Double Trouble

Devil in Disguise


“Yunseok! Yunho!” You jumped when you saw the twins sitting in their respective seats. What were they still doing here?! They should be at home, starting the homework you had assigned. You were their class T.A, but the teacher was sick so they asked you to fill in as the substitute until a real substitute was found. “Why aren’t you two bussing home as usual?”

Yunho, the younger of the tall twins, blinked blankly as his older brother spoke up. “We’re staying with our ‘uncle’ right now. But we don’t know how to bus there.”

Sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Do you need a lift?” They nodded eagerly and soon the lanky boys were filing into the back of your small car, arguing as they tried to give you directions. You were smart though, and decided to listen to your phone’s GPS instead of their meaningless banter.

The bickering was becoming too much, and thankfully the ride was over. With much haste you got the boys out of the car and escorted them to the door, knocking quickly.

That’s when you saw him.

He was absolutely perfect.

Oh Sehun of EXO.

You taught in a middle school, so naturally the popular topic was kpop. You never really followed any group until EXO, and you became quite the fan. The boys had never even mentioned anything about knowing Sehun, actually they actively partook in the conversation. There was no way they could actually know him.


“Uncle! You forgot to pick us up!”

“Uncle?!” You gasped incredulously, watching as your two pupils disappeared into the household. Leaving you to fend for yourself. .

Oh god, the noises that came out of him made you want to faint. He was chuckling and it was beautiful. The bright smile on his face was blinding you. “I’m sorry; I totally forgot to come pick them up.” Everything about him, even his adorable lisp, managed to distract you from the fact his eyes had not left your being. He wanted you; he wanted you to fall for him so he could take you out. If only he knew what was going on in your head…

Maybe it would be best if he didn’t know.

“Well please remember for tomorrow.” You managed to say quickly. “Please excuse me, good night!” Before he could say anything clever, you were already half way to your car. Your speed something like magic. With that, you were gone and all he could do was go back inside.

“Yunseok! Yunho!” He called for his “nephews”. They weren’t actually related to him, but he was older and was a friend of their father. Sehun gathered them up in the living room and sat them down on the sofa across from him. “Who was that just now?”

The twins grinned deviously, “Hey hyung, do you have something for our T.A?” Sehun’s ears turned red quickly as he tried to hide his embarrassment. “You want to ask her out hyung? Ooooh~” They teased devilishly.

“I’ll pay $20 to whoever can have me called into school tomorrow.” Sehun said firmly, letting the little devils concoct their own plan. So long as he was called in and able to see if he could bring you on an apology date, all would be well.

The next day moved rather slowly, probably due to the twins acting unusually rowdy which in turn had the entire class acting up. But this was the final straw. 

They had lead a mutiny against you and somehow managed to run outside with your entire class. What’s worse is that they were playing loudly that when you walked through the halls to go fetch them, you could feel the glares of the other teachers piercing at you. You were furious, and likely to get in trouble at this rate.

The sound of glass crashing caused you to physically wince as you picked up speed and ran outside. There was chaos and it was just too much for you to take. “YUNSEOK! YUNHO! COME HERE RIGHT NOW.” You screamed, storming over and grabbing their collars. “EVERYONE ELSE, INSIDE.” The fear you instilled upon the students had them obeying your simple command, and ran inside immediately while you dragged the troublemakers to your office.

In your blind rage, you flipped open your cellphone and called their uncle Sehun to the office. The only good thing about the day was how quickly he arrived. He rushed in immediately, and looked at the twins in shock. “What happened?”

Sighing, you explained to him the entire story, and how you would like to send them home for the day. Which, surprisingly enough he was more than willing to comply with. Most parents would prefer their children to stay in school, but he was actually letting them come home with him. So you sent the boys off to get their things.

“Is there anything I can do to really show how sorry I am?” Sehun asked as he scanned your body over once. “Maybe, I could treat you to dinner? Something nice and relaxing since the boys caused you so much trouble?”

You jumped at how smooth that had come out. Was he really asking you to dinner? You raised a brow and faced him, only to find him returning your glance with a deadly serious look on his face. “… Are you asking me out after your nephews caused me this much trouble?”

He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “It was worth a shot no? And if you say no, I could always call you back on your cellphone.” His sheepish smile turning into a wicked grin.

Your jaw dropped, so this was where the twins got their nastiness from. This man was quite evil. You checked your cellphone, and he was right. You had indeed called him from your cellphone. You were frozen in shock by how unprofessional this all was.

“So…?” He asked as he took a step closer to you, which prompted you to take a step back.

“Just… tell me when.” You mumbled quickly as you made haste towards the door. “Now excuse me, I have a class to teach.”

For that, both twins got $20 on their way home, and a slushie.

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Chapter 1: Hahahaha lol xD
psiphidragon #2
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