Chapter One I Am A Human?!

My Fiancee is a Fox?!

A beautiful woman in a long white dress and hair held in a tight bun walked down the field of lavender. As she looked from right to left, she called "Linda Tang! Linda Tang! Come out right now or I'm going to roast you when I find you!" A playful laughter arose within the field. The woman stopped in her path and said, softly "If you're not going to come out, I'm going to blow up this whole field." She looked around and there's still no sign of her daughter. She lifted up her hands and a heavy gust of wind grew, carrying all the lavender flowers into the air and falling back down like raindrops. All that is left on the field are the green stems and leaves. In the middle of the field was a small white fur ball; jumping up and down to catch the purple petals. The woman smiled and shook her head. She walked up to the fur ball slowly and scooped it up into her arms. The fur ball lifted its little head and stared at the woman with its bright purple eyes. It was a little fox. The woman said, sternly "Linda Tang. You know today is an important day. Why are you hiding out here?" The fox continued to stare at her with big, watery purple eyes. The woman let out a frustrated sigh and said "Your father is coming to pick you up tonight so we have to get you ready." The fox shook its head and rubbed its cheek on the woman's chest. She petted the fox on the head slowly and said "Whether you like it or not, it's the agreement I made with your father eighteen years ago. Now that you're all grown up, it's time for you to see the real world." The fox shook its head again. The woman gently hit the fox on its neck and the fox became unconscious. The woman said, softly "I'm sorry. But I can't keep you by my side forever. Maybe one day when you realize that you really can't fit in with the humans, you could always come back here." The woman turned and walked back down the path that she originally came from.

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Opening her eyes, Linda could feel an indescribable change on her body. She blinked a couple of times, adjusting to the light. Then, she looked around and became conscious to the fact that she wasn't in the cave. She shot up from the bed and screamed when she sees the reflection in the mirror in front of her. It was an unfamiliar reflection; different from the one she sees in the river. She thought "That can't be me...I'm suppose to be a white fur ball." She stared at the person in the mirror. The person has long black hair instead of short white fur. She has two huge brown eyes instead of glassy purple eyes. She has two small ears on the side of her head instead of two furry ears on the top of the head. She has a tall nose instead of a small black nose. Linda opened and saw that her pointy teeth were replaced with small flat teeth. She wanted to lift up her paws to touch her face but then her eyes widened when she realized that her paws has turned into five long sticks. She quickly jumped off the bed and stood onto her feet. She gasped as she slowly looked down; realizing that she was standing on two legs instead of on all four. She touched her bare arms with her trembling hands. Her soft white fur was gone. Now, covering her body was a white cloth that resembled what her Mommy was wearing. Her whole body was shaking with fear. She thought "What happened to me? Why do I look like this? Where is Mommy?" She tried to run but her legs weren't used to holding up her weight and she fell. Tears started to form in her eyes. She opened to howl for her Mommy. However, nothing came out from . She slowly asked "Wh...What happening?" She gasped and thought "I can talk? Did I just talk?" Before she could experiment more with her voice, the door opened and she quickly got into defense mood; growling and baring her teeth.

