
Apartment 3B


“I should’ve said no.” Zelo knocked on the door in front of him, wishing he hadn’t agreed to Youngjae’s request, but that boy was good at aegyo when he tried hard enough!
“Zelo-ah! Hi!” MiSun opened her door to find Zelo blinking down at her, arms full with a bag she recognised
“Hi noona. I brought back your tubs from yesterday’s meal. Are you ok? You look a bit tired.”
“Ahh thanks Zelo honey” She took the bag from him, and pulled him inside “Yes I’m fine, don’t worry. I’ve been working and fell asleep at my desk again. Do you want some tea? I’ve just put the kettle on. Come sit down.”
Once they were settled with a drink each, Zelo couldn’t put it off any more. He turned to MiSun.
“MiSun noona, can I ask you something? Its ok if you don’t want to answer, I understand, but I promised I’d ask.”
“It’s ok Zelo-ah, go ahead” She smiled reassuringly.
“Well yesterday, when we were here, Youngjae found a book with your name on it....”
“Ohh you mean my cookbook?”
“Yes. Well, he read the blurb...Yongguk hyung translated. The others said you must have been famous, and that the chef..-”
“Yes Zelo, I was quite popular over there, still am really. You’re wondering why i’m back aren’t you?”
“Yes noona. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to ask, but Youngjae made me.”
“Its ok Zelo, I don’t blame you. I’d be curious too.” She smiled, but it seemed tinged with sadness. “I had such a great time over there, I got through school, and amazingly got accepted to work in a restaurant with a chef I admired so much. It was brilliant Zelo-ah, my dream come true! I got on well with everyone I was working with, and I got asked to write this book, and I was so proud! The chef started to pay more and more attention to me, Jason was so sweet. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so flattered Zelo-ah, he was like my hero.” MiSun took a shaky breath, sipping her tea.
“It didn’t take long for him to change though. I won’t bore you with the details, but he changed, and he stopped being sweet. He tried to get me to do things I didn’t want to, and got mad when I said no. When it finally got leaked to the press that we were an item, it was horrible.” She sniffed “He got angry, said I’d done it myself, on purpose, to ruin his reputation, he spread horrible lies about me. He fired me, without any explanation.”
She brought her head up, looking Zelo in the eye. “I decided enough was enough. I was tired of fighting, I didn’t want to argue over a job I no longer enjoyed. I came home.”
Zelo didn’t know what to say. He just hugged her. “Its ok MiSun noona. I’m sorry I asked, I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’m sorry that happened to you, but I’m glad you’re back home, I’m glad I got to meet you.”
After a couple of minutes, MiSun sat back up straight and wiped the wetness from her cheeks. She gave Zelo a smile.
“I don’t know why, but it feels like just letting it all out, a weight has been lifted.”
Zelo smiled happily, glad he hadn’t hurt his noona. “Oh! Do you want to come over to ours? I bet we can cheer you up, take your mind off of things. We’ve been practicing all day, so everyone is pretty chilled out.”
“Are you sure Zelo-ah? I don’t want to get in the way if you’re all tired.”
“No, come! Everyone loves seeing you, and it’ll cheer us all up” He bounced in his seat at the thought.
“OK, let me wash my face, and we can go.” MiSun headed to the bathroom before they walked across the hall.
Super short chapter! Still, this is MiSun's story, I hope it doesn't sound too ridiculous. I'm heading somewhere with this...and I'm sure i'll figure it out soon lol.
Aaaaanyway. I know I at proof reading. Please forgive/point out any mistakes.
Thanks for reading, and I'll try and update as soon as I can. Saranghae!
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My laptop is kaput, along with my chapter plans. I'm struggling to find my muse again at the moment, but I haven't given up, promise. I'm sorry for the wait...


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Miney26 #1
Chapter 23: Please update soon!
Chapter 15: Please don't colourcode anything, it's a pain to figure out which colour belongs to whom :'( Back to the story, I wonder if you're setting up Risa and Zelo. . .
ChoiRiRin #3
Chapter 13: this ff sounds really nice! *-* update soon!<3
Chapter 13: Ohh. Glad she didn't take the old angst road, and gave Zelo such a sincere and trusting reply. Now Youngjae doesn't have to worry anymore haha.
Chapter 11: Ooooooo, detective Youngjae is on the loose.... xD <3
Chapter 11: So she's famous, I'm just as curious at the bap boys.
Chapter 10: I'm kinda tired of all the rare non- bap fics being Daehyun-centric but he's SO cute. But Zelo is still my favorite character here so far, he's just plain adorable.
Chapter 6: This is so sweet~~~ I'm dying!! OMG One of my favourite fanfics!!!
emi_martini #9
Chapter 6: I totally love everyone's personality in this story!! I was practically dying with laugher when you compared Daehyun to a meerkat because I was able to picture it so clearly!!! xD
Chapter 3: Deahyun is so cute~ ^_^