Happy Birthday Hyukie!


It's his loved Eunhyuk's birthday, and Donghae couldn't contain his excitement.



Title: Happy Birthday, Hyukie!

Pairing: EunHae (Eunhyuk & Donghae)

Mentions: KyuMin (I couldn’t resist! I just love them!); KangTeuk (I miss Teukie!)

Type: Drabble (807 words)

Rating: T (I Guess... Suggestive themes...)

Characters: Super Junior

Contains: Fluff; Fluffy Fluff

Summary: It’s his loved Eunhyuk’s birthday and Donghae couldn’t contain his excitement.

A/N: Crappy title, I know! My second EunHae... It’s our little Jewel boy’s birthday! Happy (belated) birthday, Eunhyukie! Hope you guys like it and see you at the bottom (no pun intended)

A/N2: While I was writing this I imagined the scenes as if it were an anime XD It made it ten times funnier. If you can, try doing that, I guarantee it will amuse you. If it doesn’t, you can cancel my subscription to the Super Junior calendar (??)


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Chapter 1: Cute! Cute! Cute!
Hae's so ccuuuuteee!!!!!!
Kyumin!! Love them too... Kyaa~ love the story..
Chapter 1: awww so cute! i loved how you made hae so adorable =3. sneaky kyumin. loved it!
jancokmatamupicek #3
Chapter 1: so cute.. i missed Kangteuk^^