September 24, 2013 - okay, wth.

Random, completely random


uhh.. wut..?
okay, sho i left the rp.
and nao, it's not even that active.
( sorry, not sorry. )
and i stalked it again, because paenda's begging me to come baek.
and i saw that.. there's already a shiel. so i opened her account, but then i remembered that i already left. orz, so i won't be able to actually stalk or anything. /shrugs.
then.. i saw that.. the info's on my profile has been removed. o u o. i cried, tbh. jkjk. i didn't. maybe a little, cuz' i'm a rookie at coding, so.. /slapped.
so, because i was bored, i opened each room, wondering if the new shiel posts anything or anything. orz. and i did, guess what i found out..
the new shiel ish also filipino. ;A;. /cries. and now, while i was scrolling down the filipino rpers page/room, i found another shiel, with the brackets.
saying; CL [Not to be rped because of memories in her profile]. or something close to that.
anyways, i let my mouth open for a minute of more, spazzing about something so small. orz.
i opened the profile, and i saw... MAH PROFILE... TT^TT. i was kinda happy, tho. although the informations there are already old and shizz. orz.
uuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhpp. but, seriously, no, seriously. i was happeh. o u o. i worked hard on the layout. orz. i was a rookie back then. orz.
but i'm happy they're still expecting me to come back, although i probably won't. orz. sorry.
anyway, i'm sure they didn't delete it because of the memories there; thus, earning the name: 'not to be rped because of memories.'
i'm stlll happy they saved it, tho. o u o.
erm. see you..? anyways.. hai..? o u o. /slapped.
i'm currently singing along to 2ne1's 'it hurts'... /can somehow relate to it. XD.
okay, i'll feel stoopid for posting this, but wut, this is named 'random, completely random.' for various reasons.
so, i'm gonna post it. gonna spam your 'new story updates!' notice.
why did you guys even sbscribe. ;A;
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Chapter 1: I just realized that I was literally the only one who made smileys back then. Lmao, memories.
Btw. I'm leaving as Jiyoon bc I lost my muse for it. And Karam too.
Chapter 30: Should I apply back?
Chapter 12: God. I never knew I was this annoying before.. Orz
Nomnommonster #4
Chapter 1: Lol this is so random and I like it
Chapter 27: CL! WE MISS YA! ;A;
Uff, I swear, Jiyoon feels pretty much alone ever since most of the December originals left. TT
AptonKey #6
Hahahahahahaha I'm guessing your CL
-acedia #7
Chapter 26: i miss this all. < / 3
dooyoung, dmba, trolling, da explawrers, y geedee,
bombs, tying people up on chandliers, etc, etc. s0bseu.
Chapter 25: WUT!?!

I would never delete your stuff D=
It holds so many memories TT D=

-acedia #9
Chapter 25: we miss you and your craziness. ; A ;

- sooyoung
Chapter 25: omfg i miss you on there yeo. ; ;

- kai