Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories

Will you drink hot chocolate with me and pretend to love me?

First of all, I wan't to give a special shout out to a special someone. She was one of my first few readers ever since I came out with my first BAP story last year and she still reads my crappy and unworthy stories until now.She's such a beautiful person inside and out and I love her so much.
I told you I was going to be greasy just for you on your day hehe  

Happy Birthday BxRandom 



Snowflakes floated down from the sky. There weren't many people outside, but the ones walking past the cafe were dressed up warmly with thick coats and gloves and beanies nearly covering over their eyes. He turned his head from the outside world to the person sitting in the seat before him. He watched closely when she wasn’t looking; her attention to the hot cocoa on the table in front of her. Her cheeks red on her white skin and her auburn hair flowing down her shoulders and a little bit above her chest; she looked too beautiful at that time it was hard for him to even believe it. He remembered someone saying this once, when a person is in love, they start having this radiant shine surrounding them, like a beautiful aura, however Yukwon knew, that radiant shine, the glowing beauty in front of him, wasn’t because of him. He was deeply in love with her, but he wasn’t too sure it worked the other way anymore. She loosened the cream coloured scarf around her neck; Yukwon bet that scarf was a gift from the other person.  


Yukwon stared into her eyes. He knew that she knew that he was watching, that was why she tried avoiding his gaze. He watched her moisten her chapped lips and pursed them as her eyes awkwardly roamed the place. The ambiance in the cafe was silent and calm unlike his heart, his bruised and aching heart that not too long go realised that she was still holding on to him even though she already had someone else by her side. He was already well aware about this other person actually, in fact, he was well aware that he was the third person in this relationship; but Yukwon, having fallen deeply for her had no thoughts of letting her go, even if she asked for it. His hand reached over the table and landed over her hands that were on the table. She flinched at the sudden contact, and he couldn’t help but feel another stab in his worn out heart. The way she responded to his touch wasn’t even the same anymore. He mentally sighed and the corner of his lips raised to become of what was left of a smile.


Her hands in his, he raised them and brought the back of her palms to his lips. With his eyes closed, it remained there for a while and all the memories from what they once were came flashing through his mind. If she could only realise how much he loved her, how he would willingly jump off a cliff for her? He knew this relationship was not one-sided. She actually really did love him too, but the other person was prioritized. Whether or not it hurt his pride, he begged her not to let him go and that was the main reason why they were here right now,  pretending that it didn't hurt, pretending that he was ok.




Another stab straight in the heart. Kwonnie. He let out a shaky breath, the desperation of wanting to hear that voice calling his name over and over again. He didn’t say it out loud, but he begged, he really begged that she would say his name just one more time, too bad for what he hoped for did not come. He wondered if the other person felt like this too. All giddy and restless just wanting to hear her voice. He would sometimes call and ask how her day was and then he would just stay quiet and let her talk just about anything so that he could listen to her. Did the other person ever do this too? Yukwon bet he didn't, because he knew that no one appreciated her more than he did. No one could ever love her more than he did.


He opened his eyes, but when he smiled at her again, it didn’t really make much of a difference since his eyes were so small. It used to put a smile on her face, or even a laugh, but the way she looked back at him right now was just bland. She tried, he could see that she was trying but it somehow just didn’t work anymore. The smile faded and she slowly retracted her hand back under the table. The corner of his eyes was stinging with tears and he quickly in a breath to calm his nerves down.  


“Do you still love your hot chocolate that way?” he asked eyeing the mug of hot chocolate in front of her. He then looked down at his own mug of hot chocolate set in front of him, still steaming and untouched. The golden hue and the foamy top layer entranced him for a second. The aroma thick, creamy and nutty, just the way she liked it. He wasn’t really a fan of hot chocolate before, but because of her, he learned to love it.  


It was actually last winter when they first met in this exact cafe, at this exact table, only that last time, she was the customer and he was the waiter. He clearly remembered her lonely figure, in a peach chrome sweatshirt and a red scarf wrapped around her neck which covered her evergreen crimson cheeks. Could that be counted as love at first sight? Yukwon didn't really believe in that type of but it was right at the moment when he first laid eyes on her, he could feel his eyes dilating and the pumping inside of his chest accelerated. His legs were already frozen into place he actually needed a big push and budge by his best friend, Kyung.


Arriving at her table, he could do nothing but just blink non-stop, for the first time as a waiter, he was too nervous to ask a customer what she wanted. The girl just blinked back at him, clueless in the beginning but when she saw the menu in his arms, she formed a sweet, soft smile which nearly melted his heart.


"Do you have hot chocolate?" She asked him. His face contorted a little, the question caught him off guard and inside he turned to panic.  Hot chocolate? Did they have Hot Chocolate? Oh god, what the is hot chocolate? Yukwon scrambled through the menu and scanned the beverage list. What? No Hot Chocolate!? How can a cafe have no hot chocolate!?  Yukwon panicked again. If he said No, she would get up and leave and find some other cafe. What if she never came back here again?


