Who is the real saesang??

Hottest Guardian

You had finally got settled into the spare room that had been set up for you. Your luggage had been unpacked and your bed made. You grabbed your own portfolio and went into the living room, not wasting anytime to enter besides hearing the boys and manager talking about you.

“How can we be completely sure that she isn’t a saesang?” the one that you had recognized as Junsu, the leader, spoke up. You cleared your throat before the manager could respond, throwing the folder to him before crossing your arms.

“No matter how many times you ask that question, the answer will remain the same, Junsu-ssi,” you spoke, your voice remaining monotonous, “There is my credentials, since you all seemed dead-set that I am what I am suppose to be protecting you against.” You looked to the clock before turning to the manager, “It is almost midnight. I think it best if we all retire for the night and discuss this more tomorrow morning.” The manager nodded, ushering the boys into their room before saying his goodbyes and allowing you to return to your room. You quickly changed into your pajamas. They were simple, black pajama pants and a black tank top, although you opted to wear a sports bra to bed since you were now in a house full of men. You pulled your sheets back and climbed into bed, setting your alarm for five a.m. before rolling over and quickly falling asleep.

You came to, your body tingling as a foreign noise jolted you from your sleep. You sat up, rubbing your eyes with a fist before looking around, spotting your clock glaring the numbers at you. Two a.m. Definitely not the time you had set. You moved your covers back quietly, rising from your bed and crossing the room quickly. You opened your door, making sure it didn’t squeak before looking out in the hall. You saw that one of the boy’s doors was open but decided to investigate more just in case. You quietly made your way down the hall, noting that the bathroom light illuminated from under the door across from the hall. You sighed inaudibly, about to go back to your room before you heard a small crash from the kitchen. You made your way to the kitchen, observing that a few wooden spoons that had once set by the kitchen window now lay on the ground. You furrowed your brow at seeing the window open, had noticed it was closed earlier. You looked around and grabbed a broom from the corner, holding it against your chest as you looked into the living room. You heard the bathroom door open and a dark figure was illuminated. You looked over, spotting the youngest member, Chansung, looking at you as he tilted his head.

“What are you doing?” his voice was laced with sleep and he reached up, rubbing his eyes slightly, “What are you holding a broom for?”

“Be quiet,” you shushed him quickly, going to shut the window before going towards him, “I think someone is in here. I need you to go to your room quickly and lock the door, do you understand?”

“You’re paranoid,” he said dryly, “I didn’t hear anything.”

“Are you deaf?” you scoffed, shutting up as you heard a noise from the living room, seeing a shadow making it’s way towards the bathroom. You groaned and put your hand on Chansung’s chest, shoving him into the bathroom before grabbing the handle and shutting the door, closing him in the bathroom and making your way into the living room. You flipped on the switch and glared at a young girl about fifteen years old, “What are you doing?”

“Why are you here!?” the girl screeched. You sighed and held the broom in your right hand.

“I asked you first,” you said dryly, raising one eyebrow, “Breaking and entering is against the law, did you know that?”

“Like I don’t know? I just wanted a picture of oppa,” she shot back, poison in her voice, “One picture and I’ll leave. Now what are you doing here? Are you dating my oppa!?”

“Chill, girl,” you inwardly sighed. Young girls were so possessive. “I’m 2PM’s bodyguard. Now, I suggest you make your way out that front door there before I intervene. Leave what you took on the table on your way out.”

“Bodyguard?” she laughed, looking at you as if you were insane, “You’re tiny, what are you going to do? Sweep the floor with me?”

“I don’t use force unless absolutely necessary,” you spoke slowly, “I won’t touch you unless you hurt or disturb my clients in anyway.” You twirled the broom up so that the bristles were up, both hands on the broom handle, “Breaking and entering is definitely disturbing my clients, but I’m going to let you off with a warning. Try this again, little girl, and I will get involved. Do you understand?” She looked like she was shaking in her spot but remained indignant. You took one step forward and she squeaked, dropping the items she held in her hand before running to the front door, unlocking it and running out. You sighed, setting the broom down and picking up the items, not bothering to look at what they were, and set them on the coffee table. You went to the bathroom, knocking twice and waiting as the door opened.

“What was that?” Chansung opened the door, seeming a tad angry, but you weren’t sure if it was because the saesang or you shoving him into the bathroom, “How long has she been in here.

“Not that long, I don’t think,” you replied, gesturing to the kitchen, “She came in through the window. That was the noise I heard.” Chansung cleared his throat, looking down at you before nodding slightly.

“Um… thanks, I guess,” he bowed slightly, smiling, “We were never introduced properly. I’m Hwang Chansung.”

“I know who you are,” you said, bowing your head slightly but not showing any other gesture, “I’m not into formalities or socializing. You are my client and that’s it, understand? I protect you and you don’t get in my way. Now, I suggest you get to bed and I shall do the same. We both have a long day tomorrow. Goodnight, Chansung-ssi.” You your heel, making your way back into your bedroom and closing the door. You laid down and went to sleep, ignoring the very subtle fluttering in your chest that came when he smiled.

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brat2104 #1
Chapter 2: Aaa... Please update..
Chapter 2: Aigooo~ I would so jump Chsn if I were her ♥

He is such a hot n charming man x3

Please update soon! I already love it ^-^
RabitNiesha #3
Chapter 1: Update soon...
Please !!!!!