
One Snowy Night


It was extremely quiet as the young man made his way down the street, his breathes came out like thick fogs as the cold winter air tickled against his pink cheeks. Snowflakes fell slowly, floating around as if they were dancing, twirling around and around before landing on the ground and become one with it. It was pure white and it reflected brightly from the street lights above.

There was  an occasionally crunch as he made his way towards the lone bus stop, his boots marking the untouched snow and it became quiet once more when he sat down on the cold, metal seat and lean his head back against the glass.  He stared up and pouted slightly since the clouds had blocked his view of the night sky, and more importantly the stars. He cherish these quiet moments when he could watch the stars and lose himself, take himself back to old memories, some which he wish he could live through once again. He still could hear his mother’s voice, her sweet, calm voice that told him all about the stars that lay in the sky. If the stars made themselves visible to him, he could recall the stars to you, having cherished the knowledge he gained when his mother was still alive.


Umma…Are you still there watching me?” He gave a sad smile. He stared off into the distance, losing in his own thoughts. A strong breeze blew through and he shivered violently, wrapping his scarf more tightly around him. He then heard snow being crunched, as if someone was standing under the bus stop. He turned his head and saw another man looking at him with his big, dark brown eyes.

“Excuse me? Is this seat taken?” A deep, low voice ask.

Taemin looked at the seat and back at the stranger and slowly shook his head.

“An-ni, go ahead.” He said, turning his head away to not let the other man see his blush.

“What’s Choi Minho doing here, at this time of night?” He thought as the older man sat down beside Taemin and placed his hands in his pockets.

“He didn’t have to ask. There isn’t anyone around.” Yet Taemin couldn’t help but smile at the small act. Minho really did seem like a gentleman.  A comfortable silence soon came, both men didn’t know what to say to each other. They had seen each other at college, never speaking but always catching a glance now and again.

Taemin took his bare hands out from his pockets and blew into them, trying to use his breath to warm his hands up. He chided himself for forgetting his mittens this morning as he rushed out. He could still feel the cold winter blow against his hands and he shivered.

Suddenly a pair of warm hands clutched around Taemin’s frozen ones and the auburn head turns his views towards the owner of the warm hands. Minho smiled softly and gripped Taemin’s chilly palms tighter.

“You seem cold, Taemin-ssi. Here let me help.”

“I hope he doesn’t think I’m a creepy person or something. Crap! Wait, I just called him by his name and he hasn’t even told me. He gona think I’m…”
“An-ni, it’s alright your hands are really warm, Minho-ssi” Taemin shy reply broke Minho from his thoughts. Minho looked surprised and shouldn’t help but noticed the younger boy blush; his shy demeanour made him chuckled.

Taemin blushed more furiously when he heard that low chuckle from the handsome man. Honestly he was quite enchanted by Choi Minho. The man who was the star player in the college soccer team, the man who was extremely popular, and the man who made every girl and some boys swept off their feet. Taemin didn’t care about his popularity but he did notice his other aspect about his personality that he doesn’t often show to other people. Like how he indirectly helps other soccer players performed their best, how he makes an effort with his other subjects despite the fact he would rather be on the field all day, how he bought a little girl a new ice-cream after she dropped her scoops by accident. Not to mention he was extremely handsome, and behind his glare, Taemin saw a good hearted within the man.  

While Taemin was looking away, Minho was looking at the cute boy and a genuine, wide smile spread across his face.  He could feel the warmth that Taemin’s hands gave out and couldn’t help but noticed that they fitted perfectly together. He too was also enchanted by the boy that was sitting beside him. Though Taemin didn’t realise, Minho had often stared at the beautiful boy in class. The only reason that he kept doing some of the subjects that he had no interested in was because it gave him a chance to look at Taemin and marvel on his angle-like features. He really was beautiful and he noticed how he would frown when he was thinking for the solution, the small smile of pride when he got the correct answer, him sitting quietly by himself reading a book or resting under the his favourite stop under an old maple tree at the back of the college.

“What are you doing here Taemin-ssi? The school closed down a long time ago.” Minho asked casually, trying to start a conversation with the boy.

