Chapter 6 Journey

First Love Never Dies?

Chapter 6 Journey

Han Seul’s POV:

I just arrived at the airport for the flight on the Philippines for DBSK fan meeting there. The other staffs needed for the fan meeting are already with me but the DBSK band and their manager is late. Fortunately, after some minutes before the boarding, they arrived so we immediately entered the boarding gates and followed the boarding process. Then, afterwards, we are already seated in our seats and put on our seat belts. I was alone on the seat when suddenly a girl seated beside me. What really surprise me is it is my sister Han Yeul.

“Hi unnie!” Han Yeul greeted me.

“How?” That was the only word that comes out from my mouth because I was still surprised seeing her besides me and putting her seatbelt.

“I have connections, unnie. And you can say my boss have many ways.” Han Yeul proudly replied.

“Then why didn’t you tell me about this?” I asked as I raise my eyebrows. This sister of mine is really something!

“Then this will not be a surprise anymore.” Han Yeul replied. I just roll my eyes at her. Then the airplane started to take off for our scheduled flight to Philippines.

“And unnie, is there something wrong that I want to get a vacation? Ok. My boss asked me what I want after I successfully finished my last story and even get good responses from my readers and I replied I want to have a vacation.” Han Yeul explained.

“Then why Philippines?” I asked her with my arm cross.

“It’s because unnie I also like to visit the country since it was the last country we went to with Dad and Mom. Is there anything wrong with it?” Han Yeul replied.

“Wait unnie. Don’t tell me that you’re afraid that I take Changmin oppa from you?” Han Yeul whispered which made her earn a hit on her arm from me.

“Unnie, it hurts! I was just joking. Why are you taking it seriously? And also unnie I’m for researching some things for my next story.” Han Yeul explained.

“Ok. If you say so. Just don’t disturb me starting from now & especially when we arrived there because I will work there not like you who is just going there for a vacation.” I said to her or you can say I slightly threaten her.

“Ok. Why are you like that? Some sister will really feel happy having their sisters come with them to a trip but you are making me feel that I’m a nuisance or a disturbance.” Han Yeul pouted. My sister is starting again!

“Han Yeul-ah, can you stop that drama? It’ll no longer work on me.” I replied back.

“You’re such a bad unnie!” Han Yeul replied back with a pout.

“I know. Don’t have to remind me.” I answered sarcastically.

“Unnie!” She shouted while I giggled at her reaction because everyone looked at her so she apologizes to everyone. Even the stewardess warns her because some of the passengers are sleeping and her shout may disturb them from their sleep.

“It’s your fault unnie.” Han Yeul said to me.

“Why is it my fault? I didn’t do anything wrong.” I answered playing innocent.

“Unnie, you’re really bad.” Han Yeul said while I just looked at her with those innocent eyes.

“Why is my dongsaeng kept on repeating it? Unnie, already knows it!” I continued teasing her. I just really love teasing her because she’s easily got mad.

“Hi, DBSK oppa! My name is Han Yeul and I’m Han Seul unnie’s dongsaeng. Nice meeting you.” I suddenly heard her introduces herself to the DBSK.

“You’re for a vacation?” Changmin asked her.

“Yes, because my boss asked me what I want after I successfully finished my last story and even get good responses from my readers and I replied I want to have a vacation. And choose Philippines to be with my sister.” She replied back.

“It’s not like we don’t live on the same roof and not together every day.” I whispered after hearing what she replied.

“But unnie, having a trip is different than being together every day.” She replied back.

“Ok if you say so. I’ll sleep now so better not disturb me.” I said as I get the pillow and hugs it and then afterwards, close my eyes to sleep while putting the headphones to my ears to listen to music so that I can’t hear Han Yeul’s voice and also to not disturb me from my sleep.

End of Han Seul’s POV

Han Yeul’s POV:

Unnie, is really something! She even chooses to sleep rather than talking to me. What should I do now? I’m bored. I look around when I spotted something interesting.

“Changmin oppa, if unnie is an ice cream, probably she already melts now because you kept on staring at her.” I teasingly said to Changmin oppa after I caught him staring at unnie. Yunho oppa laughs softly on what I said while Changmin oppa suddenly feel embarrass because he looks away from our seats.

