My new family

Puppy love (oneshot)

"yunho! Yunho! YUNHO!!!!!!!!!!" screamed a very cute boy running frantically into yunho's office. The office is on the top most floor of the company building, Jung incorporated located in Seoul Korea. The cute boy is Yunho's very close friend and co-worker in the company. Yunho is a young business man that got handed his father's company at a very young age. Fortunately he is a very smart cookie and was able to handle the company with ease.

"what is it donghae?" yunho replied.

"We are out of coffee!!!!!" yelled donghae.

"well then just ask yoona to refill it"

"she's not here today!!!!!!!!!!"

"Then ask your lover to refill it!" yunho answered exasperated.

"I get to meet my monkey?" donghae asked eyes sparkling.

"yes, now can you please leave?"

"ok! Monkey!!!!!!!! Where are you!!!!!!!" donghae yelled in a singsong voice.

Yunho sighed and continued with his paperwork. He worked for about 5minutes until...

"yunho!!!!!" donghae screamed.

"what is it now!?!?!?"

"your ex-girlfriend popped all of your tires on your car," donghae calmly replied.

Yunho was confused. 'wasn't he just screaming like 30 seconds ago?' he thought. And then donghae's words slowly sunk in. Yunho  quickly stood up, knocking his chair down on the way.


"hey, why are you screaming so much? You are gonna make my ear drums burst," donghae replied still calm.

"I scream so much?!?! You screamed like 100 times today!!" yunho yelled.

"I did? When?"

Yunho sighed. "just call that car place on that one street."

"you mean that one place, where that one guy works?"

"no that one place near that one cafe"

"oh! I remember that one place!"

"so can you call them?"

"no they are closed for today." Donghae replied nonchalantly.

Yunho gritted his teeth. "Fine!"

He started packing his things.

"Whatcha doing?" Donghae asked

"Leaving early."


"Well , I'm tired, you gave me a headache and frankly i just can't handle you for another 3hours."

"awwwww yunho don't love me." Donghae pouted.

"I love you hae, you happy now?" 

"No! I wanna hear my monkey say it! Hyukkie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Donghae screamed.

'And there goes my left ear drum' he thought. Yunho continued packing until a sudden thought came to him. 'Am I walking!?!?!' he thought. 'no you are swimming, Yes! You are walking smart one!' his brain yelled. 'Bu-bu- but i don't wanna walk!!' he whined to himself. ' it up Jung Yunho! You have a six pack! You can handle 5 blocks!!' 

Yunho sighed and then exited his office, not forgetting to say bye to the eunhae couple before leaving the building.

He was just walking like any other person except he had to constantly suppress his urge to skip. 'Weird' he thought. Maybe the cause for this was his surroundings. He loved the way the breeze would come by him often and the sound of rusting trees. It helped him see how blind he was. He took this same street for the past year and a half now but he never realized how green the leaves and grass were or how purple the sky was. Purple? Blue. He meant blue. He continued walking until he saw a person kneeling next to a puppy, probably feeding the the little animal. Normally he would stroll on by but today, he realized that he was so antisocial in his little  'business world' and should get more social in 'the world'.

"Hello," Yunho started. 

The person looked up and Yunho was surprised to see a round doe eyes staring straight at him. Yunho was even more surprised by the beauty in the person's voice. 

"Hello," the stranger replied straightening up from his kneeling pose.

They stared at each other drinking in the other's physical image. Through yunho's eyes, he saw a a beautiful man. Full lips, big doe eyes and pale white skin. The stranger was wearing a baseball cap, a darkblue sweater, jeans and a t-shirt with a picture of DBSK on it. Through the stranger's eyes. He saw a handsome business man in a suit. The face description didn't run through the stranger's mind. All the stranger thought of was 'HOT'.

"Sooooooo," Yunho started again. "Is that your puppy?" 

The stranger blinked a couple of times as if he was trying to see if this was a dream.

"No," the stranger simply stated. "I found the puppy here tied to this pole. There was also a note left here." The stranger hands yunho the note.


