When Another Member Makes You Cry and He Gets Mad

Exo-M Group Scenarios


Xiumin: “I’m sorry, ________. But I just can’t do this anymore, it’s not you—“

“Don’t you dare say it Jongdae. Don’t you dare use that excuse on me!” You felt yourself choking up as your long-time boyfriend started to dump you. “What’s the real reason?!” You demanded, knowing by this point you had the right to demand the truth. “… Who is she?”

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “She’s from another company. I swear to God ______, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m so sorry…” He mumbled, too ashamed to look up at you.

You sighed and hugged him, feeling a pang in your heart as he hugged you around the waist. You loved it when he did that. “I just want you to be happy.” You mumbled into his chest, trying not to get too comfortable or else you may not be able to let go. But you managed to let go before he had to push you off. “I should go.” You whispered through your tears, unable to contain them now.

It was over.

Two and a half years of a relationship, crushed instantly. You burst out in tears as soon as you left the room, unable to contain yourself. You found yourself practically running to the door, only to get stopped by Xiumin. His concern was more than evident.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around you. Albeit you and Xiumin being good friends, you really wanted to get out of there. So you just shook your head, not wanting to tell him. Besides, he was better friends with Chen. “_______, what’s wrong…” He asked again as he dragged you to the couch and pulled you into his arms.

“Jong—Chen, and I are over…” You sobbed, using his chest as your pillow as you couldn’t stop. You felt so much pain, and hurt. “He picked another girl over me.” The words stung as you said them yourself. It was a harsh reality you weren’t ready to face. You had been told forever, and now he was breaking that promise to you. You sobbed into Xiumin until he pulled himself away from you and stalked off. You didn’t even know why, so you left.

Xiumin on the other hand was furious, no, beyond furious. He had warned Chen not to hurt you. He had liked you quite longer than Chen had, and yet you still picked the younger boy. He stormed into the room and grabbed his dongsaeng by the collar. “I told you not to hurt her!” He snapped at the younger boy. His cute face still cute, but his eyes had turned quite scary. “I backed down so that you could make her happy!” He snapped, raising his fist to punch the other.

He brought his fist in to hit, but stopped before anything made contact. “You’re not even worth my time Jongdae.” He muttered as he pushed the boy onto his bed and left the room. Xiumin looked around the dorm, searching for you. But you had already gone home. So he grabbed his shoes and went to your apartment.

The knock on the door stopped your tears. You had to compose yourself before you could answer the door. Not that you really wanted to answer it, but it would be rude if you didn’t. You called towards the door, “In a minute!” But slowly made your way over, opening the door to a storm. Next thing you knew you were being crushed against someone’s chest. You jumped and pulled back to see Xiumin hugging you tightly. “W-what’s going on?” You asked as you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him. Somehow wrapping your arms around him gave him permission to carry you to the sofa.

You were utterly confused by all that was happening. From the friendly boy who had comforted you, he’d changed into a shy mess as he sat across from you on the sofa. Everytime he’d make eye contact with you, he’d shyly turn away. What in the world was going on? “________,” he finally started after getting his confidence to the right place. “Forget Chen, please don’t not come over because of that idiot.” You were surprised by his wording. Xiumin was much too cute for swear words. “Please don’t not come over anymore, I’ll miss you too much…”

You raised an eyebrow, just watching him. “Are you okay Xiumin?” You asked reaching out to touch him and hopefully get a good handle on what the hell was going on.

“I LIKE YOU!” He exploded suddenly, watching you intently. When he realized what he had said, he turned red, and so did you. “I’m sorry ________, but I’ve always liked you. But when Chen said he did too, I backed down. But I don’t just like you; I love you more than anything. Please don’t let Chen’s mistake take my chance away, I know I could make you happy…”

“Xiumin…” You couldn’t just jump into his arms after a break up like that. “I—“

“Don’t say it! Just give me a chance please? I promise, I won’t do anything, we’ll just be friends to start, please?”

His arms threw themselves around you as you nodded, unsure of what just happened. But you couldn’t just say no. Well, you’d have to see how things went, but you definitely didn’t mind him hugging you like that.

Lu Han: Today was very exciting for you; it was going to be your first day of kindergarten. Which in and of itself was a very exciting day in general. It was a big step for you, from toddler to full-fledged child! You were going places and fast. Since it felt like just yesterday you were born. Now you were walking and talking all on your own, and demanding your mother braided your hair for school because you knew damn well that you were adorable when your hair was braided.

