In the playground~

Hasta Luego...?

      An awkward silence had filled the room after you left. Simon got up-first of all- with his fists tightened.

    "What did you just..."

    "Ssh, ssh" Jeesu stopped him and got up. "Explain me what did you just do, Jung Nami" he whispered, boiling with rage.

    "I gave that loser a really useful lesson, oppa! I knew she was trying to steal you from me, I've heard her saying to that loser that she's in love with you!" she screamed and pointed at your friend, Taeyeon.

   Taeyeon blushed, Jeesu raised an eyebrow with excitement, while the other DMTN boys looked at each other with a well-known smirk. Looking at Nami, Jeesu's rage was back.

   "I don't care what you knew Nami. How dare you treat a person so precious to me like that? I f you're looking for a loser you better look at the mirror to find one! You know what? I'm so done with you and I wonder why I even started a relationship with a person like you, I'd have slapped you, if you weren't a woman!" he exploded.

   Nami was too shocked to say anything and was about to leave, but Jeesu yelled again, so as to be the one to actually teach a leeson: "Hyunae means the world to me; you never meant nothing. Hasta Luego, Nami and learn how to behave, huh?".

   She disappeared and the other girls started clapping their hands with excitement. Jeesu puffed as if being relieved by a heavy weight and the other DMTN boys joined the applause. A pale, short girl approached Jeesu and tapped him on his shoulder discreetly. She was your best friend from your teammates, Taeyeon.

    "Jeesu-sshi, I called Hyunae; she isn't answering... Should I get worried?"

    Jeesu thought for a second and looked at Daniel.

    "Hey, maknae! Let's look around here for the chick. Taeyeon, look at the women's restroom".

    They all looked around but didn't find you. Taeyeon seemed worried, but Jeesu smiled with a calming look in his eyes.

    "Don't worry Taeyeon-ah. Guys, keep on getting ready; I'll be back with Hyunae and extremelly good news soon" he said, putting his T-shirt on.

    "But, hyung, we didn't find her... How will you both be back soon? We've no idea where she's!" Daniel commented and Jeesu smiled.

    "Jongmal, don't worry. I know exactly where to find her"


   You were sitting on your own on a swing, at that lonely playground around your neighbourhood. Your slapped cheek was burning you and you were feeling dizzy from embarassment. Your huge glasses were wet and blurr from your tears. You took them off and dropped them on the ground intensly; you had stopped needing them for medical and actual reasons two years ago. The doctor had said that -in your case- miopsu had disappeared at the end of adolescence, but you hadn't told your parents. You had secretely changed the lences with fake ones, as your decision was to maintain your nerd look, to remain the silent girl with the huge glasses.

    Actually, you were afraid to do something different from the usual and you were feeling surprised that boys -like Simon, Daniel, Junsu- were flirting you. But the one that was special to you, Jeesu, wouldn't do the same, so nothing else mattered for you. How could you tell him how you were feeling about it? That you had a crush on him since you realised what means to be a boy and what means to be a girl? Aish, he would say that you're friends and that you can't be together and then... oh, then, you would lose your best friend, not only the chance to be with him!

   Maybe you had already lost him; he didn't defend you; he didn't say a single word! He just allowed to his disgusting girlfriend to humiliate you in front of your teammates and the other DMTN boys! You started crying again~ Of course he would! He kept on torturing you lately, especially when the other boys were extremelly good towards you. As if he didn't want you to move on, to overcome your crush on him with  a new one! Did he know? No, you were always too discreet  for him to realise, you loved him from a far!

    Your tears were flowing endlessly and your sadness was chocking you. A couple of steps was heard on the dusty ground. A voice that scared you.

   "Huh, chick, you're too predictable!" Jeesu smiled and approached you.

     You just looked at him with deadly eyes and didn't answer.

   "C'mon Hyunae, everytime you were sad or angry you would be coming here! Don't you rememver that time that a kid called you "geek" and would tease you all the time for your glasses? I found you here, doing exactly the same, like 8 years ago! he puffed happily and capped your cheek. "Wait, where are your glasses?"

     You got up, pushing him back and pointed at your glasses, on the ground, stepping on them, a cracking sound coming from your pushing foot.

    "I don't need them, anyways. I see perfectly" you said decisively and were about to leave, when Jeesu grabbed you arm tightly.

    His face seemed shocked at first, but-afterwards- as if realising what you had actually been doing with your glasses al this time, bursted in laughter.

   "Are you crazy, chick? You were wearing your glasses for no reason?"

