The Meeting




Police cars and ambulances came with sirens going off. A man, who was on the ground, was quickly taken to the hospital. The man who was in the car was also taken to the hospital to check for injuries.

You were on your night shift. A lot of people usually didn’t like working at night, but the night time was your favorite. You liked going out and working during the night, then sleeping when the sun is out. You were never good when you were out in the sun. Ever since you were little, you tended to pass out from being out in the sun too long. It felt like it suffocated you.

Although, if people really looked like they needed help, you couldn’t leave them alone. You’d even wake up during the day time just to spend time with them. It was an instinct you’ve always had. It wasn’t healthy for you, but you did it anyway because all you ever did was care for others.

The paramedics came rushing in with a man who seemed to have gotten in a motorcycle accident. You suddenly get a call from the administrative to go visit the man who has also gotten into the accident. Just to check if he has any injuries on his body.

You walk into the room where he sat there. Motionless. He kept staring at the ground and didn’t even look at you when you walked in.

“Kang Daesung?”

He twitched a little. He looked up with sad eyes. You smiled at him kindly.

“I need to check if any part of you is injured or if you have any concussions.”

He nodded a little. You started to check around his body. His arms, legs, and head. Then you had to ask him questions.

“Is there any part of you hurting that I should know?”

He shook his head no.

“Does any part of your head hurt or if you have any headaches?”

He shook his head no.

“Okay, well, I’ll be back in a few minutes to give the doctor this who will examine your body more thoroughly.”

You clip your pen onto your coat pocket and turned to walk away, until you felt a light tug on your sleeve. Looking back at him, you say his face was full in sadness and emptiness. He really regretted what he did and looked alone. You felt like you shouldn’t leave him, but you did. Slowly you pulled your sleeve away from his small grip. He just stared at you. You sighed and walked over to him.


You wrote your number and address onto a piece of paper.

“I am also a person who takes care of people outside of houses during daytime. Even though, I mostly like to work at night time, just call me if you need someone to talk to.”

You handed the paper to him with a smile. He looks up at you for a minute then takes the paper. You start to walk out of the room and before you close the door shut you hear two words out of him.

Thank you…”

*Sunday Morning*

You were fast asleep in your house. You happened to get off work at 5 AM so you slept through that time, until at 9:45 AM, you got a call. You shuffled through your blanket and grabbed your phone from the bedside tables.

You stared at the number wondering who it was and answered it. With your morning voice you say,


“Uhm Hello…?”

“Who is this?”

“This is…Kang Daesung…”


You quickly got out of your blanket and sat up out your bed. You yawned quietly so he wouldn’t hear you.

“Sorry. You called while I was sleeping. How are you?”

“I-I’m fine…uhm I was wondering…”


“If…you’d like to come to church with me…”

You thought this was a weird request. Usually people who call you would ask you to come to their house to console with them. Or take a walk around time to let them feel like they aren’t alone. But you agreed to go. You weren’t bias out of someone because of their religion.

He told you to come to the address of the church and stand outside wearing a colored scarf so he’d tell which one is you. So you decided to wear a yellow scarf so he could spot you easily since yellow isn’t a popular color for scarf choice, but you made it work.

Daesung walked up to you and noticed you looking very tired. He had a worried expression on his face. You notice this and brush it off by reassuring him,

“I’m fine. I just don’t usually wake up this early so it kind of surprised me when you called me suddenly. Are you okay?”

He nods.

“That’s good. Let’s go in for the sermon. Then we can do a little bit of church volunteer work and then you can talk to me about what is going to happen.”

He nods at your idea and you both walk into the church. You sit in the back of the room, people pass by you two and some people talk with Daesung giving him their blessings and hoping everything will turn out okay.

After the sermon, you and Daesung decided to go and help out with moving some things around in the church. After you both were done, you both went back into the room with all the benches and sat there,

Silence swept through the room as you and Daesung sat there. You look at him, his dark hair that covered his right eye, as he still kept looking down. Eventually, you touched his face and he quickly looked over at you surprised from your action.

You looked at him with worried and concerned eyes. He could truly see and feel the worry in you. He sighed.

“I…I found out the man I hit…is dead…”

He looked down and started to cry. You scooted over closer to him and rested his head on your shoulder as he cried quietly. Patting his head and comforting him as he cries.

“I know you met me only a week ago…and that you shouldn’t always trust in my words until you truly know me…but please believe I’m here for you…”

He lifted his head and looked at you straight in the eyes. Your eyes didn’t tell a lie. They were staring strongly back at him with truth in your heart. Daesung nodded at you and rested his head on your shoulder again. You wiped away the tears that were on his cheeks and continued to pat him on the head again.

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