You were in your adorable uniform, with your stereotypical yellow hat, and your braids. You were so proud of yourself, and you were so excited to start the day. You arrived at the school on time, but even still, people seemed to know each other. This made you feel very self-conscious. There was another boy who seemed shy like yourself, but there was no way you could talk to him yet. You’d just have to wait for the fated bell of recess before you could approach him.

 And when it rang, you ran outside like the rest of the students. It was so nice to be outside, but you couldn’t see the little boy anywhere. You looked around frantically, only to find all the other kids playing already. But then your eyes found him, sitting all alone and playing in the sand. Finally! A chance! You ran over and brought yourself to a stop before you could demolish what he was building.

“Hi…” You said unintelligently. You wish you knew what else to say, but you weren’t sure. But when he didn’t talk, you found a determination to play with this skinny, good looking boy. “I’m ________. Can I play with you? What’s your name?” The boy refused to answer, but you wouldn’t give up. He was too pretty for you to just let him get away. You would play with him dammit!

You kept talking, and following him around the playground. A crowd of older boys had even joined him, but you wouldn’t give up. Even when 12 pairs of eyes watched you amusedly, hoping you’d get him to say something at least.

It was so close to the end of playtime, and you were becoming desperate. You reached out to grab his arm when he turned around. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” He snapped at you suddenly, you could hear that he wasn’t very good with his s’s, but there was nothing wrong with that. You actually found it quite cute. You felt tears well up into your eyes as your face drained of color. You started to apologize, without even knowing why. The boys around you looked completely saddened by how this was ending, and watches as you ran away by yourself.

One of the eldest started to tell off the boy of your affections, and quickly ran off to find you. “________?” He asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder, you were trembling from crying so hard. “Sehun doesn’t mean it… He’s just shy… Can I play with you?” He asked quietly, you looked up at his pretty face and shook your head. You just motioned for him to rejoin his friends, because in your head he would rather be there. “My name is Lu Han, you are very cute.”

Somehow, this charming little bastard had a way with words. You were completely swayed by his words, and thus you nodded and played with him until the bell rang. Knowing somewhere deep inside you would maintain this relationship for a while after.

“And that children, is why you should always attend classes. You never know who you’re going to meet,” you lied to your twin children as they crawled into bed. They would be starting their first day of school tomorrow, and really didn’t want to go. You figured some sappy, romantic story ought to pump them up and get them to go to class. They nodded eagerly and started to sleep while you tiptoed into the hallway. Your husband, Lu Han, wrapped his arms around you.

“You’re an amazing liar.” He mumbled into your neck, causing you to chuckle. “You weren’t much of a help.” You reminded him simply, having to get them ready all by yourself while he entertained the other members of Exo. “I’m sorry,” he whined as he shot you an adorable pair of puppy eyes, which you fell victim to once again. “I know, I know. I’m just glad it worked. Now get to bed, you have schedule tomorrow.”

The sound of his laughter brought a soft smile to your face. He nodded and winked at you, “Only if you tell me the story of how we met.” You laughed, figuring that it’d be okay to admit to him how embarrassing you were when you met him. The kids? Well they could wait another ten years for the real story.

Kris: You didn’t want to be at the Exo dorms like this. You wished Kris had told you he wouldn’t be home just yet. But no, you had been asked to come to the dorms ASAP by your beloved duizhang, and you had complied. Now you wish you had told him to screw off and leave you alone. If he wanted to see you that badly he could come over instead of torturing you like he was now. He had left you there alone with Tao of all people.

You had nothing against the maknae, except for the fact that he seemed to have everything against you. You guys were friendly when Kris had introduced you originally as a friend, but soon you and Kris were becoming a lot more than that. You figured the kid was a tad jealous, you were stealing his precious friend and spending most of your free time together as a couple instead of together as a group. As it used to be when Tao was nice to you.

Now it wasn’t like that anymore. He tended to ignore your existence (in the most blatant way possible), or if he wasn’t ignoring you, he was being ridiculously mean to you for what seemed like no reason. Some of the things he said about you, in front of you, were not only embarrassing but cruel. There were times you wanted to hit him and make him cry for a reason, but you never did because you knew he was precious to Kris.

You sat there on the couch completely upright, as if there was a broom duct taped to your back in order to keep you perfectly straight. You didn’t want to give Tao a reason to say anything to you. Nervously, you lowered your head, watching your thumbs twiddle around themselves anxiously. Why did it have to be like this?

