium shade of blonde, and his face was even and blemish free. “I’m Kevin.” He wrapped his arms around Yoonmi, making her stiffen like a board and inwardly shriek.

Too close too close too close!

Kevin giggled and backed up to let the other boy greet me. His face also appeared perfectly blemish free with a very straight and strong jaw line and cheek bones. He smiled genuinely and bowed his head slightly.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Kiseop.”

“I-I’m Yoonmi.” She stuttered out to the both of them.

“Where the hell is Dongho?” Mrs. Shin hissed to the boys, causing Yoonmi to jump at the sudden change of character.  

Kevin scrunched his face and looked to the stairs. “I don’t think he’s going to come out…”

Mrs. Shin cursed and stalked off into the dining room after ordering the boys to help Yoonmi get situated.

“Here.” Kiseop bent down and picked up her suitcases that their father had placed at her feet. She mumbled a thanks and followed the two boys upstairs.

“You two don’t look anything like your parents.” Yoonmi suddenly blurted. They both looked back at her with a puzzled expression an

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icephoenix13 #1
Chapter 1: i wanna read more!!!!!!!!!!!