Should I be Worried?

Key's Dream Girl




I opened my eyes slowly to find another pair staring directly into mine.

“Key, how can you fall asleep so easily?” complained Nicole. I slowly raised my head off the pillow and squinted.  Nicole was kneeling next to me staring at me with her sweet brown eyes and her small yet cute smile.  

“I don’t know, I see something comfy, I lay on it and I suddenly fall asleep,” I replied as I raised myself off the sofa.  I stretched and looked around the room.  “How did you get in here?” It was the SHINee dorm and it seemed like all the other members had left.  

“Oh I caught Minho before he left and he was nice enough to let me in,” said Nicole as her smile grew bigger.  She skipped to the small kitchen and started opening a box “I made you something to eat, I hope you are hungry.”

“Yeah, I’m starving.”  I walked over to the kitchen and leaned my elbows on the counter as I watched her pull out some of my favorite foods.  “Do you have a busy day today?” I asked.

“I have a photoshoot to do this afternoon so I can’t stay long.  I just really wanted to see you,” she replied.  We smiled together for a brief moment as I stared into her deep chocolate brown eyes and she stared into mine.  I reached out my hand and touched hers and her smiled grew more bright.  

“I really wanted to see you too,” I said and her cheeks burned slightly.  So cute I thought to myself.  She shyly turned away and continued unpacking my lunch. Her smile continued to play on her lips.  “What is the photo shoot for?” I asked.  She handed me the food and leaned against the counter.

“Oh its a Kappa 2012 Summer shoot.”  I took a bite and almost melted, Nicole is a wonderful cook.  “I’m am going to be taking photos with Jinwoon from 2AM.” Oh Jinwoon, a close friend of mine and he is dangerously close to Nicole as well. Should I be worried? I asked myself.   “Are you okay?” asked Nicole.  I looked up to her concerned eyes and nodded my head.  “Sorry, I was just lost in thought. It has been a while since I have seen Jinwoon.”

“Yeah, well I have to get going or else I am going to be late.”  She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned against my back.  “I will call you later okay?” she said.  Her body felt so warm against mine.  I did not want her to let go, but she slowly slid arms away from me.  My body began to burn where she touched.  I listened to her slowly make her way down the hallway and I heard the door close with a heavy thud.  An uneasy feeling filled the pit of stomach. What am I so worried about?



Nicole’s POV


            “Good work Nicole,” said the photographer as he started packing up his gear.  “Thanks,” I called, “And thanks everyone for the hard work!” The crew began smiling and saying thanks back.  I smiled to myself as I stepped off the curtain and down the short three steps off the stage.  Jinwoon was right behind me.  

            “Really good work today Nicole,” said Jinwoon, “You look cute as always.”  I looked back and smiled, “Thanks Jinwoon, you did great as well.”  The four hour photo shoot went by really fast with so many different wardrobe changes and such.  I made it to my dressing room and before I opened the door, Jinwoon called my name.

            “Nicole, because it has gotten late, would you like to get something to eat?” he asked.  

            “Sure I would love to,” I replied, “Where were you thinking?” Jinwoon shrugged and walked over  to me.

            “Anywhere you want.,” he said as he gave me a small smile.  “Okay then let me get changed and then we can go, okay?”  He nodded his head and walked over to his dressing room.  I entered mine and quickly changed out of the summer gear I was sporting and changed into some gray sweats and a red sweatshirt.  It had a little panda holding a heart balloon on the front and it was super cute.  Key bought it for my birthday last year.  I hugged myself tightly and remember how shy he was giving me the present.  It is one the most thoughtful gifts I had ever received.  “I should call him,” I muttered to myself.  I dug through my white coach bag and found my cell phone.  I dialed Key’s number and waited patiently. The song “Ring Ding Dong” started playing as his waiting tone and I started dancing to it.  The message for voicemail came on and I pouted. He must have fallen asleep again, I thought.

I left him a voicemail and placed my cell phone back into my bag.  I walked out of the dressing room where Jinwoon was waiting for me.  

“You ready?” he asked.  I nodded my head. “Yep, I’m ready.” He smiled and we began walking down the hallway.  I wanted to hear his voice at least.  