“You’re a nuisance you know.”

Your head jumped up and you looked at the Chinese boy. Your face riddled with shock and hurt. What had you done this time?

“Kris gege would be so much better without you. All you do is eat up his free time and never let him relax. You clinginess is disgusting. Kris gege will get in trouble if you keep acting so selfishly. I can’t believe you’d go all the way to follow him from Korea. You think of no one but yourself. You don’t even deserve Kris gege.”

The words cut at you one by one. Did he think that way all this time? Ever since the trainee days when you met Kris and him? You couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down your face as you got up quietly. You hadn’t realized how bad you were acting until Tao brought it up, and it broke your heart. But maybe, getting away from Kris would be best for him.

You placed a large paper bag on the coffee table, food for all the members. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you Zitao… Please enjoy the food.” You mumbled as you felt yourself crumbling. Your voice was cracking, your confidence was at an all-time low, and you just needed to get out. As soon as you saw him nod curtly, you grabbed your bag and ran to the door. Needing to get out of there quickly, you didn’t even bother to put on your shoes; you just carried them with you as you ran towards the elevator.

It was in the comfort of the confined elevator that your resolve broke. Bursting out in tears as your brain repeated his harsh words over and over again. You crouched and sobbed to yourself as the box slowly moved down to the ground floor. Just as you were stepping off, you crashed into someone wearing fancy clothes. It was Kris, and he looked shocked to see you crying.


“I’m sorry…” You whispered as you pulled away from him and ran out of the building crying. Leaving him and the rest of Exo-M dumbfounded and wondering what Tao had done. They rushed upstairs to demand some sort of explanations, only to find him sitting there eating without them.

“Hey guys!” He chirped cheerfully. “Look! Food!”

“What did you say to her!?” Kris demanded angrily.


“Don’t you DARE call me that right now! What did you say to my girlfriend Tao!”

It was terrifying to see Kris mad, and the other members were worried he would actually attack Tao, or Tao would start crying. But surprisingly enough, the maknae seemed fine. Actually, Tao went so far as continuing to eat.

“Huang Zitao!” Kris shouted as he almost lunged at the kid, being held back by the rest of the members. The look of anger was mixed with one of pain, he never wanted to see you cry or be hurt. It was all Tao’s fault. He couldn’t take it anymore; he locked himself in his room and tried calling you.

Three days. That’s how long you went without replying to a text or a call. That’s how long you had locked yourself away in your little apartment. You heard a knock at the door, and although you weren’t expecting anyone, you answered it. Then you shut the door right back onto the little panda’s face.

“Yah, ________.” It was Kris, his voice sounded weaker and disheartened. It hurt to hear him sound like that. “Please open up… I need to talk to you.”

“I’m sorry…” This voice was Tao’s, and it surprised you enough to have you open the door again.


“I’m sorry _______ noona…” He explained his jealousy, and everything he had been feeling. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for the boy as he apologized profusely, tears welling in his eyes. “I’ve missed you… I’m so sorry.”

You just nodded, and that’s when Kris told him to go back. As soon as Tao was out of your view, you hugged your boyfriend tightly, jumping into his arms. Refusing to let go, because this was where you needed to be.

Lay: What should people eat when they’re sick? This was what you were asking yourself as you perused the aisles of a convenience store. Your boyfriend Lay had gotten sick as he waited for you after work one day, in the rain, without an umbrella. His surprise to you turned sour when he got majorly sick after, and you both knew Exo-K would be visiting soon. The date of their arrival had never been confirmed, so you weren’t sure as to when, but soon.

You grabbed the ingredients for your mother’s best chicken noodle soup. It was hard to find some of the ingredients, but you figured you could improvise just a little bit. Today, it was raining, and you could only imagine how sick your boyfriend was. You felt bad for not visiting earlier, but you had work and were lucky that your boss let you off early.

You arrived at the dorms, and knocked a couple times. Chen was the one who let you in, with Xiumin by his side. “Noona!” Chen greeted excitedly, letting you in. You took off your shoes, wondering where to put them because there were so many pairs cluttering the entrance. “LAAAAAAY!” Chen shouted from down the hallway, causing you to smack him lightly. If Lay was resting, you didn’t want him to wake up.

