Leave Me Out Of This!

Just A Phone Call Away

***Amber’s POV***

„Will you be alright?“

I woke up from my daydreaming to look at the worried looking guy next to me.

I smiled at him.

“Neh, Hyukjae Oppa, I’ll be fine, kamsa hamnida!”

The guy smiled his gummy smile back at me and I could instantly see why my jie fell in love with him so hard.

He was really an irresistible cute guy.

“We will leave you here then,” he said, ruffling my hair.

I rolled my eyes at him.

“We will be on the fourth floor for training, if you need anything, arasseo?” Leeteuk said, still worried.

I looked at the handsome older man, smiling at him.

“Neh, Oppa, don’t worry!” I said with a small bow.

I had to grin.

Leeteuk had been worried ever since yesterday.

And somehow my totally messed up appearance this morning, when he knocked at my door, didn’t help a bit.

I had to tell him over and over again, that I’m alright.

The umma of this group took his responsibility serious.

But really, I was okay, just the time difference thing go to me a little, not too much though as I just lost an hour by coming here.

Leeteuk, Hyukjae and Yesung had stayed back with me this morning as they thought I could need another hour of sleep before going to SM.

So they had sent the others beforehand and had waited for me.

I was really grateful to them.

“Yah,” I heard a whisper right next to my ear, bringing me back from my thoughts.

I turned my head only to see Yesung’s face right next to mine.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

I jumped a little and took a step away from him.

He let out a small chuckle, which I definitely would declare has totally y, as had his whisper to my ear before been.

Damn, that man was weird the whole morning.

Yesterday he had been all cute and friendly, but today he was different.

He took a step closer to me and laid his hand on my head.

“Call me, if you need anything, sweetie,” he said in a low voice.

I looked up at him irritated.

“Are you flirting with me, Oppa?” I asked bluntly, almost shocked.

He chuckled again, before winking at me.

I blushed slightly.

He took a step back.

“Cute hairpin!” he said, before walking over to the elevators.

“What?” I asked irritated.

I looked over at Hyukjae and Leeteuk and they were looking just as confused as me.

Hyukjae shrugged his shoulders.

“Just ignore him, he is a weirdo sometimes!”

“Uh hu,” I mumbled irritated.

“We gotta go, dongsaeng! See you later!” Leeteuk suddenly said, pulling Hyukjae with him, following Yesung.

I shook my head irritated at them.

I could see Leeteuk talking to Yesung seriously, but the latter just shrugged his shoulders, turned his head into my direction and winked at me again.

I narrowed my eyes, which made the singer laugh.

Hyukjae looked over at me with a confused look and then pushed Yesung into the elevator.

I made an irritated face.

“What hairpin?” I asked myself confused.

I didn’t wear any today.

I raised my hand to scratch my head.

“Weird Oppa!” I mumbled.

Suddenly my hand touched something on my head.

“Huh?” I mumbled to myself.

My hand reached for whatever it was, that was on my head and tried to take it off.

When I managed it, I lowered my hand to look at the thing on my head.

I took in a breath.

There in my hand I held a beautiful hairpin with small glittery stars on.

I looked over to the elevator again, but the guys already had left.

How did he do that?

I was irritated.

I looked at the pin again.

It was really beautiful.

I felt myself blushing again then a smile crept on my face.

“Weird Oppa,” I whispered before pinning the clip on my hair again.

Did that make any sense?

What was Yesung up to?

“Oh, annyeonghaseyo, Amber-shi?”

I whipped my head around, startled.

A beautiful Asian girl in the ending stage of pregnancy stood a few steps away, next to the information desk.

The girl was chuckling.

“Mianhaeyo, did I frighten you?”

I smiled.

“Anniyo, gwenchanayo. I was just in thought!”

The girl laughed.

“I could see that!”

I had to laugh.

I liked that woman.

I walked over to her and bowed a little.

“Amber Curtis imnida!”

The woman bowed a little, too.

“Wendy Kim imnida! Mianhaeyo, I should have been here when you arrived. But you know, I’m pregnant and nature called me!” she said a little embarrassed.

I smiled.

“Gwenchanayo Wendy-shi!”

Wendy sighed relieved.

“Now, come on, I’ll show you everything. The boss will talk to you later!”

I nodded and let Wendy pull me behind the desk.


***Yesung’s POV***

“Hyung, what was that all about?” I heard Hyukjae ask irritated.

I grinned at him.


“The hairpin and the flirting, Yesungie!” Leeteuk stated calmly.

“Was I flirting?” I asked teasingly.

Leeteuk stared at me.