I was startled awake to the sound of the door slamming shut. I could hear Minho and Onew laughing hysterically and I moaned.  I grabbed the pillow off the sofa and slammed my head underneath it.  

“Ah, Key, you should have gone out with us,” said Minho.  “Yeah, you missed a really good time,” said Onew.  I kept my head underneath the pillow and moaned. “Are you okay?” asked Minho.  I waved my hand at them and replied in a mutter.  “What?” asked Onew.  I muttered again.  “We can’t hear you underneath the pillow,” said Minho.

I threw the pillow to the floor, “I said I’m fine, just really tired.”  I peered at them. “Where is Taemin and Jonghyun?”  

“Oh, they went to rent a movie and get some snacks,” said Onew.  I stretched and stood up.  My eyes were still groggy as I slowly shuffled myself to the kitchen.  I poured myself a glass of water and noticed there was a missed call on my phone.  Grabbing my phone I saw that Nicole called me about an hour ago.  

“Key, Taemin and Jonghyun should be back in a little bit with the movie,” shouted Onew.  I nodded my head and walked through the living room to my room.  I closed the door softly and leaned against as I listened to the voicemail she left: ““Key, did you fall asleep again?” she sighed and I laughed softly to myself, “I thought I would give you a call after the photoshoot is over with.  It went great and it was fun. I miss you, bye.”  Her voice sounded so cute.  I dialed her number and I sat and listened to the song Wanna playing as her waiting tone.  

“Hello?” said a voice that did not sound like Nicole’s.  

“Umm Nicole?” I asked clearly confused.  

“Yes this is she,” said the voice and I could hear a rustling noise in the background. A voice that sounded like Nicole’s shouted, “Hara, that’s my phone! Give it.”  Oh so it was Hara that answered, I thought.  The rustling noise continued and I could hear Nicole shouting and Hara laughing.  I started laughing to myself as I could picture Nicole chasing Hara around the room.  “Owww okay Nicole, here is you phone,” said Hara.  The rustling noise finally stopped and Nicole’s cute voice answered the phone.

“Hello?” asked Nicole.

“Hey Nicole, sorry I missed your call earlier, I actually was asleep,” I said.  She laughed and replied “I knew it, and sorry about Hara, my phone started ringing and she swiped it from me.”  

“It’s alright, besides how was the photoshoot today?” I asked.

“It went great and it was fun working with Jinwoon.”

“That’s good.”

“What are you doing now?”

“Well, the other members are renting a movie, so I think I am going to go chill with them for the rest of the night, how about you.”

“Jinwoon took me out to dinner and now I am hanging out with Jiyoung and Hara.”

I froze, Jinwoon took Nicole out to dinner?  

“Hello? Key?” asked Nicole.

“Oh sorry, just thinking,” said Key.  

I could hear Hara’s voice in the background whining, “Nicole, come on, are we going out or not?”

“Coming,” yelled Nicole, “Sorry Key but Hara and Jiyoung are waiting for me,  i will talk to you later, bye.”

“Bye,” I replied and she hung up the phone.  Slowly, I lowered my phone and pressed the end button.  They went to dinner? I shook my head.  “What am I getting jealous of? They are just close friend.”  

“Key, Taemin and Jonghyun are back! Do you want to watch the movie with us?” yelled Onew.  

“Yeah I will be right out,” I replied.  Holding my phone and I slid my finger across the surface.  I should not get jealous of this, right?


Nicole’ POV

The smell of cigarette smoke and strong liquor hit my nostrils as Hara, Jiyoung and I walked into the bar.  Our heels clicked against the granite flooring as we passed people chatting, gossiping, and laughing.  Jiyoung and Hara wanted to out and hang out at a bar for the night and it seemed to be rather busy for a Tuesday night.  We decided to sit down at the bar  and have a couple of drinks.  I hoisted myself up onto the chair and leaned my elbows against the cool countertop.  We ordered a couple of drinks and started to chat about different topics.  

“Nicole, how did the photoshoot go today?” asked JiYoung.

