Give up




Full time of Jungshin day for me kekeke… I am counting the things which Jungshin threw away and I just save it hehe.. I am in a class A where is a quiet class that they haven’t used for a long time..

This paper, Jungshin used to draw picture and then he threw it to the garbage but I picked it up hehehe.. And also this pen, it’s also Jungshin’s. Because it’s break and he threw it near the garden… lololo..

Hello.. all cute things… Today you get a new member again… here!  it’s Jungie.. xD I just picked it up after Jungshin kicked it out while he was playing football…” I showed them a bottle..


“Yah~ you don’t know?? Yah this bottle that Jungshin used to touched kekeke.. and I named it Jungie hehe from now.. it’s your relative okay??” I told them..

Wow… I’m so happy..

“Jungshin.. you know? I like to keep the things that you threw away… omg…’’ I talked to myself..

“Okay.. My children.. your mom have to go now.. good bye.. I’ll get you to go home together when I leave school.. kkk I love you jub jub..” I kept them in to my old box where is under a table and I left that room..


Unknow Pov


She really didn’t know.. the place that she thinks, is her secret place because it’s quiet.. But it’s also a place for someone who thinks like her, it’s a secret place to him to escape some noisy.. However, it's also here he gets there and he was looking at her for a long time because he's been here before Eunjung came..

A tall man stood up and walked to that place where Eunjung kept those things..

“How silly!! She must have nothing to do..” He looked at that box

“I think that, if you spend your time with your study is better than do un important thing like this..”


Eunjung pov


“Hey hey.. I'm tired so much..” I just bought a bottle of water and ran quickly to the area of school.. it’s just for Jungshin cause now he might be tired after he did exercise kkk..

It’s on time.. I kept the bottle on Jungshin chair and then I ran away..

It’s as my thinking.. Jungshin sat on that chair and drank that water.. haaaaaa I am full of happiness.. <3

I’m smile with myself..


When Jungshin backs to home.. I follow him as my habit.. I just want to know how safe he is..

Wowwwww.. that is banana in front him…

Oh no…. Jungshin can’t fall down like that!  I’ll protect my beautiful thing……..

I quickly run to clear it first…….


I fall down because of that banana………

>.< Bad luck…!!!!

However I success to protect Jungshin…

Jungshin walked across simply..


Eyaaaa xD



In the morning..


Today I got news from Jungshin’s fans at my school. They said Jungshin will have breakfast at the coffee shop near my school so I have to join it too ^^

“Hi Jungshin see you again..” I started frist

“Aigggggooooooooo this woman again” his face seemed bad

“How.. it must be destiny kekeke” I laughed


“I am so shy hehehe”

“If you were shy you must not follow me like this” he said


In the afternoon



“What? -.-”

“Here.. I know you are having exam even my English is not good as you.. but it’s my mind, you can read this note book.. I have spent my whole night to make these lessons for you kkk..” I gave him a note book and then ran away.. because I am so shy..


In the evening


Wow.. my life full of Jungshin?? Kekekeke~

I looked at my album photos of Jungshin from one page to another page.. I don’t know why many people and also Jiyeon or Hyomin always say I am crazy with Jungshin.. but they really don’t know.. How happy I am when I am with him. Just doing something for him, it’s enough for me  and my smile would appear if something always be Jungshin..

I walked on the way to go to the park.. of course today Hyomin called me to go for a walk. She said this evening is a nice.

I am walking while I am looking around too..

Suddenly my eyes are contacting to something… Lee Jungshin.. He is with a lady and they looked argue with each other…

“Aren’t you too much? You said that I made appa in trouble.. so how about you? Do you think you’re good act?” that girl shouted at Jungshin..

“You better look at yourself first.. of course I don’t want to argue with woman… but this day I can’t calm anymore..”

Plach!!!!!! That girl slaps Jungshin’s face…..

O.O!!!!!!! ttttttttttt why hit my lovely husband like this…..


“Hey you!!!” I ran to throw her away..

