

When the bell rang, indicating the end of the third period, Jongup was the first one to storm out of the classroom in fury. They were in lab when the little incident happened. Junhong was assigned as his partner. Unfortunately for Jongup, no matter how much he begged, his pleas were not taken under consideration. So, he was stuck with that little brat, dissecting a frog. While they were doing this, Junhong had accidently managed to drop the dead frog on Jongup’s lap. The said boy instantly jumped out, screaming because he had a weak heart when it came to dead things…
Of course, Junhong had easily pulled off the innocent act and the teacher let go of him with a simple apology, which angered Jongup even more. If only he knew what kind of devil this is really is, Jongup thought. He was now in the men’s room, cursing as he furiously rubbed the embarrassing stain between his legs. “, Junhong,” he groaned in frustration. How was he going to cover this up now? There was no way to wipe it off completely and it was too prominent to go unnoticed.
He sighed and dropped his arms, and right then, a hand had sneaked up from behind and helped him cleaning. Jongup’s head instantly snapped and he gazed at the mirror in front to see who it was. A high pitch yelp escaped his mouth as he slapped the hand away from his crotch. “Yah! Choi Junhong, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m helping you,” Junhong replied flatly, pretending to sound annoyed when he really wasn’t.
“Keep your hands off me,” Jongup warmed, his voice still too loud, and pushed Junhong away by the chest, rather forcefully.
“God, why must you always scream so loud and act like a ?” Junhong spat, making Jongup stop throwing tantrums. “First of all, I was just trying to help, but clearly, you don’t need that, so you can help yourself. And second, I came here to sincerely say sorry, but forget about it,” he said before walking away. Before exiting, though, he turned back and smirked at Jongup. “By the way, that looks like you dirtied your pants.” He laughed while pointing at the dark spot in his pants. Before the older male could do or say anything, he was gone, leaving a furious Moon Jongup, who kept muttering about ten curses per second and planning on how to kill his annoying classmate.
Daehyun was too busy watching the school’s soccer team practice from behind the tree when someone had slapped the back of his head, making him shriek in surprise. He abruptly turned around, and was face-to-face with an irritated Jongup. “Yah! Moon Jongup, what the hell did you do that for?” he asked, rubbing where he was hit.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere and here you are, stalking Bang Yongguk, you idiot,” Jongup said, crossing his arms and glaring at his hyung.
“I wasn’t stalking.” Daehyun defended himself. “I was just watching the game. You know how much I love soccer.”
“Sure, you do,” Jongup scoffed. “Ever since you found out that Bang Yongguk was in the team,” he said, rolling his eyes. 
“Shut up!”
“Whatever, hyung, now let’s go. I’m hungry and there are only 30 minutes of lunch break left.” Jongup started pulling Daehyun even though the latter was still resisting, insisting on staying just a bit longer. “Fine, you stay. I’m going,” Jongup finally said when his arms were too tired of dragging Daehyun, and started walking away, but Daehyun soon followed.
“Why are you so pissed off today?” Daehyun asked once catching up. “Are you on your period or something?” He snorted and Jongup glared at him. Then, he just ignored him and walking inside the cafeteria and grabbed a tray on the way and started placing random food. Daehyun watched him silently while shoving everything he saw on his tray. 
It was when they were seated on their usual table at the corner by the window that Daehyun had started talking. "Really, you seem quite upset today, what happened?" he asked gently, not wanting Jongup to start screaming again, but he still did. 
"That ing bastard, Junhong, ruined my day today! First, he causes me to get 2 hours detention after school. My first detention ever! And then in science lab, he drops the dead frog we were dissecting and pretends it was an accident and then he tries to act like he wants to help, but he just really wants to laugh at me and make me feel like !" Jongup burst out, saying everything in a single breath. 
"Woah, calm down, Jonguppie. Breathe," Daehyun instructed and handed him a bottle of water. "You know how he is. It's nothing new." Then pensively, he added, "Maybe you should report him."
"What's the use? He'd get off with it anyway!" Jongup sighed desperately. 
"Then, maybe, we need another plan." Daehyun tapped his fingers on his chin. Jongup waited for him to continue. "I've never seen Junhong pick on someone else. Sure, he is popular and all that, but he's never actually bullied someone like this... 
It's always you." Daehyun paused and his face brightened. "I got it!" he shouted excitedly. "It has been there all this long how come we didn't realize it before?" 
Jongup croaked an eyebrow at his enthusiastic friend, and Daehyun simply stated, "He just likes you." This made Jongup choke on his food and Daehyun rushed over to pat on his pack. 
"Hyung, I knew you were an idiot, but now you're beyond-" 
"No, Jongup, listen to me." Daehyun cut him off. "It's always like this. When a guy can't get attention from the person he likes, he aims for the other way, which is annoying or bullying them because remember, there's only a thin line between love and hate." Daehyun smiled, satisfied with his idea. 
"This is just ridiculous." Jongup sighed, tired with his best friend's foolishness. 
"Seriously, Jongup, think about it. Let's say you're Junhong." 
"Ew, why would I be him?" Jongup whined. 
"Just pretend." Daehyun glared and Jongup dropped his shoulders in defeat. "Okay, so you're Junhong, the hottest and coolest kid in school," Daehyun said and Jongup couldn't help but grimace when heard that. "And you like some ugly, unpopular nerd-" 
"Hey!" Jongup yelled, interrupting the elder. 
"What? It's true." Daehyun shrugged. "Anyway, as I was saying... Ypu, Junhong who's everything, you like a nerd who's nothing. Do you think you'd just walk up to the nerd and befriend him?" 
"Of course, I would," Jongup replied easily. 
"No, you wouldn't," Daehyun groaned. "Remember, you're Junhong. Junhong who cares a lot about his reputation and has an ego bigger than his height." Daehyun took a sip of his water. "He can't become friends with you because his friends and everyone will laugh at him, and that will hurt his pride. And besides, by bullying you, he can make sure that no one can get close to you because who wants to be friends with a loser who's always getting bullied?" 
"You," Jongup scoffed. 
"Right, I'm the only one, but now that I think about it, Junhong had always glared me whenever he saw me with you," Daehyun said, furrowing his eyebrows together. 
"Hyung, you need to stop watching all these cliché dramas," Jongup said with a loud sigh, not believing in a single thing Daehyun just said to him. Sure, all this can happen in dramas or in other people's cases, but not with Junhong. Definitely not Junhong. 
Just then, the bell rang. ", I haven't finished eating," Daehyun whined, looking sadly at his tray full of food. 
"Well, you still have 10 minutes. I'm sure you can finish it," Jongup chuckled. "But, hyung, can I borrow your phone? I need to call him my mom to tell I'll be staying after school for detention," he said sourly. When Daehyun handed him his cellphone, he thanked him and exited the cafeteria to go make the call in a quieter place. 
"Hi, umma," Jongup said when he heard his mother's voice from the other line. "Umma, I can't pick up Jinho after school. Can you do something about it?" 
"Why, Jonguppie?" His mother asked. 
"I... I have a detention..." Jongup's voice was so low, it was almost a silent whisper but his mother heard it anyway. 
"What?" She gasped. 
"I wasn't my fault!" Jongup quickly defended himself. "I'll explain to you everything when I get back home. I got to go in class now. Bye." He quickly hung up, ashamed with himself for having to tell his mom he had a detention. 
"Ugh, Choi ing Junhong, I hate you so much!" 
I decided to change back his name to Choi Junhong because it's better and less weird than Bang Junhong. 