I giggle after seeing Changmin oppa’s reaction. Since I have nothing to do, then I’ll just interrogate Changmin oppa.

“Changmin oppa, do you like Han Seul unnie?” I asked him straightforwardly. He looks at me with his eyes wide open.

“Can’t answer? You know oppa, silence means Yes.” I continued. I was waiting for her answer when suddenly unnie’s head fall from my shoulder.

“Changmin oppa, want to switch seats? I don’t mind.” I continued teasing Changmin oppa because he’s already blushing and is looking away from me.

Suddenly, Changmin oppa puts the headphone on his ears and look from the other side to avoid me. I only smiled widely seeing his reaction and so did Yunho oppa.

“Yunho oppa, am I right? Wait, why should I ask when I can clearly see the answer?” I said to Yunho oppa.

“You’re really something because you made him speechless.” Yunho oppa replied.

“It’s because I’m bored and don’t have anything to do. Unfortunately, Changmin oppa became my target. You know, Yunho oppa, unnie is much better in teasing.” I said to Yunho oppa.

“I know hearing your shout earlier and the smile on Han Seul’s face.” Yunho oppa replied back.

“Is she still distant from the two of you?” I asked.

“Slight but I think she’s slowly opening up to the two of us.” Yunho oppa answered.

“That’s good to hear. I thought she’s distancing herself from the two of you. Thank you for making unnie comfortable to the two of you. I’m really glad that unnie is slowly opening up to other people.” I gladly replied.

“Why? How distant is she from other people? If you don’t mind me asking.” Yunho oppa asked me.

“Instead of partying or going out, she always choose to stay at home and learn or study new languages. She even has no friends because of that. You can say she’s slightly anti-social.” I sadly replied.

“Maybe also because of Changmin since I’ve heard they are close back then.” Yunho replied.

“You can say it’s maybe one of the reason but I think it’s also unnie choose to change herself for better.” I replied back. I smiled suddenly remembering unnie’s story of her 1st love.

“Han Yeul-ah, it’s really nice meeting you and chatting with you but I’ll also like to sleep now because you know, we are tired from our schedule. Maybe you can also sleep.” Yunho oppa said while I only replied “Ok, oppa.”

Looks like this is getting interesting. Don’t tell me Changmin oppa’s first love is unnie? Wait, don’t assume things Han Yeul maybe Changmin oppa is just attracted to unnie. Throughout this trip, I’ll surely confirm that :)

End of Han Yeul’s POV

No One’s POV:

It wasn’t a long flight since Philippines is not that far from South Korea. When they arrived on the Philippines, many fans are waiting and welcome the DBSK. Many fans were happy when they catch a glimpse from the two members. The airport were filled with screams and cheers from their fans. Many fans were also holding their banners for the group. The 2 members look at their fans as they flash a smile on their direction and wave at them back. They walk towards the awaiting van that will take them to their hotel. The sisters were following them and Han Yeul was really surprised to the fans’ reaction. They immediately walk just to get out from the airport. They even gets to the van first along with the staff to go to their hotel.

“Unnie, I should have chosen a later flight rather than joining you on this flight. I think my ears are hurt from those screams.” Han Yeul said. Han Seul giggled along with the staffs that are with them on the van.

“Really? You’re still laughing at me.” Han Yeul said with a pout.

“It’s because you’re not used with this. I’ve been an interpreter to many popular actors/idols so you can say I’m already used to this. Since you surprise me with you joining me on this trip, you can say this is my surprise.” Han Seul teasingly said.

“Really unnie you’re so bad. You should have told me ahead so that I’ll no longer be surprised or shocked from this.” Han Yeul replied back.

“Remember, you know many idols? Then why you don’t know how the fans’ react when they see their idols on the airport arriving?” Han Seul asked this time.

“Ok. My bad. Maybe I should have known about it beforehand.” Han Yeul said.

Meanwhile at DBSK’s Van

“Looks like Han Yeul-ah know about you liking her sister.” Yunho said to Changmin.

“Am I really obvious? Do you think she’ll like me or approve me for her sister?” Changmin worriedly asked.