“Why do this to Jungshin? Are you alright?” I shouted at her

“What’s a crazy girl!” she looked at me

“Ham Eunjung!” Jungshin called me

“Yes.. I’ll protect you from that witch kkk” I told him

“Witch??” she shouted

“Yes.. Jungshin is a prince so if you try to hurt him it means you are a witch..” I said

“huh?” she turned to Jungshin “Is she your girlfriend? You are very kind Lee Jungshin but your favorite is very strange…” she said


“Stop.. skip it Lee Chaerin.. all thing is not about her. and you shouldn’t say that.. Everything will complete when we get home..” Jungshin told her and then turned to me

“You!!!! Come here…” he dragged my hand and went with him

Ahhhhhh angel xDDDDDD Jungshin touch my hand!!!! Aigooooooo……..

“Stop bother me anymore” when we got a quiet place he suddenly said coldly

“Why? I just protect you as that girl slapped you..”

“Don’t call her that girl, she is my noona..”

“Huh?? Noona?? Do you have noona? Why don’t I know?? As my searching you are only one child in your family or I got wrong information..”

“My cousin of course.. anyway.. can you stop bother me?” he looked at me

“Jungshin :[ ”

“You know? You make me crazy now.. since you appeared in front of me I've never happy.. sometimes I think I myself live in a hell.. you know the word boring? You make me stressful you see?? So please.. pity me by your leaving… okay??” he said coldly

I don’t know why? My heart hurt much.. I try to keep my tear.. and calm.. but.. I really hurt… how can he say that??

But I might make him stressful much… or I should leave him? I really don’t want to see Jungshin is in trouble like this! Suddenly my tear fell down at first time..

I can’t keep I can’t keep!

I looked at his face with my tear drop but I have nothing to say

Jungshin still looked at me in simple way..

Or all things that I do for him not enough and makes he likes me back?

“I see Lee Jungshin..” I tried to say with my tear..

“I would stop appear in front of you as you wish.. don’t worry… I won’t make my beautiful star as you were in trouble anymore..” I turned back and walked slowly…



Jungshin Pov


I looked at her at the back.. her shadow is so lonely.. Am I too much? I said those word to her? But it’s also better if she disappear from me… Em…. Ham Eunjung… I wish you can find another man who will be kind to you…


It’s a nice day one.. how fresh without that lady ;D

I walked slowly in to the class.. it’s my freedom life… no one follows me again…


In the afternoon


Unbelievable she is really lose.. -_-^ I just said and then she starts following my saying??

“Jungshin!!.. come on.. FT Island wants to play basketball with us..” Minhyuk came to me

“No.. it’s hot..”

“Hey come on…” he dragged my hand and went with him. Finally I lost him.


I walked to the area of school.. but my eyes is looking for someone.. why? Who am I looking for? It’s so strange..


3days ago


Today is my English subject again.. I have nothing to do.. It’s very boring.. I feel in trouble now.. why am I bored? -.-^ this place is too quiet..

I opened my bag to find my English book.. suddenly I saw a small note book in my bag.. it seemed like…


“Here.. I know you are having exam.. even my English is not good as you.. but it’s my mind.. you can read this note book.. I have spent my whole night to make these lessons for you kkk..”


Aigoooo… this woman is appearing in my memory again >.<

I stood up and walked out my class..

I’m looking around with my boring feel.. why that girl is not here? She seemed lose from my world!! Isn’t a magic? We are studying in the same school. suddenly she lost like this -.-


A week later


“Jungshin!!” Minhyuk called me

“Huh??” I waked up

“Nowadays your act is so strange.. you act like no spirit.. I've called you for 4 times..” he told me


“Oh?” Minhyuk

“Em… I have to go now…” I told him and then walk out.


I walked on the way to go home…


“Hi Jungshin see you again”

“Jungshin !  need me to listen your problem?”

“I am so shy”

“I would stop appear in front of you as you wish.. don’t worry… I won’t make my beautiful star as you were in trouble anymore..”


Ahoooo.. why her voice?? That lady always appears in my memory even I walk across the road but I was dreaming of her…

Silly Jungshin.. what are you doing?


Ham Eunjung!!! You made virus in my memory nowwwwwwww……..



Eunjung Pov


~ Lee Jungshin.. Lee Jungshin… Lee Jungshin ahhhh…. My brain are full of Jungshin >.<


It’s hard for me to escape from him… but I really don’t want make him stressful.. he is beautiful and he should live in a beautiful life… the messy thing as me, Ham Eunjung...shouldn’t bother him anymore ;<


I walked alone after break time… I don’t know where should I go.. without meeting Jungshin.. my heart is almost die…

O.O^ Am I dreaming? Suddenly Jungshin appeared in front of me again.. he also walked out this way too… and his eyes turned to see me again…

Nooooo…. I shouldn’t let him see meeeeee….. I hurry ran away from him..