A man, in a suit, walked into the room and sees Linda on the floor, growling. He kneeled down and asked, softly, with a smile "What are you doing on the ground? It's dirty." He held out his hand at her. Linda stopped growling and studied his face. She recognized it. Moving closer to him, she sniffed his hand. Not sensing any danger, she slowly placed her hand on his hand. He held onto her hand gently and pulled her up onto her feet. He guided her to the bed and they both sat down. He asked, lovingly "Do you recognize me?" Linda tilted her head to one side and gave out a soft moan. He said, patiently "Linda, try saying something. Say Daddy. Da-dee." Linda opened and slowly repeated "Da...dee..." The man smiled happily and pulled her into his arms for a hug. Linda's body froze and she quickly pushed him off of her. The man recollected himself and said "I'm sorry..."Linda could see a tear roll down his eye. She lifted her finger and brushed over it. She thought "What is this?" She stuck out her tongue and the wet liquid on her finger. It was sour. Linda frowned and asked "Wh...Why is it sour?" Her voice surprised herself. Unconsciously, she brought her hand up to throat. The man smiled at her and said "It's sour because I'm sad." She doesn't understand what he meant but she doesn't want him to let out sour liquid anymore. She stared at him with her big eyes. He wiped away his tears and said "I'm really happy to have you home. I won't ever abandon you anymore." He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She tilted her head to one side and asked, more naturally now " Mommy?" The man's eyes drooped down. He let out a low sigh and replied "Your Mommy is still in the cave." Once she hears cave, she grabbed the man's hand and said "i want Mommy! I want Mommy!" The man gripped onto her hands tightly and said "You already stayed with your Mommy for eighteen years. For the next ten years, you will be living with me." 

Linda doesn't understand what he said. She just knows that she misses her Mommy and her home. She looked down at herself one more time and let out a pained groan. She doesn't know why she suddenly changed like this. After a moment, some warm liquid start to roll out of her eyes. As they trickled down her cheeks and onto the corners of her lips, she stuck out her tongue and it. It was sour. Just like the liquid from the man's eyes. Does this mean she was sad? The man quickly pulled some tissue out of his pocket and wiped her tears away. She looked up at him with her big, innocent eyes and asked "Mommy don't want because now Linda turned different?" The man shook his head and quickly explained "Of course not. Your Mommy loves you a lot. It's just that when you were born, we made an agreement that you would stay with her until you're eighteen. And then I will bring you home and take care of you. You changed like this because...because you were always a human. This is how you're suppose to look." Linda blinked her eyes several times. "Human?" she thought; confused with the term, "I thought I was a fox; just like Mommy." The man could see confusion on Linda's face and continued, slowly "Your Mommy is a fox that can turn into human. Right?" Linda nodded obediently, with the tip of her tongue sticking out. "Because I am a human and your Mommy is a fox, you're a hybrid." Linda moaned in confusion and stratched her head. The man let out a sigh and said "A hybrid is half human and half fox. That's why you can change from a fox to a human." Linda's eyes widened. She thought "So I'm a human?!" Feeling a little faint from all the new information, she buried her face in her hands. She groaned again; remembering that she doesn't have paws anymore. The man patted her on the head and said, softly "I will make everything up to you and let you live like the princess you're suppose to be."

"Da-dee..." she suddenly said. The man smiled brightly and asked "Yes? What's wrong, honey?" Her stomach grumbled loudly and she pouted; sticking out her little lips. He chuckled and asked "Are you hungry?" She took his hand and placed it on her tummy. Her stomach grumbled again. He smiled lovingly and said "I have to go to work now. But I've already ordered two servants to bring you some food. They will be your maids and teach you the basic rules of human kind." She frowned; understanding that he will leave her soon. He pulled back his hand gently and gave her a peck on the forehead. He said "Daddy will come see you tomorrow morning. Okay?" Linda shook her head sadly; whimpering. The man got up from the bed and cooed "Don't be sad. You'd have two maids to play with you later." She waved her hand at him, from side to side. He nodded and walked out of the room. Linda sat on the bed, whimpering in sadness. Her stomach was still grumbling loudly and she misses her Mommy a lot. She started her hand and rubbing it on her face; doing her daily cleaning routine. Suddenly, she hears a soothing voice say "Don't do that! It's dirty!" She looked up and sees a kind face hurrying towards her. The person took out a handkerchief and wiped Linda's hand. Linda tilted her head to her side and studied the person. She has short, cropped hair and sharp features that reminded her of Mommy. Linda slowly asked "Who are you?" The person smiled and said "I'm Tavia. From now on, I will be taking care of you." Linda looked at Tavia's lips and noticed that they are curled up. She tried to do the same thing with her lips. Tavia laughed and said "Your smile is really pretty." Linda continued to smile and rubbed her cheek on Tavia's cheek. Tavia was taken by surprised but quickly recovered and said "Your skin is really soft too." Linda's stomach grumbled loudly again and she quickly pulled her face away.