“Not funny, Yesung-ah, don’t play with her heart! She is supposed to work here and she is Lin’s friend!”

I stared at the leader.

“Do I look like a player to you?”

Leeteuk stared at me.

“Hyung, you aren’t a player, normally, so why the flirting?” Hyukjae cut in the silence.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled to myself.

Why the flirting?

When Amber stood on our doormat yesterday I just felt instantly attached to her.

She was a cute and happy girl.

I liked her attitude towards Kibum, who could scare away girls easily.

But that cute bundle of energy just stood her ground.

She turned the whole apartment into a lively mess with her talking, making all of our heads spin.

We all had been a bit depressed after Siwon, Hangeng, Donghae and Lin left.

So Amber showing up was distracting us, bringing us fun again.

When I later asked her to see my turtle - I could feel she was a bit distressed about something - she was all too happy to go with me.

She had been fun, talking to turtle just like me, not thinking I’m weird at all.

The rest of the night was bringing me a lot of joy.

Watching a movie with Amber was something else as she just couldn’t stop commenting on everything, pointing out the weirdest things, shouting at the characters for behaving stupidly, laughing about the smallest things.

Others would have been annoyed, but to me it was fun.

Usually I preferred to watch movies alone, as I was the one shouting all that weird stuff and the other members would get angry at me.

But Amber seemed to be exactly the same and I enjoyed it a lot.

Afterwards we had played Jenga with Ryeowook, which had been so funny, too.

Ryeowook was winning mercilessly as Amber seemed to be as much of a fail as I was, when it came to agility games.

You just could say I had a very enjoyable day with Amber yesterday.

When she had left for Lin’s apartment I felt a little left alone.

I couldn’t place it.

I wasn’t sure what was happening to me.

It was just like finding my other half and then losing it again.

For the first time I really had considered being weird.

You don’t meet someone and think of him or her as your other half just like that.

I had lain awake in bed for a long time that night, just thinking.

Everything concerning Amber made me happy, just like that.

Somewhere around 4 am I finally decided on just accepting it and not thinking anything bad about it.

Amber and you are just connected by something!

That was my final decision.

Simple as that!

I’m usually a simple person, so thinking about stuff like that, wasn’t me at all.

She makes you happier!

I had smiled, happy with my simple decision and got out of bed.

I hadn’t slept at all, but I still felt good today.

As everyone was still asleep around 4am I just decided to take a walk early, maybe even go jogging, working out a bit.

I had been jogging for quite some time, when I came across an ahjumma, who was setting up a stall with some small accessorizes to sell.

I love accessorizes, so I walked over to her to look at the things she was selling.

There were some pretty cool things, I considered buying for myself, but something else caught my eye.

A small silver hairpin with glittering small stars on it.

Before I knew it I held the pin in my hand.

“For your girlfriend?” the ahjumma asked with a knowing smile.

“For my soulmate!” I answered without thinking.

“That’s nice you already found yours!” the woman said with a chuckle.

I chuckled too and looked for some money in my pockets.

“Oh no, if it is for your soulmate, I insist you take this one for free!”

I looked at the ahjumma with a big smile.

“Kamsa hamnida!”

The woman laughed and shooed me away.

“Now go, let me work and give this to your soulmate!”

I nodded and jogged away.

My soulmate?

Just like that.

As simple as that.

No questioning myself anymore.

I found my soulmate for sure.

“Hyung, are you still with us?”

I felt myself being shaken.


Hyukjae chuckled.

“You were off to dreamland for a moment! We already arrived on our floor!”

I looked around me surprised and saw Hyukjae holding open the elevator doors, while Leeteuk already must have left.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and was about to step out of the elevator, but Hyukjae’s arm holding the doors open still stopped me.

“Hyung, no heartbreak, okay?”

I smiled at Hyukjae.

That dongsaeng of mine really had a golden heart, always worrying about everyone, taking care of everyone.

If someday our leader would leave us for whatever reasons, I’m sure Hyukjae, besides being not the eldest, would make a fine leader.

“Don’t worry, Hyukie-ya, no heartbreak, promise!”


***Kibum’s POV***

“Hyung, watch ou…,” Henry never got to finish his sentence as it was already too late.

I collided hard with something or someone, I gathered from the surprised squeal I could hear coming from another person’s mouth.

Don’t ask me how I did it, but somehow I had managed to grab the other person, while falling down, trying to stop the unknown from falling.

Big mistake!

Now the other person landed on me with a loud thud, knocking the breath out of my lungs.

“Ow,” I could hear someone mumble.

