


My head hurts while writing this. Gosh, stress! hahahaha. but it was fun, though. ^__^

I don't know if it's fluff... I think it's more like a romcom, or are they the same?







The 2ne1 girls and the Bigbang boys minus the Daragon couple are gathered at their rehearsal room. Top and Bom – the alien couple - are standing at the center with smile plastered on their faces.


“Oh please, don’t give us those creepy smiles. If you have an alien-like and lunatic plan, spare us.” Seungri dramatically said. The others are nodding their heads agreeing to what Seungri said. “Spare us!” they shouted.


Top just gave them a ‘what-the-fck’ look, while Bom is busy munching on her corn.


Top clasps his hands together and seriously spoke, “We called you in for we have a situation.”


“And in by ‘situation’ you mean – disgracing ourselves and throwing away our dignity with whatever stupidity that runs inside your heads – then no, we are not participating.” Cl, the fierce leader, said.


“Guys, listen. This is a matter of life and death. It’s a matter of two people in love. “Bom said while making a heart shape with her hands. Top nodded, proud of the wise words his lover uttered.


“Now, may we request everyone to please group yourselves according to your groups? 2ne1 occupy the right seats, and Bigbang, on the left.” Top asked.


Seungri rolled his eyes. “Do we really have to do this?” Taeyang asked.


“Yes, so go on and do whatever we asked you guys to do before we kick your butts.”


Minzy shakes her head in complete disbelief and proceeded to do what was asked. Now, the boys and girls are sitting on their corners, waiting for the alien couple’s next move. “What now?” Daesung asked.


“Okay, “Top pulled out an envelope and inside it is a paper. He straightened out the paper and began reading, “We call them the Daragon couple, one of the most popular tandems in our country. Most people support them for their love for each other, the sweetness and the meant-to-be vibe they’re giving, but right now they are…”


They cut him off, “Boo! Stop! We know those already! Just give us Daragon!”


Top clutched his chest, feigning hurt. “You guys are so damn impatient.”


“Alien 2, it’s okay.” Bom quickly hugged him. “Alien 1, they’re so mean.” She cooed him. “I know. Now, stop with your crap. I’m going to introduce them now.” She gently pushed him off to the side. “Let us all welcome, Dara and GD!”


The Daragon couple walked in and it looked like they also have no idea to what they’re participating into.


“GD hyung!!” Seungri yelled. “Out of all people, you agreed to this? You are the normal one between Top hyung and you. How could you?” Top smacked his head. “Ouch!” The alien stuck out his tongue at the maknae. Poor Seungri.


GD just looked at Seungri, nodding. The look on his face is saying, ‘I know this is stupid and I want to shoot myself for it. Seungri sighed then mouthed, ‘I understand, hyung.’


“So here’s the deal, Dara, stay on the right. GD, stay on the left. The one with the louder cheer will win.” Bom explained.


Dara raised her hand. “Can I ask a question?”


Bom replied, “You already did.”


“Bom!” Dara yelled. Bom playfully smiles in return which annoyed her. “Okay what is it, Dee?”


“What is this whole commotion about, and what are we going to do?”


Bom further explained, “Since you guys are fighting over ‘who loves who more.’ My alien 2 and I thought of an interesting game which we call ‘The Battle of Love.’  Basically, you will just profess how much you love Jiyong, since you said that you love him more while he said that he loves you more. This battle will really tell who loves who more. The one with the louder cheer will win in every round. Then we’ll tally the scores and declare the one who really gives the more love. Did you get it?”


“No. You talked too fast. Can you repeat it again?” Dara scratches her head, stressed by Bom’s fast explanation.


“Yeah noona, can you please repeat?” GD also requested.


Bom sighed. “Forget it. You will get the hang of it once the game starts. Ready alien 2?” Top nodded. “Let the battle of love begin!” they chorused.


“This is so stupid.” Seungri softly muttered.


“What would you expect?” Daesung said.


“I can’t believe we’re participating on this.” Taeyang interjected.


“This moment will be buried along with me in my grave.” CL whispered to Minzy.


