From Absolute Nerd To Absolute Swag


'He is such a nerd!'Mindy whispered almost inaudibly.Dara sat there,staring at him. 'Is he?'She asked herself.Of course he was!What was she thinking?He was indeed a nerd but Dara didn't feel that way at all.


This is Kwon Jiyong,certified nerd.At the beggining.

This is Dara,she is both popular and sweet.Most people describe her as 'perfect',but thing is,nobody has seen how Dara is like when she is in love.

This is Bom,also a very popular girl because of her looks,but she often gossips so that is a deal-breaker for some people.She is one of the best friends that Dara has.

This is Lee Chae Rin,also know as CL.She is the noctorious bad girl and also hangs out with Dara alot.

This is Minzy,a bad- dancer and a damn y one at that.

This is Park Chanyeol.He is Dara's older brother,only a year older than Dara herself.He is enrolled in the same school as Dara and is the most popular male there.He has swagger all over his body.


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Get this one at Flower Boys And Girls Graphic shop.The background is also done by this shop :)

You can get this one at Pressplay Graphic shop.

Simplicity is beautiful isn't it?


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