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(Your)Yunee's POV

It’s the release of Jay’s JOAH MV!! I was thrilled that he’s actually mine when through out the world people want to be his girlfriend but I made the cut. Well actually we have a bit of a flashback on how we become an item...hehehe



Jay’s POV

I was on my way home when I got a call from my mom. She told me to get some flowers from her usual florist which she already made an early reservation. So I went to the florist shop...of course in you know I can’t move freely in public right...

“excuse me?? Anyone in??” I asked as I entered.

“yes...please wait a moment...” said a feminine voice from behind the pots.

So I walked towards the voice then I saw HER...

It can be said it’s love at first sight. She was flawless just like the white rose she was holding. I know I was stunned at my place coz the next thing I remember was she’s waving her hand in front of my face...

“excuse me Sir, can I help you?” she asked.

“oh said she ordered flowers.” Damn I stuttered.

“your mom?” she asked back.

“yup.” yes I didn’t stutter.

“and who would that be?” she asked politely.

“oh I’m sorry. Yeah the reservation is on...” I told her my mom’s name and her face brighten up immediately.

“oh immonim! Sure it’s ready. Let me get it for you Sir.” She told me and left to get the flowers my mom ordered.

Wow...she was just so sweet and polite and now I can’t get her out of my mind...i was literally day dreaming again when she ring the desk bell bringing me back to reality...

“oh sorry if I startled you but you weren’t responding for my calling Sir so I had to hit the bell.” She said shyly.

“oh it’s ok. It was my fault and call me Jay. No need be all formal to me. And you are?” I asked her expecting an answer.

She just look blankly at me as if she didn’t get what I asked her and after a moment she smiled and said “Yunee.”

After that day I couldn’t stop thinking about her till I volunteered to go to the florist shop every time my mom ordered flowers or if she didn’t order also I would go there to buy some flowers just to see My Yunee.


Yunee’s POV

That was practically our first meeting. Since that I’ve been seeing him around very often. I didn’t know that someone need flowers in their life everyday. Curiosity was killing me so I end up asking him one day...

“ummm Jay-ssi...don’t mistake me, can I ask you something?” I asked.

“yeah sure.” He answered.

“why do you need flowers everyday? It’s not that they’ll wilt the next day. Each flower can stand for at least a week.” I asked and saw some changes in his expression.

“ will give flowers to neighbours too so I’m forced to buy it everyday.” He answered.

“forced to?” I asked.

“huh? Ye..Yeah but not in a bad way.” He answered and left with the flowers.

One day I didn’t realize that I was actually waiting for ‘him’. It seems like he didn’t appear today so I got disappointed. Although I don’t get to see his face properly I think I might have grown feeling for the guy behind the mask. This is really weird having feeling for an unknown guy which I only know his name. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a phone call asking for a bouquet of roses for delivery to a certain address. Usually we won’t do delivery but since it’s the end of my work shift and it’s valentine’s day I thought I can do a favor for a loving couple by sending the bouquet...

When I went to the address I saw no houses but a park...

so I just walk through hoping to find the person who call for the bouquet but instead I saw a note saying ‘follow the pink flower trail Yunee...’

what!??! Me??? I shrug off any silly thought and walk till I found the flower trail. The place was beautifully covered with the flowers... so I follow the trail and finally I reached a huge tree and it has the view of the sunset...

when I moved closer I saw a guy...wait it was the guy behind the mask sitting under tree on the bench. When I walked closer he stood up and walked to me. Trust me at that moment he looked like an angel fell from heaven under the evening sun rays. After he placed himself infront of me, he removed his mask and “W.O.W”...that was the three words that escaped from my mouth.

I heard him chuckle and he took my hand into his and ask me “so will you accept my love?”

I was still mesmerize from the sight of his face which I didn’t even realize he brought me to the bench and showed me what he prepared for me. There were cake, chocolates and roses...

at that moment I literally looked like some star-strucked idiot coz I was blankly staring at him till he had to shook me to bring me back to reality.

“so will you?” he asked again.

“I... I...Jay Park!!” that’s all came out of my mouth.

“ know me?” he asked me.

“what kind of question is that? You’re an idol.” I told him. “you know what...forget it...i’m just going to leave...” I continued and turn to leave when he held my wirst.

“wait...why? you don’t like me?” he asked.

“you?? Don’t like?! Who wouldn’t like you? You’re an idol.” I told him.

“can you leave the ‘idol’ part and tell whether you like me or not?” he asked.

“uhhmmm... I really like you but I don’t thi...” he cut me by hugging me.

“that’s all I need to know. Don’t worry my idol life won’t interrupt my love life. I promise.” He assured.

“ar...are you sure? You’re ok with it?” I asked with an uncertain tone.

“of course I’m sure. I asked you it’s not the other way round. Just remember from now on you’re MY property. ONLY MINE.” He emphasize the word ‘my’ and ‘mine’. With that he kissed my forehead.

I felt safe and secure in his embrace. Did I mention that he was still hugging me? Yeah he was.

End of flashback.


Since that day we become couple and only his family, his AOM crew and my best friend,Hae Jae knows about this. Ok now let’s comeback to reality. His MV is out!!! so I watched it. My first reaction is ‘wow...he sure looked more happy in the mv with the girl...’ now I end up thinking why did I watch it...*sigh*

I was sulking around my house thinking about the mv when my door flew open and came in...



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Chapter 1: I love it! jay at the end! ;) cute
Chapter 1: hahahahahaha lucky your friend for having such a friend!
I liked it, especially your way of writing
soooooo cute!
coming from the planet oh I got a problem but I dont wanna tell you! hahahahaha
n other stuffs like that sooooo funny n adorable
ahhh by the way I loved the way you acted with Jay's manager poor man!

hummmm is he young? I think he has a crush on you too! :D check on him later as well as Heip ;)

n a upvote cause I thing people should read n enjoy your fun style in here