I in some breath after the first shock left me.

“Hyung, gwenchanayo?” I heard Henry asking, while running over to me.

I groaned.

I opened my eyes to see a familiar person lying on top of me.

I closed my eyes again and groaned again, this time not because of the pain, but because of the evil trick heaven played on me, for colliding with her of all people.

“Gwenchanayo?” Henry asked a bit shy and then the weight was lifted from me.

“Ow, neh, kamsa hamnida!” the girl answered still a bit out of breath.

“Chinchayo?” Henry asked again.

I opened my eyes and saw Henry still holding Amber’s hands to steady her.

He scanned her body for some injuries with worried eyes.

“She is alright, Henry,” I said grumpily.

Amber turned her head at me instantly, looking at me with wide eyes.

I stood up slowly.

“Hyung, are you sure she is…”

I groaned.

“Of course she is, she landed on my body you know? I’m the one you should be worried about!”

I heard her in a breath.

“Really, should I feel guilty for landing on you now?”

I looked at her annoyed.

Of course she shouldn’t, it wasn’t her fault for heaven’s sake.

“You should feel guilty for running into me!” I snapped at her.

I sighed inwardly.


I saw the fire in her eyes flaring up again.

“Guilty for running into…,” she stopped herself.

I could see she was trying to control her anger.

Henry looked back and forth between us, unsure about what to do.

“Hyung, don’t you think…”

“Yah, Kibum-shi, I wasn’t the one who was running. You should feel guilty for running into me, making me fall and now my papers are lying on the ground totally messed up!” Amber said totally annoyed.

I glared at her.

She was right, I knew it, but somehow that girl just ticked me off.

“Don’t you have eyes? Couldn’t you see me running at you? You could have stepped aside!”

“I could have...,” Amber whispered totally taken aback by my impertinence.

“Hyung…,” Henry tried to interfere.

I just huffed at Amber and walked away.

“Yah!” she called after me, but I continued walking.

When I had walked around the next corner I stopped, leaning against the wall.


“Uhm, mianhaeyo, I don’t know what got into my hyung,” I heard Henry say nervously.

There was a moment of silence then I heard her sigh and let out a small chuckle.

I glanced around the corner carefully not to be caught.

Amber was smiling at Henry, who was rubbing his neck embarrassedly.

“I’m Amber by the way!” she said, reaching out her hand for him to shake.

He took her hand and smiled a little.

“I’m Henry!”

She laughed amused.

“I already know that!”

I was too far away to really see it, but I was sure Henry was blushing.

After they let go of each other’s hands, Amber sighed and kneeled down.

“Aish, now I have to sort all of that again!”

Henry hesitated for a second before kneeling down next to her and starting to pick up the papers.

“Let me help you!”

Amber stopped for a moment and smiled at Henry.

I groaned.

It was a really beautiful smile.

Is she trying to charm everyone now?

Can’t anyone but me see, that she is annoying?

“Thank you,” she said and started to pick up the papers again.

After they had collected all the papers, Henry held out his stack for her to take from him.

“Here you go,” he said with a smile.

She took the papers from him and then grinned.

“Will I see you around?” Henry suddenly asked seemingly nervous.

“Uhm, sure, I guess!” Amber said with a small chuckle.

“Great, so, I guess I should go and make sure Kibum is alright!”

I heard her snort a little.


“So, see you?” Henry asked.

She nodded.

“See you!”

Henry smiled for the last time and then walked into my direction.

He was still grinning, when he turned around the corner.

His eyes widened in surprise upon seeing me standing there.

“Hyung, have you been waiting here the whole time?” Henry asked irritated.

I snorted and continued to walk again.

I could hear him follow me.

“Hyung, why have you been so rude to Amber?”

“Because she is annoying?” I answered in a duh-voice.

“Really? She seemed really nice to me!”

I rolled my eyes.

“It’s her trick to make you all fall for her sweetness, before she will annoy the hell out of you!”

Henry burst out into laughter and I gave him an annoyed glance.

“Hyung, don’t you think that’s paranoid?”

“Whatever,” I growled.

“I liked her. Is she Wendy’s replacement?”

I shot a look at him.

Henry chuckled.

“Sorry, but is she?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“She is Lin’s friend so I suppose she got her the job!”

Henry laughed.

“She is Lin’s friend and you still are behaving that rude towards her? What’s wrong with you, hyung?”

“She is just annoying me!”

“It seemed to me you were annoying her, too!”

“Good, so she should know to stay out of my way!”

Henry shook his head.

“Sometimes I don’t get you at all, Kibum-ah!”