“I think Han Yeul-ah like you for her sister. I’m not really sure about it but seeing how she teases you earlier, it looks like she doesn’t hate you. Maybe you should confirm it during our stay here in the Philippines.” Yunho replied.

“You’re right hyung. I don’t know why I’m getting worried about it instead of our fan meeting here.” Changmin honestly answered.

“Yes, that’s really funny. You know it’s our first time here in Philippines to have a fan meeting and instead of worrying about our performances or the fan meeting itself, you’re getting worried for the approval of Han Yeul.” Yunho teasingly replied.

“Hyung, I’m also nervous & worried for our fan meeting. Maybe you can say because we’ve been doing this many times and just like what you had said, it’s our first time here so I’m more of excited rather than getting nervous or worried. I believe also that we’ll do well on our fan meeting.” Changmin answered.

“Ok, if you say so.” Yunho replied.

After some minutes, they arrived on the hotel. Both of them had their own rooms while Han Seul’s room is beside of Changmin’s room. When they arrived there, they saw Han Yeul & Han Seul again bickering.

“Unnie, let me share the room with you. I never had thought that this hotel will be fully booked. I don’t plan on sharing a room with you because I know you’ll be mad at it but you heard the lady on the front desk. All the hotels near this place are fully booked. Unnie, don’t let me stay outside this hotel. You know I don’t have any place to stay.” Han Yeul pleaded.

“You’re really something Han Yeul! Be thankful I’m your sister because if not, I wouldn’t mind you staying outside the hotel or mind you not having any place to stay. Go now. Enter the room.” Han Seul answered while opening the door of her room.

“Love you, unnie! You are really the best!” Han Yeul replied while hugging her sister.

“Yah! If you don’t break this hug, I’ll surely lock the door and let you stay outside the hotel.” Han Seul threatens Han Yeul.

“Ok, thank you unnie.” Han Yeul flashed a grin to her sister while she entered the room. Han Seul just sighed with what’s happening to her supposed to be peaceful trip and then afterwards, entered the room.

“Han Yeul is really the opposite of Han Seul hyung, right?” Changmin said to Yunho after watching the scenes of the 2 sisters.

“Yes, so I know that it will not be hard for you to gain her approval for her sister.” Yunho replied.

“Ok, hyung. I’ll really try my best. I’ll go now to my room.” Changmin replied while Yunho just nodded while they entered their room.

It was only mid-afternoon so suddenly a bright idea pops on Han Yeul’s mind.

“Unnie, why don’t we go around here? Look, it’s really boring to stay here in the hotel room.” Han Yeul persuaded her sister.

“No, I’d rather stay or rest than to go around.” Han Seul replied.

“You’re really a killjoy, unnie. Ok. Then I’ll go on my own.” Han Yeul said.

“Ok, better be back before dinner.” Han Seul replied as she lay on her bed. Han Yeul exited the room with a pout because she’s sad that she’ll go around alone. She was about to go down through riding the elevator when suddenly she pass by Changmin’s room and an idea pops on her mind.

She knocks on Changmin’s room and Changmin open the door of his room. He was surprised seeing Han Yeul and was not expecting she’ll come to see him.

“Oh Han Yeul-ah! Why?” Changmin asked.

“Can you come with me to go around? Unnie, don’t want to go with me because she said she rather stay here in the hotel or rest than going out. You know, I’m bored here. It’s okay if you don’t want to. I’m not forcing you.” Han Yeul asked.

Changmin was about to answer when the door to Han Seul’s room open. Han Seul crosses her arm as she looks at Han Yeul.

“What is this? Don’t tell me you’re asking Changmin to go with you? Don’t you know he’s popular and what if he suddenly get recognize?” Han Seul angrily said to Han Yeul.

“Sorry unnie and Changmin oppa. I’ll go now.” Han Yeul sadly replied while going to the elevator.

“No, I’ll go with you. If that’s what you want.” Han Seul replied as she comes closer to her sister. They were about to ride on the elevator when suddenly Yunho comes out of his room.

“Changmin-ah, why don’t we go around? It’s boring here to stay here in the hotel. I already asked manager hyung. He’s okay with it as long as we are on disguise.” Yunho said.

