Always Here for You


From: Daehyun

“I got relationship problems… Can we talk ____?”

After months of not knowing about him after his wedding, this is what I get.


You were now with one of your other friends, Sophia. She decided to take you out since you’ve been moping around with your depression. You agreed and you felt like you needed to do something different for a change. But you picked a wrong way to deal with your feelings.

“______! You need to stop drinking! You’re going to regret it later _____...”

“I don’t care Sophie…”

“I know you’re mad at him but drinking like this won’t solve anything.”

You had been the past hour drinking like crazy. You usually didn’t do this, but something today made you lose control of your emotions.

“Sophie you don’t know how it feels that after giving years of yourself to make a person happy, that now goes away just like that? I loved him! I really did! Now I bet I have to help him solve his problems, and once again I’ll be left with nothing! NOTHING! Just like the first time!”

“Calm down _____, people are watching…”

“I don’t care… I just don’t…” –You said with your now broken voice.

Sophie now worried for your well being decided to text Daehyun.

You stayed mumbling to yourself for a while, meanwhile Sophie starred at you with care. She has never seen you like that, and there wasn’t anyone who could take you away from the table.

Daehyun starred from behind quietly…

“I can’t believe this… I spend my time on him trying to make him happy, while I have to take the pain in silence… And all my efforts are not worth it? I made her perfect for him! Perfect! The things he loved…”

You sat straight and looked at Sophie straight to her eyes, wiggling your index finger at her.

”The video games? Heh… She knew nothing about video games until I told her that he liked them. She had to spend hours trying to learn about them just so she could play with him… The music? Oh… She was clueless about the kind of music he liked, in fact… She had no idea of the music he liked. Until I told her, she made herself “Like” the music he loved, and learn about the groups just so she could have something to talk about with him.”

You pause… You take a deep breath as tears begin to fall.

“The letters? … Those letters were all mine… She knew NOTHING about poetry. I wrote all those letters, those were my words, my feelings! I gave them all to her, just so she could make him happy… Because I thought I was doing the right thing for him, I believed that would help him…Now he has relationship problems…”

Sophie held your trembling hand and made you look at her once again.

“What if things with her didn’t work out and he came back to you? What would you say?”

You smirked and once again pointed your shaky finger at her.

“Daehyun… I can’t be your second choice… No… Not when you were my first…”

You smiled vaguely as you drifted slowly in a deep sleep.

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Chapter 4: :')))
Chapter 4: Will there be a sequelllll????
b2strockz #3
Chapter 4: GREATTT~~~ I TEARED lol...
MitsuKyuYamazaki #4
Chapter 4: ToT this is so f ing good
i like this, great job (>o<)b
Chapter 4: Wow!! Daehyunnie!! He's my bias ruiner in Bap!!! ^^
Jellybeancan #6
Chapter 4: This made me cry. Great story. Absolutely great
Chapter 4: TT-TT...cute
Chapter 3: Update..update..update..
I thought i would be the first to comment haha :D
I really like this story T_T seeing how much she went through for her first love must :(

update soon authornim~