“Ummm, I was at the café two blocks away. I was reading and kinda lost track of time. I had to leave because it was closing.” Taemin quietly replied.  He wished he was back in that warm place, curled in his favourite spot, losing himself in the land of the magical world that the author artfully wove into words on a page. He could almost remember the taste and warmth of the hot chocolate that he drank only an hour ago.

“How about you, Minho-ssi?” Taemin turned his views towards Minho, who was listening attentively to the other boy’s answer.

“Oh I stayed behind to practise for the big game next week.”


“In this weather? It’s freezing.”


“It was, and I was in my shorts but I managed, it wasn’t snowing until I called it a day.”

“You really are dedicated to soccer. I like that.” Taemin smiled.

“Well there is so much I like about you.”

Minho gave another chuckle, “Thanks, you are too. With your studies I mean. I always see you surrounded with books, working hard.”

“Oh, you do?” Taemin said, blushing that the handsome man even paid attention to him.
Minho just realised what he said and mentally cursed himself, “Great going Choi, you don’t sound creepy at all.”


“I-I mean…” The older man stammered, trying to explain. “What is happening to me? I don’t stammer or get nervous.”

A giggle rang through Minho’s ears and he saw how Taemin had released one of his hands to cover his mouth as he laughed. “It’s alright hyung, I was just surprised that’s all.”


“Phew, that was close. I’m glad he doesn’t-WAIT he called me hyung!”

Taemin stopped laughing and gasped at what he said.
“S-sorry Minho-ssi I mean-“

“It’s alright, you can call me hyung, I like that better Taemin-ah.” He smiled warmly and the latter smiled back.

“I mean it’s not like we are strangers, we have been in the same classes for almost a year now.”

“I guess so.”

“My first hyung and its Choi Minho for crying out loud!”





Another silence followed after before Taemin shyly said that his hands were warmed now and Minho released his hold and Taemin placed his hand back into his pockets, both sighing quietly at the loss of warmth that was provided from the hold. A comfortable silence followed, both enjoying the company of each other before it was broken by Taemin’s rumbling stomach. The younger man mentally whined, embarrassed that his stomach growled at that particular moment. He didn’t end up eating lunch since he was finishing off his assignment.
“Someone’s hungry.” Minho teased but not before his own stomach grumbed, begging for attention.


The sound of laughter soon filled the quiet street as both were embarrassed as well as amused by the turn of events.
“Say Taemin-ah? I know this great restaurant not too far away from here.  Its open till late and since we are both starving, would you like to come with me?”


Taemin blinked rapidly, the message not quite registered in his head.

“Yo-ou mean like a date?” Taemin blurt out before mentally hitting himself for acting so surprised.

“Idiot, why did you have to ask? Of course it’s not a date!”

“Well, you could call it that…” Minho said nervously.



Minho looked up with hopeful eyes, “Sorry?”
Taemin calmed his breathing before repeating his words, “I would love to hyung.”

Minho was sure his face would hurt from his wide smiles but he didn’t care. He would have jumped in joy at that very moment, the moment Taemin gave his response.

“Shall we go then?” Minho held out his hand and Taemin shyly took it.

“Just making sure your hands don’t freeze while we walk there.”
Taemin gave a pout, “Meanie.”
Minho laughs echoed throughout the snowy night as the two walked across the street, their footsteps marked in the snow. 

 Taemin looked up and his eyes lit up when he saw the clouds had clear off and the stars were glistening in the winter night.
“Umma, are you watching me now? I guess I won’t be alone anymore.”


A/N: I hope you like the oneshot ^^ Tell me what you think~

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Chapter 1: This was so sweet *wipes a happy tear*
Chapter 1: Aaaawwww! Cute story ! :3
Chapter 1: Aw, this is such a cute story!
I'd love it if you wrote more 2min, you're a great writer!
Chapter 1: Wow that was so cute! I loved it!
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! You're so much better than me you liar you~ c; How could you say your writing is alright? o: It's so fluffy! ~('o'~) I just..I can't, I just love it.
Chapter 1: so cute :)
Chapter 1: so sweet and nice! loved it!
vicklatifah #8
Chapter 1: Oh god that was soooo good. So cute and fluffy. Ahhh great job.