“Include the other Top oppa and Bom unnie’s lunatic and alien-like ‘situations’ too.” Minzy said. “I will.”


“Stop the whisperings. The game is starting now.” Top hushed them.


“Dara, you go first.” Bom cued.


“I actually don’t know how and where to start. Can you please give us an example?” Dara said.


“’kay, ‘coz I’m the host I have to be patient with you guys. Example, you said.” Dara nodded. “Here,” Bom stared at Top’s eyes. “I, Park Bom, love Choi Seunghyun because of his eyes. Those eyes that express his love and admiration for me; those eyes that I long to see; those eyes that could impregnate me; those eyes…” Dara cut her off. “Fine, I get it now. So could I please start now?” Dara batted her eyes.


Bom pouted. “What a kill joy! Okay, start!”


Dara exhaled. Jiyong smiled lovingly at her which made her heart flutter. She begins, “I, Sandara Park, love Kwon Jiyong because of his hair. Jiyong, your hair is just so soft and smooth and I want to caress it every day. I love how it’s very unique because of the different colors you put on it, that I know; only you could pull off. And most of all, I love how I could easily recognize you amongst the crowd and say that… ‘ahhh… that head belongs to the man I love.’”


When Dara ended her speech, the whole room was filled with awes. “What a way to start, you agree with me Alien 2?”


“Definitely, Alien 1. Good job, Dara. So… Jiyong, better do well, it’s now your turn. Start!”


The smile on Jiyong’s face can’t be erased. How can someone stop smiling after hearing that? He starts, “Palm tree hair, Bansak hair, half-shaved head and all those other crazy hairstyles you had, how many were there? I can’t remember, but all I know is… I, Kwon Jiyong, love Sandara Park because of her hair. I love you Dara because no matter what hairstyle you have, no matter how crazy it was and will be; you’re still the most beautiful for me. And it makes me appreciate you more because of the braveness you have to try out new things… new ideas… which I know other girls don’t have the guts to do. And while I see you with those hairstyles, I always tell myself, ‘that’s my girl, she’s one of a kind.’”


“Hyung that was so cheesy!” Seungri cheered him on, while Minzy cheered on her unnie. “Unnie, you did very well! Fighting!”


Top clicked his tongue. “Look at this. You guys told us a while ago that this is such a stupid idea, but look at you now, enjoying this. Tsk. Tsk.  Such a shame.”


Seungri just shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever, hyung.”


Bom said, “Okay, let’s vote by means of clapping. Let’s start. Who goes for Dara?” Minzy and Cl clapped.


“Thanks, guys.” Dara said.


“Wait, this is so unfair. There are 3 BBs and only the 2 of us. Of course, they’ll support GD oppa.” CL said.


“Duh, Chaerin. Look, we’re not bias here. It’s just that GD hyung win this round for us. So, go and cry in that corner.” Seungri said. Taeyang nudged him to stop.


“Whatever, rat.”


“Go and cry, cat.”


“Shut up! both of you.” Bom reprimanded them that stopped their bickering.


“Okay. Okay. Let’s just continue with the voting. For GD?” the 3 BBs clapped. Obviously, GD won this round.


“Round 1 for GD.”


Jiyong smiled sweetly at Dara and mouthed, ‘Fighting!’ Dara smiled in return.


“Tada! Let’s continue now for Round 2, shall we? Round 2, start! Jiyong, it’s your turn.” Top opened the round.


When they’re about to start, a knock disturbed them. Kwon Youngdeuk peeked inside. “Hi guys. What are you doing?”


“Oppa!” Minzy said. “Come and join us. We’re doing a little game.”


“What game?”


“Battle of love – and it’s my Alien 1 and mine’s idea.” Top replied for Minzy.


“The whole gang is here.” Deuk said.


Bom put her thumbs up. Soon, all the YG dancers joined them. Bom explained the mechanics to them and then the 2nd round starts.


“I, Kwon Jiyong, love Sandara Park because of her smile. Dara, your smile brings out the best in me. I feel like I was born to see that warm smile. As long as I see it, it makes me think of what I did good to deserve it. And you know what makes your smile special? It’s by knowing that you’re smiling because of me.”


