Of Ghosts, Kim Myungsoo, and Fate


Ever since he was young, Lee Sungyeol has been able to sense paranormal activity. One day he's stuck with a pesky ghost named Sungjong who wants him to fufil his last wish of getting to kiss Kim Myungsoo, the very person Sungyeol detests the most.


Excerpt from story:

Sungyeol woke up with a heavy feeling on his chest. When he opened his eyes to look, he was greeted by a smiling young boy with transparent features. He jumped in surprise and Sungjong lightly drifted off Sungyeol as he fell face first onto the wooden floors. The younger male giggled playfully and Sungyeol groaned, remembering the events from last night. In the end he had become so tired he fell asleep. 

"Good morning sleepy head!" Sungjong said in a sing song voice.

After composing himself and re-grasping the situation, Sugyeol was able to make himself a cup of coffee and think of what to do with Sungjong. The boy had asked for his help, but how was he going to help him? Sungjong sat (or rather floated) in the spot next to Sungyeol on the couch and continued smiling at him. He was getting a little creepy now.

Sungyeol cleared his throat, "Uhm well... You say you don't uh, remember how this happened to you." He sort of motioned all of Sungjong.

The ghost nodded, "I woke up like this and I just didnt know what was wrong until well, until no one would respond to me. Well plus I was floating and could go through people and walls and everything."

Sungyeol gave him a questionable face but then asked, "How long have you been like this?" 

"It's been about a month now."

"A month?! But that's not so long ago!" 

"Do you think I'll be in the newspaper or something?"

Sungyeol seriously considrered that. He made a mental note to check for any recent deaths, "Maybe that's why you havent moved on? Because you cant even remember how you died in the first place!"

Sungjong nodded, "Maybe! If we can figure out why then maybe I'll be able to move on!"


Hi hi! I hope you guys will enjoy my story ^^ It's main pairing is Myungyeol with a side of Yeoljong c;

and of course other pairings will be involved~

major thanks to my unnie - yolochinchins! go and check her out, she has nice fics too and helped me get started here ^^

the lovely poster was made for me by mllapin10! I was so utterly happy when she offered to make me one ;u; 


12/29/14: Goodbye to Of Ghosts, Kim Myungsoo, and Fate.


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 14: Whatttt omg this is a good story:( i love this can you please back and continue
Sekitani #2
Chapter 14: Oh damn this is gold !
Chapter 14: Please update!!! Pleaseee!!!
deliciousyou #4
Will you continue this story? :(
:( <\3 i still wait for this fic...i dont know why sobsT.T I really want to know what happened here huhu coz the fic is just so beautiful and myungyeol huhuhu anyways hope you have a very happy life authornim! Thanks for this fic anyways ur a great writer (y) i still do wish that someday oh gosh pleasee...
Authornim could you update this story? I'm reaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy curios about what happened....
Mllapin10 #7
I loved your fan fiction and even though it is unfinished, I still really enjoy reading it !! Ah the posters I've made aren't available anymore I don't get it, they are still on Deviant Art ><
To anyone who wants to see them :
1. http://cotonlune.deviantart.com/art/For-a-fanfic-on-Asian-Fanfic-third-404730949?q=gallery%3ACotonLune&qo=1
2. http://cotonlune.deviantart.com/art/Picture-for-a-fanfiction-2-first-404745855?q=gallery%3ACotonLune&qo=0

Thank you so much for this lovely fanfic <3
Chapter 14: thank you so much for these stories! even though this is unfinished i still really appreciate it, and the upcoming notes as well. hopefully all goes well for you in 2015 and beyond!
Chapter 14: you need to finish this story TT__TT
and yeollie is dying whyyyy
kimchoding91 #10
Chapter 14: Huhuhuhu..authornim finally u back..merry christmas n happy new year..
sungyeol is dying..nooooo..dont kill yeol..myung will really sad if yeol die..ㅠㅠ..
authornim please update so often hihihihi..im curious already