“Ham Eunjung!!!!! Hey stop…….”

Ahhhh,…. Jungshin runs after me?? Is he alright?? O.O^

Nooo he might wanted to blame again… T___T I quickly ran.. just try to escape him…


Jungshin… Why did you follow me??


In My Room


I talked to myself

.. forget Jungshin.. free him.. stop thinking about him but…


Well I left him but.. what’s about him now? He might be happy?? However he is happy?? Why did he call and run follow me?? O.O^

Heury…… crazyyyyyyy why ? I am still thinking of him.. dumb girl do you forget what he did to you?


“Stop bother me anymore”


“You know? You make me crazy now.. since you appeared in front of me I've never happy.. sometimes I think I myself live in a hell.. you know the word boring? You make me stressful you see?? So please.. pity me by your leaving… okay??”


Okay.. I’ll do as you wish.. but..

Even my mouth said that.. but my eyes and my heart always anti my mouth.. I always look at him in a secret way..


I touched my heart and looked at CN Blue magazine that I just bought from Jungshin’s fans club in my school…

A person that I pointed is… I touched Jungshin’s photo slowly..

“You know.. how much I love you?? A week ago.. that I got away from you.. I just want you would be happy.. but you know? Without you I feel trouble.. I was looking at you.. when you came on the TV show.. I was sitting at the fans’ chairs. I really wanted to shout loudly with your fans.. but I can’t do it.. because I’m afraid.. I’m afraid you will hate me when you see my face again.. Lee Jungshin… I can’t stop loving you… T__T” my tear drop fell on that magazine even I tried to keep it.. but… my heart is really hurt..


“Eunjung haaa..” my mom called me

I hurry wiped my tear..

“Yes mom…”

“This vacation.. do you want to go to your grand ma’s homeland..” mom came into my room..

“Grand ma’s homeland??” I asked her

“Yes.. today your dad and mom are going to your grand ma’s homeland and if you want to join.. here the ticket.. it’s for next tomorrow..” she gave me a ticket..


My long vacation?? Sometimes the nature might help me fresh and stop thinking about the messy thing in my memory…

But if I go.. I might not able to see Jungshin.. a whole vacation.. what should I do now??


Jungshin Pov



 “Ham Eunjung!!!!! Hey stop…….”


Silly.. why did I call her? Why did I run after her? And why did she run away when she saw me? Aiyoooo… silly what am I thinking now?

I can’t stop thinking about that event… my heart is caliing someone’s name…


Sometimes, I want to hear her voice again.. her noisy… why am I changing like this?


Why I feel bored? Even I read a book or doing something but I can’t do well as before.. my heart is calling someone’s name… the girl who always annoy me… I want to see her again.. I can’t control my heart anymore…


“Hey Shin… Yonghwa hyung asked that do you want to join party with us??” Minhyuk suddenly asked me


“Yes.. in Jonghyun hyung’s home…it is going to be a happy time.. because there are many y ladies in our school Join too…” Minhyuk said

Em… sometimes.. the party can help me to stop thinking about the messy thing… yeah Ham Eunjung.. you should disappear from my brain!!!!!!!

“Emm… okay…”


 please waiting for final chapter ^^

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and sorry some word error and grammar..

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 3: Eunjung is like shy stalker but cute...
I'm happy that she get what she want...
Thank for telling me this story author...
i love fanfics about eunjung she suits any kind of story :) y , cute , beautiful , dangerous and action girls :)
Chapter 3: WOW!! i love Y-Y more more!
Chapter 3: Cute man xDDD
I love ur poster, cuz JS cried while EJ laugh lol

But the end of pIcture, it sem like JS dub EJ try tO run away from his mom lol -jk/
Oun jam read :3
Chapter 3: yesss! ^O^
Chapter 2: lmao khoch name unnie nhom os hz~ u_u men kour na s'lanh jungshin dol tnak nis sos! men man s'lanh te...chkout ta mg!
Chapter 1: Jenh couple new shinjung ey na =='
Chapter 1: Hahaha xD
Mean ke love ShinJung dae ai
Chapter 1: Great episode!!! I love ShinJung!!! Thanks!!
0103mica #10
Chapter 1: Good chapter!
Update again :)