Daesung felt goose bumps all over his body. “Gosh, I want to puke.”


Jiyong looked at him, threateningly. “Shut your mouth if you still want to have lines in our songs.”


Daesung nervously laughed. “I’m zipping it now.” He zipped and locked his mouth with an invisible key. The room is filled with laughter.


“So much distractions! Dara you’re on.” Bom said.


Sandara nodded and breathe in. “I, Sandara Park, love Kwon Jiyong because of his smile. Ji, you told me once that you’re insecure of your gummy smile and I can’t understand why. You don’t have to feel that way because that same gummy smile that you’re insecure of is what makes me feel secure. It gives me strength to push through, to try harder, and to never give up because you’ll always be by my side, smiling at me.”


“You’re the best, Dee noona!” Youngdeuk cheered for Dara like a fanboy that he truly is.


“Wow, that’s so sweet, Darong.” Bom complimented Dara.


“But Ji did well, too.” Top said. “This would be tough. So boys and girls, shall we vote?”


The winner for this round is Dara; with the cheers that she got from all the Hitech boys, Jiyong would definitely lose. Fanboys for the win!


The score now is tied. 1-1.


“Since Dara won, she’ll be the first one to start. Begin!” Top said.


“I, Sandara Park, love Kwon Jiyong because of his eyes. Jiyong, honestly, I don’t know what you see in me, but there’s just something with the way you look at me. Whenever you’re looking at me, I feel like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world, like other girls don’t exist but me, only me. What makes your eyes the most special? It’s because the only image I see in them… is me.”


Jiyong’s eyes flickered, his stomach fluttered. The Daragon couple couldn’t take their eyes off of each other. This game is really something.


“Cut the staring game or we won’t be able to finish this; you guys might melt.” CL said. The whole gang then teases them.


Bom chuckled. “Jiyong, start!”


Jiyong bit his lip, trying to stifle his giggles. If you guys could just see how his face turned red, you wouldn’t resist touching his cheeks. So cute! Jiyong calmed himself first before starting, “I, Kwon Jiyong, love Sandara Park because of her eyes. She has the purest ones in the world that it frightened me that it could be tainted because of me. When I messed up before, I was afraid to look at them – to look if the pure eyes I always see – turned into condemning ones. But what I saw didn’t frighten me, it terrified me. How could they be still full of understanding? Her eyes were telling me that I did bad, but I’m not the worst; that I could still have a chance to do good, to be better. And by your eyes, I realized that I made the best choice… and that is to look only at you forever.”


Bom loudly giggled. “I can’t take this anymore! Waaahhh!! Dara, you’re so pretty, girl!”


“Guys… could you back off a little? You might step on Dara’s very long hair.” Top said.


Dara laughed while busy fanning herself. Jiyong looked at her and said, “I love you, babe.”


Bom gushed then playfully slapped Dara’s shoulder. She just can’t stop gushing that she fails to see how all of the people inside the room are gaping at her.


“Alien 1….” Top put his hands on top of his head, as if sending some telepathic ideas to Bom.


 CL sighed. “Okay… “She said. “ Looks like we’ll continue this by ourselves, who goes for unnie?” Many clapped but most didn’t. The alien couple was put out of their trance when they heard people clapping. “For oppa?” Most cheered for him which only means that Jiyong won, once again.


“Thank you CL for stealing our job.” Bom remarked sarcastically.


“You’re very welcome, unnie.” CL winked. Bom pouted.


“Ok. Ok. Let’s continue. Jiyong won so… he’ll go first. Cue!” Top said.


“I, Kwon Jiyong, love Sandara Park because of her thoughtfulness. Whenever and wherever I am, you’ll always text or call me asking if I’m okay… if I’m eating healthily... if I’m not overworking myself. If I’m sad, you’re my personal cheerleader. If I’m sick, you’re my personal nurse. If I’m hungry, you’re my personal chef. But there’s just one thing that I would like you to be,” he paused then asked for her hands.