Tavia smiled and said "Come on. Let's go downstairs and get you fed. Linda nodded happily and raised her hand up to Tavia. Tavia took her hand and pulled her up from the bed, onto her feet. Linda tried to walk but failed and collapsed onto Tavia. Tavia slowly showed Linda how to walk. She said, "Take a step forward with one foot. Then take another step with the other. Do it slowly and your legs will start to adjust to your weight." Linda nodded and did as she was told. Before she knew it, she was walking. Linda jumped up and down excitedly on her new feet. She hugged Tavia and rubbed her cheek onto hers, saying "Th...Thank you." Tavia grinned and took her hand. She said "Come. I still have one more person to introduce you to." Before Linda could respond, Tavia dragged her out of the room and fled down the huge spiral staircase. Tavia pulled Linda into the huge dining room; with a table full of food. Linda's eyes widened at all the food in front of her. Tavia pulled out a chair for her and sat her down. Linda wanted to reach out for the food but Tavia pulled back her hand and handed her a fork. Linda examined it and thought "Is this a twig? What does she want me to do with this?" Tavia could tell that Linda was lost so she picked up another fork and showed her what it's for. She stuck the tip of the food into the food and brought it to . Tavia explained "We eat with a fork, not our hands. Okay?" Linda stared at her and nodded. Then, she held the fork in a fist and stabbed it into a piece of meat. She held the meat up to and started tearing at it. However, her pointy teeth were gone and it became harder to chew on the meat. She dropped it onto the plate, disappointedly.

Tavia shook her head in amusement and patiently explained "In order to eat the meat, you have to cut it up into small pieces first." She picked up a knife and showed Linda. "This is a knife." She held the fork steadily and started to cut out a small piece of meat. She handed the fork to Linda and she ate it in one gulp. Tavia handed the knife to Linda and said "You try." Linda tried to follow what Tavia did and cut off a piece of meat. She held it up in excitement and sticked it into Tavia's mouth. Tavia's eyes widened from the sudden action. Linda smiled happily and continued cutting up the meat. All of a sudden, a person jumped out from under the table with a mouse in her hand. She said "I finally caught you!" Once Linda sees the mouse, she jumped off the chair and onto her leg and hands. She growled at the mouse, with her furry white fix ears appearing on the top of her head. The person dropped the mouse in shock and Linda prounced on it, holding it between her long nails. Tavia quickly said "Linda! Stop! That mouse is dirty!" Linda whimpered and released the mouse. It scurried away in a hurry. Tavia hurried up to Linda and helped her up. Brushing the dust off her, Tavia warned "You're a human now. You can't act like a fox anymore. Do you understand?" Linda nodded sadly. The person from before pointed at Linda's fox ears and exclaimed "Your ears are so cute!" Tavia rolled her eyes and said "Shin Hye! Stop kidding around and help me find a way to make her ears disappear!" Linda tilted her head to one side and stared at the person. She smiled at her and said "I'm Park Shin Hye. I will be teaching you manners and speech." Linda nodded and smiled happily. Her ears started to flap in excitement. Tavia and Shin Hye exchanged worried glance. Tavia asked slowly "Linda, do you know how to make your ears disappear?" Linda closed her eyes and shook her head. After a second, her ears started to fade and disappeared. Shin Hye let out a breath of relief. Then, she went over to Tavia and Linda and placed her arms around their shoulders. She exclaimed "From now on, the three of us will be best friends forever!" Linda howled in unison.

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what a cool idea! ^^
ImWeird #2
I like this idea! Its different weird yes but i love weird things haha u can see frm my username^^ update soon!