
Key's Dream Girl

Nicole's POV

Gyuir, Jiyoung, Hara, Seungyeon and I finally arrived at the club.  The music was blaring, the dance floor was filled, and a fun night was about to start.  

"Come on," said Jiyoung as she dragged Seungyeon and Hara down to the dance floor.  Gyuri smiled and followed.  

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and spun around.  Jinwoon was standing right behind me. I smiled. 

"Hey Jinwoon, long time no see," I said.  He smiled.

"Can I talk to you for a minute."

"Sure."  He led me outside to the alleyway behind the club. 

"What did you want to see me about?" I asked. 

"Well, Nicole, you and I have been friends for a very long time."

"Yes we have been."

"And I have really have become close with you over the years."


"And I have felt like we have become more than friends."

"What do you mean?" Jinwoon smiled and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me into a tight hug, 

"I like you Nicole," he whispered into her ear.  My eyes went wide and my body went numb. "I want you to become my girlfriend."

After a few seconds of awkward silence passed, Jinwoon released me and exhaled a deep breath. 

"Sorry if I am troubling you, I just needed to confess to you."  I just slowly nodded her head as my mind was in a state of shock. 

"You don't have to answer me right away.  I will give you some time to think about it."  Jinwoon smiled and grabbed my hands. 

"Jinwoon, I-"  I started to say something but was stopped by Jinwoon. 

"Just think about it." Jinwoon released my hands and walked back inside the club. 

I stood frozen in the alley way.  I could not seem to shake this weird feeling inside of me.  Part of me thought of Key and the part thought about hurting Jinwoon. How am I going to be able to let Jinwoon off without hurting his feelings?


Key's POV

I stormed into the night club with the vision of Nicole and Jinwoon embracing each other stuck in my head.  My heart felt betrayed.  Was NIcole cheating on me?  I noticed that Jinwoon had then also returned inside.  A big smile was plastered on his face.  Man did I want to punch him. 

"Key?" I turned around and Gyuri stood behind me with Jonghyun. 

"Did you find Nicole?" asked Jonghyun. 

"I found her alright," I replied with a harsh tone in my voice. 

"Everything alright?" asked Gyuri. 

"Yeah everything is just peachy."  I ran a hand through my hair and sighed in frustration.  Jonghyun and Gyuri looked at me with eyes full of concern.  "I'm not feeling all too well, so I am going to just go."

"Okay," said Jonghyun. 

"I will call a cab for you," said Gyuri as she took out her cell phone. 

"Thanks."  I then noticed that Nicole had also returned inside.  She seemed to be lost in thought as a dazed expression was on her face.  She saw me and smiled a little.  She then walked over to me. 

"Key, you're here! I thought that you were busy today," she said.  

"We got off early."

"Are you okay, you sound tense."

"Yeah I'm fine."  I snapped at her and her expression became confused. 

"Key?" Before I responded to her, Gyuri came over. 

"The cab is here," she said.  I nodded my head in thanks.  I then headed out of the club and was then stopped by Nicole.  She grabbed my hand and tugged on it. 

"Key? What's wrong?"  I shook her off and got into the cab without saying a word. I then told the driver to go and I watched her retreating figure in the mirror.  Her eyes looked pitiful and my heart then began to ache. 


Nicole's POV

I watched the cab drive off with Key inside.  My heart began to ache and I could feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes.  Is Key mad at me?  What did I do?

"Nicole?"  I turned and Jinwoon was standing behind me. 

"Are you okay?"

I nodded my head. 

"You look like you're about to cry."

"I'm fine. Just feeling a little sick, that's all."

"Do you want me to take you home."  I shook my head no. 

"I want to go home alone," I said. 

"Okay, at least let me call you a cab."  I nodded my head and headed back inside the club. I found Gyuri and Jonghyun was with her.  

"Nicole, are you okay?" she asked. 

"Yeah, just need to go home," I replied. 

"Need me to call a cab?" she asked. 

"No Jinwoon is taking care of it."

"You sure that you are okay?" asked Jonghyun, "did something happen between you and Key?"

"Nothing," I lied. 

"Okay well go home and get some rest," said Gyuri as she rubbed my arms in comfort. 

"Thanks," I said and left them and met Jinwoon outside the club.  He was standing next to the cab with the door open already for me. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with?" he asked with his eyes full of concern. 

"Yep, I'm sure," I said as I slid into the cab.  He shut the door and the cab took off.

I reached the Kara dorm and went inside.  I then traveled to the kitchen and grabbed a bucket of chocolate ice cream from the fridge.  I sat on the couch and the tv.  Some reality show was on and it had a couple girls from SNSD on it.  

I opened the ice and cream and started to eat it as thought of Key.  Why was he mad? I asked myself.  Something was wrong.  And on top of that what am I going to do about Jinwoon.  I don't want to hurt him, but I like Key. 

What am I going to do?

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Chapter 5: uh oh, sounds like trouble...update plz
Chapter 5: update! keycole <3 Ohhh my goodness! May I just say that I absolutely adore this story!!! <3 I WANT TO READ MORE! Keep up the good work XD
Finally! An Update! Love this story and keep going :)
I love this!! Hope for more updates :)
Chapter 3: This was very good :) update plz
Chapter 3: Sooo Cute :)
Aww cute they both like each other so much that they are worried about losing each other CUTE :)
NicolexKey <3 <3 Love it :)
HotEmberBoy #9
Key!! I love any story with Key in it, especially one with Nicole and Key! Excited :) Please update soon