Chapter 6~Confusion & Moving in

Forced Marriage

Luhan prov..

I drove Seo home and drove to the park me and Vic used to go to. I kicked the grass memories flew all over my head. Seohyun can she would she? Was Seo here to help me forget Victoria?

Luhan: give me a sign!

I took out my wallet and took out Seo picture and Vic picture I held them and smiled Victoria's picture flew out of my hand I ran after it. It landed on a girl.

Luhan: no way..

???: may i help you oh is this yours?

Luhan: vic!

Hani: I'm sorry sir im not this Vic you speak of.

Luhan: you look exactly like her!

Hani: i guess

She pickked up the picture her eyes widen.

Luhan: what

Hani: this picture is saying something!

She must be crazy

Hani: i can speak to spirits

Luhan: what is it saying?

Hani: forget about me and focus on the one you truely love.

Victoria must have gave me a sign.

Luhan: thank you.

I took the photo and went home I had alot to think about.   


Seohyun prov..

After Luhan dropped me I called my umma since she wasnt homeno answer.

Seohyun: might as well start packing.

I went in my room and got my clothes packed after I went to bed.

1 day later...

I looked at my room looking at little details it was pink with drawings of roses on the top. My bed had yellow sheets on. With my little stuff animal in the middle.

Umma: Seo its time to go doll 

Seohyun: okay umma

I got out and put my things into the car. 

Xi umma: here the adress.

I got into the car with Luhan. He was happier than usual. Usually he would have rolled his eyes and complain that I'm moving in with him.

Seohyun: are you okay?

Luhan: better than ever.

Okay thenn.... I looked at him he had headphones on I fell asleep while we were driving to the apartment.

Luhan: I love you Seo do you love me back

Seohyun: Luhan I dont know we have been only married for 2 months

Luhan: I want to be with you till the end of time

Seohyun: I do to!

A tear rolled down her eye he put her hair behind her ear.

Luhan: ill be with you intill forever ends.

They were and inch close to kiss.

Luhan: wake up!

I flipped from my wonderland and saw Luhan.

Luhan: Finnaly!

Seohyun: how long have I?

Luhan: 10 minutes in the car.

Seohyun: oh

Luhan: and you have been mumbling things in your sleep too!

Seohyun: like what

Luhan: its been 2 months I love you etc etc

Seohyun: huh dont remember any of that

Luhan: oh okay well comee in

When I stepped out the house was beautiful it was big.

Seohyun: this is strangely big for two people.

Luhan: be happy your not trapped in that so called house.

I rolled my eyes we went inside and he pointed at a room.

Seohyun: what

Luhan: see this room its mine stay out of it.

Seohyun: okay where will I-

Luhan: you choose I dont care just stay out of my room

He walked in HIS room and shut the door loudly.

Seohyun: okay...

I went down the hall across from his room.

Seohyun: would this be good?

I walked inside it was perfect it had a pink bed with a white vale hanging over it a small little desk pink of course and a mirror. Also there was a side desk by my bed in front of my bed was a little couch to sit on and in the corner was book shelf with a mini fridge beside it.

Seohyun: I can store my food in here. 

I layed in my bed and looked at the ceiling.

Seohyun: why why! why did I have to get married so early

I mean to a jerk to! Whatever I'll just shower I got up and showered washing my worries away I got out and noticed there was no towel!

Seohyun: oh no. Towel towel...

I went out in my room 


Seohyun: im busy right now!

Luhan: then ill come in 

Seohyun: no!!!

I jumped in my bed covered in sheets.

Luhan: you couldve told me that you were !!!

Seohyun: get out!

He was covering his eyes.

Luhan: there is food chinease my parents sent it!

Seohyun: ill come out now leave!

He ran out and shut the door. I went in the bathroom and there was surprisingly a cabinet full of towels! I took the purple one with pink dots.


So well ackward....




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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 13: I want a happy ending
2hyun4B #2
Chapter 13: i love the story
i think you should slow down on the story
there are so many things happened in just 13 chapters
don't get me wrong i loved your story
ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOO but I still love the story :D
Chapter 13: So sad..hew the way keep it up
Sheila_123 #5
Chapter 13: I love this story. The ending of the last chapter made me cry.
Chapter 13: Awww, she died T-T. So LuHan's dream came true huh. The ending is sooo sad :-((( Honestly, while I was reading the last chapter, I got goosebumps because of how Seo died. But it's a good thing that Luhan will forever love her and still wore their wedding ring :-)And because of that good news I suddenly felt like smiling (while I was reading Luhan's letter)
Chapter 13: ㅠ.ㅠ seohyun died. But it was still a beautiful and sweet love story.
Chapter 9: Awww ^^ great job LuHan! Seohyun doesn't deserve to be treated that way! It's a good thing that LuHan was there to save her ^^ Update soon, pls.
Popopo #9
Chapter 9: Update soon please:)
Chapter 9: OMG! Luckily Luhan is there on time to rescue Seohyun.