"Y-Yes, we do. Will be right up" he smiled nervously at her and before she could add on anything else, he had already left for the kitchen, embarrassed and ashamed at his blushing self. Unwilling to disappoint the customer, he made his own hot chocolate. He knew his boss was going to kill him once he found out about it, but for that moment he didn't care.


He carefully added some cocoa powder into the cup. Then two teaspoons of sugar and dissolved it with warm milk. To be honest, Yukwon actually had no idea what he was doing, he only remembered a few things from watching cooking and baking shows, he wasn't even too sure if it was the correct way. Without any more delay, he placed the teacup on a matching saucer and brought it up front to the waiting customer.


"H-Hot chocolate" he informed her as he placed the teacup on the table. Her fingers first reached for the teaspoon and swirled the mixture to cool it down a little. Then reaching for the hook of the handle she brought it closer to her lips. Shoot! He forgot to taste test it first before serving. He couldn't stop her now, she was in the middle of drinking it. He was doomed. Yukwon could see himself get fired for serving some sort of disgusting mixture to a customer and what's worse he might not be able to see her ever again.


"It's delicious" was the first word that came from her as she took another careful sip of her hot chocolate.




Yukwon blinked. Uncertain for an exact reason but a smile plastered on his face and a light blush tinted his cheeks. After that night, she came by every single day just for the hot chocolate Yukwon would make for her.


The first day of spring was the day he quit his job. He had enough money to pay for his college fees along with the expenses his parents were able to pay. That was also the day he decided to confess his true feelings to her. On his last day of work, he hung up his apron onto the hook of the wall and said his last goodbyes to his employer and all the other employees there. As he stepped out from the back, there she was at the same table, with a cup supposedly already empty, waiting for his shift to end.


Although it was already April, it was still so cold outside. Seeing her shiver, he wrapped her scarf snuggly around her neck and he took her hands in his, hoping that by sharing heat, they could keep warm together. By the corner of his eye, he watched her reactions to his touch. Did she like it? Did she hate it? Was she just shy to express how she felt about it? However, since she didn't pull her hand away, Yukwon took it as a yes. Yes, she didn't hate it. She liked it and she didn't mind him touching her.


"I like you"


She looked up at him, her face half hidden in her scarf and only responded by blinking endlessly at him. The thought of having to  repeat the words made him feel a little bit embarrassed so he thought of something that would make it straight to the point. One step closer was all it took to close in the gap between them. Needing to bend down a little, he leaned in closer to her. Just close enough so that his breath ghosted over her lips.


"No" she said. Yukwon didn't even have the chance to make his move but he still backed away otherwise. "I already have someone"

That one sentence crushed his heart whole and he immediately pulled his hand away.


"I'm sorry. I didn't know" Yukwon apologised, clenching his fists by his sides. He wasn't angry, he wasn't sad. To be quite honest he didn't really know what he was feeling at that moment.


"I'm sorry, Yukwon" she reached for his hand for her to hold, he didn't know how to react so he let her. "But we can still be friends, right?"


"Right, friends" he repeated under his breath.





A/N: Yeah well, it somehow seems to just end up as some nonsense I don't even know what I'm writing about. It was supposed to be a one shot but I guess there are some more chapters to be posted later on. Ah yes, this is actually my first BlockB fic. I actually promised myself to write one right after their Blockbuster teasers came out... I think it took a while.... a very long one.. and my other fanfics OTL the chapters will be posted right after this damned exam is over. And I have this thing for Hot Chocolate so don't judge me! Good night Lovelies :)

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ailisu #1
Chapter 2: omg >_<
does she have leukimia??? D:
BxRandom #2
Chapter 1: Dawww Kwonnie... After hurting a puppy you hurt a kitten ?? Do you even have a heart ?? /runs away crying/

I loved this chappie as much as I hate Daehyun :D
Chapter 1: I'm craving some hot chocolate right now... This is just beautiful T-T
BxRandom #4
Chapter 1: Oh ! And I'm still mad at you about George !
BxRandom #5
Chapter 1: Oh ! And I'm still mad at you about George !
BxRandom #6
Chapter 1: Oh my god.. I didn't read your chapter yet but I smelled something when you told me to go read fanfics... Thank you so much love, you're so sweet I think I may die ugh ♥
I don't ven know what to say other than thank you, thank you, thank you ♥ you're a beautiul person too and I'm really glad I got to know you, even if you live like.. super far, to make it simple, I love you, and I'm proud to be your hubby hihihi ♥♥♥
Chapter 1: i'll be waiting for the next chapter!! :3
i love this story
look foward on this chingu
Hot chocolate :D can't wait! But I wrote a oneshot based on hot chocolate too but it's totally different xD please update soon authornim ^^
Nevrane #10
just don't make it too sad or I'll cry > < haha