“Good, it was fun working with Jinwoon,” I replied.

“Oh, so you got to work with Jinwoon,” said Hara as she took a sip from her cocktail.

“Yeah it was fun seeing him again since its been so long,” I said.  

“Isn’t Jinwoon close friends with Key as well?” asked Jiyoung.  I pondered for a second.

“I believe so, but I don’t think that they hang out very often,” I replied.

“Oh I see, I believe that they were very close a couple of years ago,” said Jiyoung.

“I did not know that,” I said.

“Speaking of Key, how are things going between you too,” asked Hara.

“Things are going good, I think,” said Nicole.

“Have you made it official yet?” asked Jiyoung.

“Made it official?” I asked.  

“It means has he asked you to be his girlfriend,” said Hara.

“I just kind of assumed I was,”I said.  Hara and JiYoung gave me strange looks.  I shifted uncomfortably and took a small sip of my drink.

“You mean, he seriously hasn’t asked you yet?” asked Hara, “how long have you guys been, like, ‘together’?” She made a gesture of air quotes when she said ‘together,’

“We have been ‘together’ for about a month,” I replied, “Plus are idols. We can’t date or else it could hurt our fan bases and image, so we can’t officially date.”

“True, but he should still ask you,” said Jiyoung, “for security reasons.”

“Security reasons?” I asked.  

“Yes, think about it,” said Hara, “Key is a very social person, correct?”  

I nodded my head.

“And has a ton of friends,” said Jiyoung.

I nodded my head.

“And aren’t a ton of them girls?” said Hara.

I nodded my head.

“Doesn’t he hang out and talk to them a lot?” asked Jiyoung.

“Are you saying that Key is unfaithful?” I asked

“I don’t know if he is,” said Hara.

“Then what are you saying?” I asked.

“It could be a possibility,” said Jiyoung.

“In most cases, guys don’t want to reveal their relationships is so they can date other women,” said Hara.  I shook my head at the thought of it.

“Key would never do that,” I said, “He is too honest to do that.”

“How do you know for sure,” asked Jiyoung.

“I trust him,” I replied. “I don’t think he would hurt me like that.”

“That may be true but aren’t you a little bit worried?” asked Jiyoung.

“Worried about what?” I asked.

“Him growing bored of you and moving on to someone else,” said Hara.

“Harsh words to put that in, but it could be true,” said Jiyoung.

“Why would Key get bored of me?” I asked.

“Well, it may not be bored, but more like his feelings for you fading over time,” said Jiyoung.

“Hence the word ‘bored’,” said Hara.

“I know that over time that our relationship will fade, but that still does not answer my question to why I need to make it official between Key and I,” I said.

“He has a lot of girls who are friends right?  Well, he could find someone that he likes more than you,” said Jiyoung.

“I don’t believe that would ever happen,” I said.

“Nicole, we are not saying that it will,” said Hara.

“You should just be aware of it,” said Jiyoung.

“Okay,” I said very quietly.  What kind of things are they trying to say?  Should I be worried about every single girl that talks to Key?  Should I be concerned about the amount of girls he knows?  Should I be worried?

“Sorry, Nicole, we don’t mean to put these unsettling thoughts in your head,” said Jiyoung.

“It’s just something that every girl needs to think about, but I am sure that Key would never ditch you for anyone else,” said Hara.  They both rubbed my back and switched to a new topic.  I placed my elbows on the cool counter and placed my head in my hands.  Zoning out i began to ask myself over and over again: Should I be worried?


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Chapter 5: uh oh, sounds like trouble...update plz
Chapter 5: update! keycole <3 Ohhh my goodness! May I just say that I absolutely adore this story!!! <3 I WANT TO READ MORE! Keep up the good work XD
Finally! An Update! Love this story and keep going :)
I love this!! Hope for more updates :)
Chapter 3: This was very good :) update plz
Chapter 3: Sooo Cute :)
Aww cute they both like each other so much that they are worried about losing each other CUTE :)
NicolexKey <3 <3 Love it :)
HotEmberBoy #9
Key!! I love any story with Key in it, especially one with Nicole and Key! Excited :) Please update soon