It's all about Kyuhyun

Sweet Revenge

Kyuhyun is Henry's bestfriend since they were a baby , yeah! Because they were neighbors. They play together and they act really like true brothers, one time Kyuhyun fell in love with a girl and at the same time that girl is Henry's girlfriend when Henry heard about Kyuhyun having a crush on his girlfriend they felt cold with each other.

After a year Kyuhyun had forgotten about that girl then he said sorry for Henry because he planed something that made Henry angry at him, and after that they promised that they would never be in love with the same person.

It was the first day of school, actually Kyuhyun is excited because of the plan, Henry's favor to Kyuhyun; to give a ride for Kat. He's excited because he feels something for Kat..

"Am I doing the same thing again? Is it a sin again to fall in love with the same girl Henry's in love with?"

"Hey... They're not yet a couple"

Those thoughts are on his mind. Then while he's driving he saw Kat and stopped and asked for her to have a ride. He felt nervous, he don't know what to say, he keeps asking random things because of nervousness.

Until they reached school. He decided to play computer games than to attend his class.

It was 12nn and he got caught by his advicer he got a punishment.

He waited for Kat to talk to him at least ask what happen but Kat didn't do that she was with Henry in the cafeteria. He was hurt more on what he saw.

After that punishment he chase Kat to tell how he really feels for her. But...

"Hey Bro! How's the punishment"

It was Henry, his plan to tell Kat that he love her is now ... =/

Many weeks had passed and Kyu always cries in pain because of Henry's sweetness to Kat he thought they have relationship now. 

It's valentines day! Kyu planned to give Kat a flower and confess to her but again he felt nervous and all his plans is RUINED!

Kyu prepares a chocolate for Kat

"This is for you"

He saw Kat smiled but then ..

"It was from Henry"

Then he left Kat..

When he arrived home he keeps thinking on that then he remembers that there will be a party so he decided to call Kat and invite her to the party.

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