Please! Whoever finds this dog, please take care of him! My mom won't let me keep him! She told me that she will send my puppy to the pound. I don't want my cute puppy to stay in a building full of loneliness. So please! Take care of him for me!

~end of note~

"Oh, well are you going to keep him?" Yunho asked the stranger.

"I can't, my roomate is allergic to dogs so I can't keep can keep him?" 

"Me?" Yunho asked. 'Oh great yunho! You were supposed to go out and be more social but in the end you bring home a dog! How lonelier can you get?' said yunho's brain. 'Well at least the dog is cute right?' yunho asked himself.'Should we keep him?' His brain thought a bit before it said 'Sure why not?' With his brain's acceptance, he answered the stranger with a smile on his face, "Yes."

The stranger sighed and relief crossed his face," Thank you. I've been standing out here for like an hour or two begging people to take the puppy home. The people these days are too lazy to take care of a puppy. oh and by the way, my name is Jaejoong."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Yunho," Yunho said. 

"Um, I have a question for you," Jaejoong said.

"Question away," Yunho replied. 'Question away? Question away? Who says that these days?!?!'

"Is it alright if I walk to your house with you? I want to make sure that the puppy is in good hands- Not that I don't trust you but- well actually to be honest, I don't trust you." Jaejoong said with an apologetic face.

"My house is two blocks away. Not that far. Lets go!" Yunho exclaimed and Jaejoong chuckled at Yunho's cuteness.

For the two blocks Yunho got to know alot of things about Jaejoong. His name is Kim Jaejoong.....................that's about it. Just Kidding! Truth is, Yunho learned that Jaejoong was a trainee in SM entertainment. He's a very good singer and his favorite color is mahogany...................not really, Yunho never learned Jaejoong's favorite color.

"We're here!" Yunho shouted. 'You shouted? Wow, Donghae must be rubbing off on you.' his brain said.

Jaejoong again chuckled and Yunho thought that he rather likes Jaejoong's chuckle. 

"Well now that I see that the puppy is in good hands I'll be on my way," Jaejoong said and slowly turning around to walk to his dorm. Why is he walking slowly some may ask? Well maybe he wants a certain someone to stop him...............that's you yunho!!!

'huh? what? oh yeah!!' yunho thought. "Hey wait!" Yunho called out.

"Hm?" Jaejoong replied his body now facing Yunho.

"What brand is your cap?" Yunho asked. 'Yunho!! You're not supposed to ask that!! Try again!' his brain scolded him.

"What?" Jaejoong asked with a confused look on his face.

"Um-actually, what I meant to say, would like to get some milk- I mean some coffee some time?" Yunho stuttered. 

"Sure!" Jaejoong answered immediately. "How about you meet me at the Rainforest Cafe tomorrow at 3?"

"Sure!" Yunho answered. The soon-to-be couple exchanged phone numbers and said their good byes before going separate ways.

When Yunho entered his house with the puppy behind him, he jumped and shouted and yelled to the world that he had a date. All the smart puppy could think about was,'hmmm Jae is the umma, Yunho is the appa, that means I'm having parents!'

The little puppy danced with Yunho and barked out in it's doggy language,'My New Family!'


Please comment! This is my first!! So I really need comments!! Thank you!!

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iamb2st #1
awesome story. I hope you keep on writing it c:
Chapter 1: hahaha
DecidedFanficLover #3
so cute :D
SO CUTE~~~ Yunnie is like the puppy himself dancing >//////< CUTELY~~~~
SchiianJhae #5
I want part 2 ~ kekeke . .:D
Kyahahahahah eonnie, why you write such story?<br />
I cant stop laugh thinking Yunho and the puppy sounds just like you. always argue with your brain. LOL<br />
Its cute ^^ please update~
hahahahha so cute. i could imagine the puppy dancing with yunho and barking happily HAHAHA. ;D aww ((:
haha, thank god yunhos brain is smarter then him...does that even make since? good job! can't wait til ur next one *winks* :)
HEEismylife #9
a lot of cuteness in here..and donghae kept me chuckling for minutes..kekeke..i love this fic! so light and funny..:D
Lyla_HoNeybaby #10
soooo cute...well done...