“What is it, Ji?” Dara asked.


He continued. “If I’ll get married, would you be my wife?”


Deafening silence was then heard until a very loud squeal broke it off. “Daaaaammmmnnnn….. Yeeeessss! Freaking say yes, Dara! Er Mer Ger! Did he just propose?” Bom is jumping in glee.


“Jiyong?” Dara is in shock and confusion. Is he really proposing? The next thing she saw was Jiyong on his knees clutching a small box in hand. When he opened it, a simple but elegant ring appeared.


“Yes, Sandara Park. I, Kwon Jiyong, am asking your hand for marriage.” He paused; his hands are beginning to shake due to nervousness. “Please? Marry me.” his eyes are hopeful.


Dara’s mouth is in a gape. No voice is coming out from . All she can do is nod.


“Is that a yes?” Jiyong asked.


“Yes.” Dara softly confirmed. Jiyong quickly embraced her, muttering 'I love yous' to Dara.


“Oh my gosh, hyung. You’re getting married!”


“I’m so happy for you, unnie!”


“Hooray for the engaged couple!”


“We’re so happy for you!”


“I hear all the fanboys and fangirls cries.”


These are some of the reactions from them.

“I love you, Jiyong.” Dara whispered on his ear. Jiyong replied, “I love you, too. More than you’ll ever know.” She shook her head. “I know, Ji. I can feel it. And I know that you love me more.” Jiyong broke their hug but then held her hands. He smiled, “No, Dara. It’s you who loves me more.” Dara smiled, “No, Ji. You love me more.” Jiyong shook his head. “You love me more.”


“It’s you who loves me more.” Dara’s smile is slowly beginning to turn into a frown.


“You…” he puts emphasized to it. “Love me more.”


Their bantering is heating up. The people watching them could only sigh and shake their heads.


“They’re so childish.” Seungri said while wiping his perspiration.


“This game is really useless.” CL said.


“It’s Aliens 1 and 2’s idea.” Taeyang grunted. Daesung just shrugged watching the love birds bickering.


Bom and Top didn’t seem to mind that their idea lead to another problem. Before, it’s ‘who loves who more.’ Now, it’s ‘You love me more.’


“I can smell the cooking idea that is coming from the aliens' mind.” Youngdeuk said, noticing the creepy smiles on Top’s and Bom’s faces.


“Yeah, and it’s spoilt.” Minzy said.


The aliens’ sudden laughter brought the bantering and whisperings to a halt.


“Battle of Love 2: You Love Me More Edition.” They both shouted. "Please look forward to it!"



















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Chapter 1: Nice authornim and I hope in your story my Bias OTP couple become real in the future 🙏❤️
Chapter 1: I love them, for supporting Ji and Dee. I love YG Family.
Chapter 1: hahaha this one shot is so great!can't stop laughing at alien 1 and alien 2.looking forward to the second battle!!
coldrabbit #4
Chapter 1: hahahaha.....omg...my cheekbones hurt!!i cant stop smiling...this is just sooo freaking sweet!!! i love the eye part...both deserved to win...gosh daragon ftw!!!! thank you for this~
Chapter 1: At first I really thought it was boring but then I was sooo wrong!!! kkkkkk sooo cute! :)) I love how ji proposed to dee.. Aigoo! And the you love me more begun.. :))
mayonizee #6
Chapter 1: kyaaaaa~ THIS IS SUPER CUTEEEEEE~~
Banyanya #7
Chapter 1: Im grinning ear to ear like an idiot .... too sweet... me love
Chapter 1: Felt my eyes water when Ji was talking about Dee's eyes... this is probably why i fell in love w/ Dara..(not a lesbo moment guys!kekeke) she just have a pure heart... always looking at the good side, never condemning, always understanding... i guess it's because of all the hardship she's gone through that's why she is very generous w/ her love....
Chapter 1: Ghad this fic sooooooooooo sooooooo fluffy!! Tooo much giddiness. So sweet and very romantic♥♥♥♥ i've been giddy the moment i was reading it! kyaaaaaaaaaa!