   "Up to now, that was my best defence. Your bi.. your stupid girlfriend srewed that, too. Let me go, oppa"

    "Why, what else did she srew?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

     "Everything, ok? Everything!" you cried and lowered your head. "And you destroyed everything! Why don't you let me go on a date with Junsu? Why did you curse Simon every time he would flirt me? Because I knew he was flirting me! And Daniel had told me that he would ask me out, but you had told me that I'm dating someone else!" Why, Jeesu? Do you want me to be sad and lonely?"

     "You're not lonely... You have me, you'll always have me!"

     "Some times, it's not enough; you had me, too, but you have also Nami."

     You turned to leave but Jeesu's hand became tighter around your arm.

    "I broke up with her".


    "I broke up with Nami. I couldn't allow her to treat the love of my life like that..." he breathed slowly and tried  to smile.

     Your jaw dropped and you looked at him as if he was crazy.

     "Your what of what??" you murmured.

      "The love of my life. I resented her, anyways. I was with her to overcome you... I was sure that you only wanted to be friends with me, so how could I tell you that I'm in love with you? But, I'm such a selfish person! I love you so much that I couldn't stand anyone else flirting you, asking you out! It's stupid but I was thinking that I could maintain things like this forever... The others were teasing me... Simon- tsk, that guy- he especially liked you and kept on threatening me that if I wasn't telling you my feelings, he would ask you out. After a while, Daniel joined the trick, too. And, what is more, that idiot, Lee Junsu appeared today, too! I got mad, I knew you liked him back then, at school, and I was so jealous! Even now, I'm just saying it, I want to punch im in the face!" he bowed his head with embarassment.

    " Yes, but I always liked you more than anyone else, you babo", you managed to say through your trembling lips.

      Jeesu smiled with excitement.

     "It was about time for you to say it! Nami had already shouted it, back at the studio, having heard you and Taeyeon" he laughed and held both of your hands, bringing them to his lips to kiss them.

    "Mueos? You knew that? And why did you say all that stuff about yourself? Don't tell me that you were kidding all this time?!" you shouted.

   "Keke, aniyo, I wanted to confess somehow and make you confess too. I'm not kidding at all... Will you be my girlfriend, Kim Hyunae?" he smiled playfully to you.

    Even though you wanted to , you didn'y have the psychological strength to do it. You simply threw yourself in his hug and burried your tearful face in his chest.

   "Wait, is that a "yes" or "no"??" he gasped.

    "Aish, it's yes you idiot" you yelled and crossed your hands around his neck.

    "Few~that's a relief!" he laughed and hugged you back.

     He lowered his hands around your waist and slightly pushed you back. He touched your slapped cheek gently and capped your head from behind.

    "I won't let anyone hurt you again, my baby chick" he whispered in your ear and brought you closer to his face.

    You got a little scared, feeling him so close to you; you've never thought of your best friend like that. However, you closed your eyes as his lips touched yours and felt  something like explosion inside your stomach and your chest, your hands feeling numb, like melting. You stepped back when you only felt that there was on air left in your lungs and dared to look at him, facing his happy eyes and dazzling smile.

    "Saranghae, oppa" you whispered and got up on your toes to kiss his cheek.

     "I love you, too, chick" he smiled.

     "Yah, cut it off with that chick, it's been ten years now!" you shouted and slapped his arm.

     " Aniyo, you'll be my chick forever" he moved his shoulders playfully.

    "Cut it off or I'll..."   Before you finish your word, he locked you in his arms and kissed you again, tilting his head to make the kiss deeper, more agressive this time.

    "Hey!" you protested.

    "Be careful, baby chick! I've been planning to do that stuff to you for a long time. Don't think that you'll run away easily..." he pinched your cheeks and kissed your forehead, laughing with your dizzy expression.

    You walked back to the studio holding hands for a second time during this day; how different it felt now!

     Entering the pplace, you left his hand and did a sassy merhong.

   "I'm going to finish my work on Simon-sshi" you said teasingly, but Jeesu held you back and trapped you against the wall.

    "Hey, no teasing me with Simon, because I'll hit him and I'll do that to you again!" he giggled and kissed you again, bringing laughter to you, too.

    Daniel, listening to familiar voices, got out of the painting room and almost shouted:

   "Hyungs! Jeesu is kissing Hyunae!"

    Three more faces appeared and they all laughed with your red cheeks.

    "Ah, it was about time!" Inati smiled.

    "So, I guess I lost" Simon commented, with his pretty smile on his lips, too.

    "Oh, yes you did!!" Jeesu exclamed, hugging you tightly and you all laughed.


  From misschoi: Hi guys!! I'm back with Jeesu this time! I reaaaaaaaally love him~ Really-really-really! It may seem a little scrappy, but I enjoyed it very much! Hope you'll have fun with it,too!! ^_^



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im_sucks_LOL #1
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zatieywookie #2
Chapter 2: I love it ^__^ so cute !!!!!! asdfghjkl !!! XD