Sometimes I don’t get myself.

“Does she have a boyfriend?”

I stopped in my tracks, making Henry collide with me.

“How the hell would I know?” I spat at him.

Henry chuckled.

“Okay, okay, I get it. Calm down!”

I sighed and then we continued our walk down the hallways.

“Such a pity! Hopefully she hasn’t one. I would like to ask her out!”

I shot a look at the guy walking next to me now.

“Just ask her out, but leave me out of this stupid talk, arasseo?”

Henry chuckled.





Please take a little time to check out the following link to help me with this story! ^^




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Meganmcc11 #1
Please update soon I really want to know what happens next :). -Megan
brattygurl #2
I constantly hope that you've updated this story because I love it so much. You're probably busy with school or work or both. I hope you haven't given up on this story and that you'll have time soon to update. Maybe an update as a holiday gift for your supportive followers!<br />
<br />
Hope all is well with you. Take care.
love it post more soon !
P.S. IT ANJA! HE IS NOT! <br />
<br />
P.P.S. I cannot wait until I pop in and get to annoy the y leader-ssi XD I ish not mad at not popping in yet, so dun worry ^^<br />
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AHHHHHHHHHHH I saw my alert for new updates and was like "meh" then I saw Japca and was screaming lmao I SOWWY! I haven't been online a lot -.- my meds have FAILEDDDD and made me sleep nearly 24/7 TT_TT so tomorrow I shall be up and WRITINGGGGGGGGGGG XD I tol my doc to shove the pills up his ...apparently they tend to get a hint and stop making you take them anymore LOL anyways, AHHHHHHHHHH I hate you Anja -.- I hate you Mel -.- stealing both of my men TT_TT LOL at the SabHyuk scene at the end XD so cute! and Heechul? LOL love you dear, chat with you later~~
AwesomestAmber #6
buahahahahah fav line in ch Well, "some would call it bad luck – I call it HEECHUL!" - brilliant!<br />
naaaaaaaaaaaaw! Hangeng hug!<br />
LMFAO!!!!!! Oh boy, I swear I don’t need to wear rouge for the rest of my life as I’m sure that the blush appearing with that comment was burned into my skin<br />
omgosh oni no wonder u are dying in this ch! <br />
I LOVE it when she made him carry her bag!!<br />
YourMaster - Seriously DYING of laughter right now! I cant breathe from laughing!!!!!!!!<br />
I re-read the skype convo like 6 times it was so great<br />
linhae!!!!!!!!! FTW!
okay Kyyra hates it when i only write "i love it" but what do you expect me to write??? seriously???? love should be the highest honor and what else should i do apart from loving it??? on the other side i could say i hate it because it is NOT reality and THIS kinda pisses me off :-\<br />
<br />
reread it like 10 times i think... it is still open on my desktop... so i can re-read again and again :P<br />
<br />
my fav part starts actually with the late part of the flashback (walking home + back attack) and after that i just love it all... also i kinda had the first talk there with Kyu... haha you notice we have not so mcu dialog but i'm okay with that we are soulmates anyways XD <br />
<br />
no seriously real Anja was in tune with ff Anja... i just felt how she felt all the time.. so i can say so into the char Brina... always complaining and then doing a perfect job -.-<br />
<br />
ff Oni probably will end up in a psychiatric ward if he keeps doing that to her... or she will start to drink, cry and probably run away.. since she def thinks he is just having fun while she falls for him desperately... okay.. i could spazz like forever here...<br />
<br />
also loved the weird SJ- discussion on the beginning... especially how Brina talked about Hyukie's skills XD<br />
<br />
and Donghae&Mel are so cute it nearly makes a single person puke... but i love that about him... Donghae def can use Kyu's script line XD<br />
<br />
So i guess Lee will be pissed because she still didn't show up ;)<br />
and because of the chapi you wrote in general... i repeat Lee... KYU IS MINE!!! <br />
<br />
okay i stop now... so much to... only writing "Love it!!!" :P<br />
<br />
write the next chapi fast :P
brattygurl #8
wow, I was not expecting that about Kibum, poor baby. Amber needs to make a decision otherwise she'll tease Yesung while being in a go-nowhere relationship with Kibum, no one wins. I love the Kyu/Anja relationship, they are both so cheeky with each other. So is something going to happen at this celebratory dinner?
Atsume #9
YES 8D Although I feel really sorry for Kibummie, I was really hoping for her to end up with Yesung ^^ And lol Heechul is awesomeness. I really love your writing style, btw! ^^ I'll be waiting for your update!