“I’ll go to him myself.” You set off quickly for your boyfriend’s room. There was so much laughter in the room that you were wondering how Lay was getting any rest. You knocked lightly, and opened the door on your own. “La—“

“______!” He sat up excitedly, reaching his arms out to you much like a child. The rest of the room was filled with Exo-K members. “Guys, this is my girlfriend, ________. Babe, these are my band mates.” You bowed politely, and so did they. But the way they talked to you, it seemed as if there was something wrong. You chose to ignore it wrongly.

You sat by his bed, pushing him back into a lying down position. “Yixing, you should rest okay? I’m going to go to the kitchen and make you some soup.” He nodded eagerly as he was a fan of your cooking. You smiled and kissed his forehead, it wasn’t too hot, and you went into the kitchen. You didn’t even know you were being followed by the leader.

You started to prepare the ingredients for the soup, talking casually with members of Exo-M. As you turned your back for a moment, you noticed that they had all left the area. You looked around the kitchen, shrugging it off and continuing to cut the vegetables.

“_______, right?” A foreign voice asked in Korean. You looked up at Suho and nodded. “Yes, is there something I can do for you?” You asked out of curiosity, though if he really needed something, he should have asked another one of s.  He nodded. “Leave.” For having not paid proper attention before, you were most certainly listening now. You raised an eyebrow and looked to see if he was serious. “Excuse me?” The only response was that one word repeated.

“May I ask why I have to leave?” You asked, not liking this idea for a moment. You were pretty sure you didn’t want to know why he wanted you to leave either. But, you had already asked so it was too late now.

“You’re not healthy for Lay to be around. You’re bringing him down.” You tried to interject that this wasn’t your fault, but were cut off. “I’m not only talking about this incident, which mind you is very important, but not the only thing. Every time he comes to Korea, he’s distracted by you, and he doesn’t work to his full potential. This is your fault, you distract him. If you want him to succeed, you’ll back out now, and let him work in peace.” Your jaw was dropped, and tears filed your eyes. How could he say that without knowing all the facts? Again, you tried to say something against all this but again he cut you off.

You felt as if you had no right to speak. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you just nodded. You were unable to win. You slid off the apron and walked to a piece of paper. You wrote down the instructions, unable to stop your tears. Exo-M members tried to speak up, but again, they were shut down instantly. Everyone knew it wasn’t your fault, but Suho wouldn’t listen to it. So you left, without a word, crying.

Kris finished the soup for you, both of you being foreign you both understood the idea of how it was supposed to work. Bringing it to Lay, who was obviously shocked to see him walk in. “Where’s _______?” He asked instantly, looking around to the other members. When they couldn’t look him in the eyes, he figured something had gone wrong. “Suho… what’s going on?” He asked the leader.

“She left Lay.” Suho tried to play it off, but the other members wouldn’t let it happen this time. Xiumin spoke up with a frown and quick glare at Suho. “You mean you sent her away Suho, when she’d done nothing wrong.” Lay’s face paled and fell in disappointment. “You didn’t even let any of us talk, you pretty much sent her away.” Xiumin continued, frowning at the leader. The leader who just shrugged and sat down in his seat, “She was a distraction, it’s better without her.”

Lay jumped out of bed, running to a toilet. He felt like he would be sick. He gagged into a toilet, but nothing came up. “Why?!” He shouted, feeling tears run down his own face. “Why would you do this hyung! You didn’t even know!” He sobbed, trying to find the words to explain himself.


I missed you so much, it was crazy. You’d been working nonstop lately, and so had I with all my promotions. I needed to see you. Not having you in my life kept me up at night, and made me feel sick to my stomach. It was unbearable. So I went to see you, and waited for you outside your work. I didn’t know what time she ended at, but I’d wait. I didn’t care. Then it started raining, so I texted you.

My phone:

Hey _______, when are you done?

Your phone:

What’s up Lay? I may have to stay late?

My phone:

Really? I am waiting downstairs.

Your phone:

Let me ask permission to leave, I’ll bring my work home.

It took you fifteen minutes to get down, but it was more than enough to get me sick. With all my stress and work, my immune system was crashing. But then I saw you, running towards me with your Hello Kitty umbrella, a worried look on your face.

“How long have you been here?!”

“About fifteen minutes before it started raining, I needed to see you.”

You wrapped your jacket around me, as well as gave me your umbrella. Only you would let yourself get completely wet in order to see me healthy. You even went so far as to make sure we went straight to the dorms. But I still got sick anyway… I’m sorry for all the trouble I put you through.