And please comment and subscribe! The lack of feedback makes me sad :(

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Chapter 2: This was interesting so far :0 I wonder what the truth is of Junhong's actions...
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 2: Please update soon! !
Chapter 2: update please, this story is awesome <33
skyerenciel #4
Chapter 2: Nice story~ please update
spikecollar600 #5
Chapter 2: This story is crackin,what dae said is obviously true.So when is bang yongguk gonna notice his fanboy/stalker/boyfriendtobe daehyun?sounds like its gonna be hilarious.not gonna lie came for the Bangdae fosho but cant wait to see what happens to jongup being in a lovetriangle and how hes gonna meet himchan and how zelo is gonna be jelly.haha.Love that daehyun is jongups bestfriendfolife.rooting for Jonglo fosho.so update soon XD
Chapter 2: I am loving this!!! Awww daeup's so cute!
sujulove44 #7
Chapter 1: lol!!!!!!!!!! love it!!! even i like these types of stories
Chapter 2: I love Daehyun's character! I watch a whole bunch of cliché dramas, so I believe everything Daehyun said! xD Hehehehe Update soon~! I can't wait to read more~! :D
Chapter 2: Heeheehee, I'm obsessed with these types of school stories. I really like Daehyun's character in here. :3 'Cause that's what he would be like in real life! (Even the stalking Yongguk part muahahahahaha.... >:D) Also, an out of character Jonguppie is very interesting, since in reality he usually has a forever smiling relevant face. XD Anyways, can't wait for what you got in the future. Fighting~! :D (Yay, I made the first long comment on here. :D OTZZ)
SaturnXK #10
Chapter 1: Seems good :)