Tears Of An Angel

Can You Hear Heaven Cry?

I recommend you to listen to this song while reading it~~ (I put it on replay while writing it xDDD)





No one's Pov



A man stood at the top of a tall building, looking over the city of Seoul, he smiles as the sun is about to hit it's buildings. The sun shines, rays highlighting the fact that a new day is upon us. The winds blow, going through the man's hair, the breeze so fragile yet so strong it could know anyone off their feet. The man, unknown yet, why he's there, still stands his grounds, waiting...waiting for a sign... He stays there for seconds which turns into minutes, minutes turning slowly into hours... The sky so beautiful, no clouds in the sky, the clearest it's been so far for months.



“Kyuhyun ah....Why?... Why?....” The man's smile soon fades to nothing, blank expression, unable to tell what he's thinking.



“Kyuhyun ah.... Why...did you leave me....? Please... come back to me....” He said, repeating what he said before, lust, pain, confusion can be seen buried deep within his eye as he walks closer to the ledge, not daring to fall off.



“CHANGMIN AH!” Another man appears from behind, calling what seems to be the man before.



“Kyuhyun....” Changmin says, turning around to meet Kyuhyun dead in the eyes. “You're here....”



“Changmin, What are you doing!? Get down from there!” Kyuhyun shouts at Changmin.



“Did you come...because of me?” He asks in surprise.



“Of course you idiot!” Suddenly a call comes in, Kyuhyun picking up his phone, he answers it.






“Kyuhyun ah! Where are you? Did you forget about our date?”



“Siwon..I can't talk right now! I need to go!” He ends the call, switching off his phone, blocking out incoming calls that might occur later on.



“Was that your boyfriend?” Changmin asks.






“I guess it's true... We're really over...”



“Changmin ah... We can still be friends!”



“NO! I don't want to be friends! I want you.... I need you....Why...Why... WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!” Changmin shouted at his Ex-lover, tears daring to come out, only forced back by Changmin's strength. “We...We were perfect together... so why? Why did you leave me?...” His voice going quieter by each word.



“Changmin....” Kyuhyun's voice was soft “What...What we had wasn't love....I'm sorry.”



“No.... No.... NO!” He shouted the knelt down, holding his head, covering his ears. “NO, NO, NO, NO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! IT WAS LOVE! WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS A LIE!! NO! NO! NO! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Changmin screamed his heart out, a few tears managed to escape his body. He stood up, looking at his ex-lover, giving his best smile. Kyuhyun, not knowing what the man in front of him was going to do, stood still.



“Changmin ah.... Get down from there.... Please....” He begged.



“Kyuhyun ah... I love you... so much...”



“Changmin? What are you doing?” Kyuhyun started to panic.



“...But if you're not with me... I don't want to be here any more.” Changmin turned around, looking once more at the city, the world he grew up in, once more at the shining sun, once more at his ex-lover. He lifted his arms up, feeling the wind blow onto his body once more before his leaned it, falling into the air.



“NO, CHANGMIN!” Kyuhyun ran to Changmin, just about managing to catch his ex-lover's hand. “NO CHANGMIN, PLEASE, HOLD ON.... I'LL GET YOU UP HERE... PLEASE DON'T!” He shouted as he felt Changmin's grip on his hand loosen, surprised at his ex-lover's action all Changmin could do was smile.



“Kyuhyun ah.... It's too late..... I can't do it any more... A world without you, my angel, is a world I don't want to be in....” Kyuhyun's eyes widened as he could feel how much Changmin truly loved him.



“We... we can start again! PLEASE... DON'T LET GO!” Kyuhyun cried out, tears escaped the older one's eyes, falling onto Changmin's face.



“It's too late.... Everything...is too late...”



The cloudless sky started to change, as the cloud crowded inwards, it turned grey, letting a loud rumble, soon the sky's tears soon fell upon the young ones on earth. The rain made it even harder for Kyuhyun to grip onto Changmin's hands, even with both, it was hard to support him and his ex-lover, even heaven was crying at the impossible love between these two.



“Don't cry my angel... Nothing good comes from crying.” Changmin said and he looked into Kyuhyun's eyes once more, smiling he mouthed the last words he'll ever say... the last words Kyuhyun would ever hear him say... “I love you.” Letting go of Kyuhyun's grip, his hand slipped out of Kyuhyun's however hard the other was holding on, it was no use. Fate has already decided for them. Kyuhyun watched as Changmin fell down the big building, their eyes locked on the whole time



“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! CHANGMIN!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Kyuhyun screamed, he turned around as his slipped of the small wall of the building, hand hands tugging onto his hair as he cried for his ex-lover. “No..... Changmin ah.... Noooooo” His voice now fallen into a whisper, the sky cried harder and the rain poured heavier onto the land.








That was when he realised.....










He still loved Changmin.....










What they had....










was love.






I'm sorry for such a bad ficcie.... If anyone does cry... (I doubt it with my bad writing skills...) The Alice will welcome you with a hug and hot chocolate~~~ I love you guys~ <3 Sorry for making such a sad ficcie....


Comments and Subscribes will be treasured and loved <3



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Chapter 1:It's good story.But i can't cry...
Chapter 1: oh nooo Kyu you pabbo why didnt u relies it sooner T^T
my brother is setting in front me so I couldnt cry ...but I still want that hug and hot chocolate >.<
thank u for sharing ...love it <33333
LovingKyu #3
Chapter 1: I got a feeling it will end that way... But still... It doesn't lessen the pain i feel... T.T
Chapter 1: Wowww that was short and so intense and with the song *sobs* but how can you love someone and still do that to that person? Changmin did a mistake and he loved Kyu but still he made him sad :/ poor Kyu :(
Chapter 1: It was a good one shot but honestly speaking, and this may sound mean and very rude, people who kill themselves over lover are very stupid. Why should you give up your life over a lover? You're still young and you can find someone else. And if you can't, then you can live alone. But there's no reason to end your life.
Chapter 1: Why is Siwon always the third person in ChangKyu ?
Anyway, your fic is good .Thanks
Chapter 1: Did you cry when writing this? I played the song and read the chapter and I was teary eyed :'( Poor Kyu, Poor Minnie.
Mariia-15 #8
Chapter 1: * Sob * Oh god T-T, poor Changmin so sincere that his love is a lastoma that Kyu has realized later T-T, I really like the reflection History class eventhough I do mourn, was so sad and more listening T-T song great job, great story, thanks ^ - ^