Here we go

Push Play

Chapter one: Here We Go


Narumi flopped back on her bed with a soft "oof", her hair sprawling out everywhere and her untie shoes falling from her feet. "Seriously though, it's gonna happen." She said to her friend Sophie, who was sitting by the bed, reading a manga.


"I'm sorry Mimi but unless you have talent, you can't be famous. That's kinda how things work." Sophie chuckled to herself, turning the page slowly before letting her dark eyes move towards her friend. "Go ahead, practice." This had already become a normal thing, Sophie dealing with the off-key tunes her friend sang, helping her through the pain she had from her dancing. Narumi was so set on making her dream come true that every single day had become a practice day. The Japanese girl sat up and cleared , watching her friend set the book down and prepare herself. Narumi began to sing a Girl's Generation song. She pronounced everything correctly, she had practiced multiple languages since she was young, but her tune was way off what it should have been. She finished and covered her face, ashamed of what she had just done.


"Oh God this is so terrible, honestly." She felt her eyes watering but she wiped at them so no tears would fall. She had to be strong. Crying and whining wasn't going to get her anywhere in life, she already knew that.


"Well hey, you have the lyrics down perfectly..." Sophie trailed off, not sure if she was going to be able to fix the situation or if she was just going to make it worse.


"But I can't sing. It doesn't matter if I have the lyrics down.... I can't sing or dance." Narumi layed back, trying again with a different song. She sang the whole way through without thinking, still off key, but doing something that completely shocked the girl beside her.


"N-narumi you.. you just flew through Zelo's Warrior rap." Sophie sat up a little more, staring at her friend.


"D...did I? Is that good? I mean I've always been able to rap... do you think that's enough?" Narumi was sitting straight up now as well, a huge smile spreading across her face.


"Of course it's enough! There are plenty of performers that only rap~ And don't worry about dancing they can train you with good breaks in between and you would be fine I bet. You have to go to the auditions!!" Sophie was pacing back and forth by now, excited. Narumi gulped. Oh, right, the auditions. She knew that there was going to be auditions in L.A but she hadn't expected to actually have a reason to go. The auditions were for a brand new company called WISH and they were looking for new trainees to start off with. It had said they only wanted to start off with one until later arrangements were made so Narumi was still really unsure.


"I don't know, Sophie. If they only want one and I can't dance or sing..." She pouted a little, but nodded a few seconds later. It was worth a shot after all.

The morning of the auditions was insane. Sophie had come over to help Narumi and her mom get everything together, and so the three were busy all the way from 4 in the morning. Sophie had brought over some of her make up and was insisting to do Narumi's hair and make-up, only to be turned down over and over again.

"Honestly! Can't I just go how I would normally go places? Their going off of talent right? Not looks. I don't need to be all nice." Narumi was squirming now, trying to avoid the make-up brushes that were being stuck in front of her face.


"No no no, if you are cute and you are talented, you have a better chance. Good looks means more fans!" Sophie grabbed the other by the chin and began to apply some blush.. "So good looks means hired." Narumi stopped struggling when she heard those words. If that's what it took, she would just have to willingly do it. By the time they were actually ready to go she looked like this.

"Aw, my daughter is so beautiful." Narumi felt her mother pull her into a bone-crushing hug and she instantly hugged back just as tightly. "Good luck darling, you can do this. I know you can. You show them what you are made of." Narumi nodded to her mother's words, pulling away with a bright smile.


"Don't worry mom, I'll make you proud! I'll call you when we're done~"


And so they set off to the convention center, knowing that it was now, or never.

A/N: Super short chapter because it's the first one and I really wanted to update today~ I hope this isn't a huge disappointment honestly, it'll get better once I get past all the introductions and stuff. Please comment <3 it's really appreciated <3 and subscriptions are nice as well~

btw I'm writing Narumi around age 21~ and her face claim is Korean ulzzang Kim Shin Yeong <3

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