Suho sat there in shock, he had screwed up. He knew that well enough. His lack of motion caused Lay to get up, determined to go after you himself. Lay wouldn’t let you go like that; he couldn’t let it end like this. Suho shook his head and stood up. “Give me directions. I’ll find her and apologize. This is my fault.” He felt horribly guilty for what he had done to you. Especially after hearing how well you took care of the members when they were here. You mothered them so much, not as a girlfriend but as a friend.

Lay texted asking where you were desperately. After five texts asking where you were, you decided to let him know you went back to work. Having used your break time to get bashed by Suho, you figured some work would be a good distraction for you. Alas, the only distraction was Suho’s words running through your thoughts. You were getting absolutely nothing done. You watched the rain outside, thinking back to the fateful day that caused all this. That’s when you saw a head of black hair waiting outside in the rain. It was like déjà vu as you grabbed your jacket and the umbrella.

You quickly ran downstairs, running towards the person. It was Suho, and as much as you didn’t want to talk to him, you ran to him. He couldn’t get sick, you wouldn’t let him. Not because you didn’t want to get in trouble again, but he was a very precious person to Exo. He needed to be healthy for the fans. You saw him sitting down, waiting for who, you didn’t know. Quickly you draped your jacket over him, and moved the Hello Kitty umbrella so that he was shielded from the rain. While you, on the other hand, were becoming drenched quickly.

He looked up at you in shock, about to say something but you cut him off and told him he needed to walk. You pulled him up, and held the umbrella mainly over him as you walked him back to the dorms wordlessly. You could tell he wanted to say something, but at the same time you were giving off an aura of not wanting to talk. Though no one should blame you, this was the man who forcibly wanted to break you and your boyfriend up. You walked him to the dorm, and let yourself in. “Go find yourself some clothes, and I’ll start a load of laundry.” You instructed, ignoring everyone else there. By your straight face, they could all tell you had not fixed the problem again.

Once you had him in clean clothes, he suggested you both talked privately in any room. You just nodded, and followed him to a room. He led you to Xiumin’s room and you sat down on the bed. There was a moment of silence as he loomed over you. The silence was cut short by your crying. “Please don’t make me leave Lay.” You begged through your tears. “I don’t know what I’d do without him! Please, please, give me another chance! I promise I won—“

He had a habit of cutting you off. Not to your liking, but you put up with it anyways. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled and looked down. “I shouldn’t have done that, and I’m really sorry. I didn’t know the whole story, I just wanted to apologize.” He sighed. “You take really good care of these guys, and I didn’t even notice, I’m so sorry.”

You hugged him tightly, thanking him profusely. You ran out of the room to go find your boyfriend, the tears being shed were tears of joy. Suho just quietly watched as you celebrated from Lay’s embrace. What were the odds you’d be getting sick next?

Chen: The sound of raucous laughter filled the empty halls of the dorms. All the other members were out besides Xiumin and Lu Han, who decided to spend some time with you while you waited for your beloved boyfriend Chen. You didn’t mind waiting for him though; it was lots of fun to hang out with the Exo boys. Especially if those boys knew how to make you laugh and turned into a comedy duo just for your entertainment, it made you feel special.

You were doubled over on the sofa, laughing so hard that you were not making any noise. But you were laughing. Your sides hurt and you couldn’t breathe because you were laughing so hard. It was painful but in a good way. Lu Han was laughing at your laughter, and Xiumin was laughing despite being teased by Lu Han.

You calmed down, only to sit up and looked at Xiumin and burst out laughing again. After hearing all of Lu Han’s reasons for calling him a baozi, you couldn’t help but laugh. It was so true. You would probably never be able to look at Xiumin the same way ever again. Just looking at him clearly triggered your laughter. Mind you, Lu Han’s words were still fresh in your memory, but it was so funny. You calmed down again and sat up, “I’m thirsty.”

“Baozi,” Lu Han ordered to the eldest person there. “Go get the lovely lady some drinks.”

“Yah!” Xiumin frowned, hating being teased about his looks. “Stop laughing ______, and why can’t you get it. You’re younger than I am. I shouldn’t be bullied like this!” He whined and pouted cutely, causing you to snicker. “YAH NO LAUGHTER!” He demanded as he straddled your legs so that you couldn’t kick him as he proceeded to tickle you.

You squealed and laughed as the door opened. You flipped under Xiumin, so he couldn’t tickle your tummy, leaving your sides exposed still. The couch muffled your laughter, and made it sound as if you were sobbing. But Xiumin knew this better by now, he knew you weren’t crying.

Your boyfriend in the corridor did not know this though. You sounded like you were crying, and his hyung was poised over you with an evil grin on his face. Of course he would start getting protective. Chen spoke up with a frown and glared at Xiumin. “Yah, hyung.” He snapped, walking over and shoving Xiumin right off of you. “What the hell?” He snapped as he slowly walked around the couch, a menacing look on his face. Chen was a tad over protective of you and he didn’t even bother trying to hide it from the rest of the members. Everyone knew he was protective. You loved it because it meant he gave you so much attention.

“Yah! _______! Show your boyfriend you aren’t crying!” Xiumin snapped, trying to get the overprotective boy off his case.

“You made her cry?!” Chen yelled in Korean, causing Xiumin to jump. Clearly, he was only listening to certain words.

“I’m sorry Chen! She’s not crying I swear!” The look on Xiumin’s face was priceless. He didn’t even notice that you weren’t lying on your stomach, but were taking a picture of him. The sound of Chen’s laughter only caused him to be confused. “Yah! What’s going on!?”

“I’m sorry oppa~” You apologized, laughing at him now. You waved your phone, having texted Chen earlier about how Xiumin was going to tickle you. Chen smiled and kissed your forehead. “I told him earlier, and we decided to get some revenge.”

“THAT’S REVENGE?!” Xiumin yelled, appalled. “KIDS THESE DAYS HAVE NO RESPECT!”

You and Chen laughed as Xiumin ranted you both out.

Tao: You let yourself into the dorm room. “Kris!?” You shouted frantically, you could feel your tears in your eyes already. “Kris!?” You ran around the dorm, jumping over the legs of Lay, who watched you in confusion. You ran around Xiumin, who already knew what was going to happen. You bumped into Lu Han, who pointed you in the right direction.

You ran to the bedroom of the dorm leader, slamming your fist against it desperately. “Kris open up!” You shouted in English. The fact that you were even using the language triggered an immediate response from the older man. Who ran to the door and pulled you into a tight embrace, which brought about immediate tears into his shirt.

 He pulled you to his bed and sat down, tugging you down so that you were lying with your head in his lap. As he ran his fingers down your hair, he told you –in full English– how much your family missed you and how much they cared for you, and how everything would be okay. But he knew fully well you needed to just cry this out of your system.

You were just homesick. Living away by yourself in a land far away from what you were used to calling home. Following a man you loved, but barely spent enough time with. You were only able to call your family on the rare occasion that both you and someone at home were awake at the same time. It was painful. At least, for most of Exo, they were in the same continent as their family. But you and Kris understood each other. You guys had been friends in high school and Kris was your reason for meeting Tao.

But it was times like this where you understood each other best. You would come to him when you were hurting, and likewise he would call you. And if he had the time, he’d make the special trip to your apartment in order to talk to you in English. But you knew those trips were just when he missed his family. You couldn’t blame each other, being away like this was hard.

You sobbed into his lap, crying about how you missed your mom, and your dad, and even your little brother who drove you insane. You probably missed his antics most of all. You sobbed about how you left all your friends behind, and were having trouble readjusting to China. You were lonely, and your only real friends were in Exo, and they were constantly busy.

You didn’t even notice Tao shouting his hellos, and asking where you were since he obviously saw your shoes in the doorway. Lu Han, yet again, pointed him in the right direction.

“Bao– “ Tao joyfully bounded into the room, only to freeze when he saw the situation. “Yah! Gege! Get off my girlfriend!” He snapped as he lifted you into his arms and held you to him tightly. You didn’t care, you just kept crying. “What did Kris gege say to you to get you all sad my beautiful? You know I hate to see you cry.”


“Did I ask you gege?” He asked as he glared at his friend, bringing you to his bed now. He ran his fingers through your hair and tilted your head up to him. “_____, what’s wrong?” He begged, his eyes getting sad.

You sighed and ran your fingers through his hair. “I’m just home sick Tao, Kris understands my pain and so I talk to him. That’s all Tao, you didn’t have to get worked up.” You kissed his cheek and he wiped away your tears.

“Well come to me from now on ok?”

“Can I still go to Kris every now and again?”

There was a pause to think as he nodded. You pulled yourself closer to him and drifted to sleep after crying too much.

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Ljoethedork #1
SO CUTE!!! My fav. it the Luhan one^^