“Ok, hyung. I’ll just go change.” Changmin replied before entering his room to put on a disguise.

“Are you also going out? Why don’t we go together? Actually, I was about to go to your room Han Seul to asks you to go with us since we’re not familiar with the places here.” Yunho said to Han Seul.

“No, it’s okay because this sister of mine already disturbs someone just to go with her that I have no choice but to go with her.” Han Seul replied while looking at Han Yeul.

“It’s not like I disturb Changmin oppa. Looks he also wanted to go out.” Han Yeul softly answered.

“Han Seul, don’t get mad at your sister. It’s really ok with us to go around because we also don’t want to stay in the hotel room.” Yunho replied.

Their conversation was interrupted when Changmin comes out of his room wearing a disguise.

“Let’s go!” Han Yeul excitedly said.

They arrived on the lobby together. They were about to go outside when Han Seul suddenly asked something.

“Wait, where are we going?” Han Seul asked making all of them stops from their tracks.

“I know a place unnie. Don’t worry. Let’s go now.” Han Yeul replied while they followed her.

They all entered to the awaiting van. When they are all seated on the van, Han Yeul revealed the place where they’ll go as she said it to the driver.

(A/N: The italics are Filipino words/phrases.)

(A/N: Han Yeul can also speak the Filipino language because she also learns about it but not that really fluent like Han Seul.)

Sa Luneta po. (Translation: To Luneta)” Han Yeul said to the driver.

“Hindi po kami sa Luneta pupunta. Sa mall po kami pupunta. (Translation: We are not going to the Luneta. We are going to the mall.)” Han Seul replied back.

“Saan ba talaga tayo pupunta? (Translation: Where are we really going?” The driver asked as he was confused because the sisters are saying 2 different places as their destination.

“Unnie, Luneta is a tourist spot. It’s boring to go to the mall.” Han Yeul reasoned out.

“DBSK, I want to ask the two of you. Do you want to go to a mall or to Luneta?” Han Seul asked the two.

“I don’t think mall is a right choice to go to because what if someone suddenly recognizes us? I think the other one is much better.” Yunho answered.

“But, Han Yeul-ah, there are also many people on Luneta.” Han Seul told her sister.

“But, unnie, today is Wednesday. I don’t believe that there will be many people there since it is weekdays. Maybe if it’s weekends, I’ll surely not go with DBSK. And unnie, they have their disguise. Maybe they’ll not be recognized by people.” Han Yeul answered.

“That’s it Han Yeul-ah! It already comes out of your mouth. You’re not sure that they may be recognized. I don’t want them to be chased by fans because they may end up getting hurt. Look I’m their interpreter. I’m working for their company. They are my responsibility. My job is at stake if they ended up getting hurt.” Han Seul tried to persuade her sister.

“Don’t worry about us, Han Seul. We’re already old enough & we can protect ourselves. Why don’t we just forget that worry and just enjoy the day?” Changmin answered.

“But Changmin…” Han Seul was about to continue when Han Yeul interrupted her.

Sure na po kami.Sa Luneta po kami pupunta. (Translation: We’re already sure. We are going to Luneta.)” Han Yeul told the driver.

“You are really something Han Yeul-ah!” Han Seul said to her sister raising her voice.

“Look, unnie. If you really don’t want for us to go to Luneta, we can just go back to the hotel. I don’t want you getting mad at me. I’m sorry.” Han Yeul apologized.

Han Seul didn’t answered but only put earphones on her ears and listens to music.

“Looks like unnie is really mad at me. She doesn’t want to listen to me anymore. Look she chooses to listen to music rather than accepting my apology.” Han Yeul sadly said.

“Don’t be sad. Let’s just enjoy the day.” Changmin cheer Han Yeul up while Han Yeul only nodded.

After some minutes or almost an hour, they arrived to Luneta. They all get off the car while Han Yeul talks to the driver.

Text na lang po namin kayo pag pauwi na kami para balikan niyo po kami. May number naman po kayo ni Ate di ba? (Translation: We’ll just text you if ever will be going back to the hotel so that you can fetch us here. You have the number of my sister, right?”) Han Yeul said to the driver.

Oo, meron akong number. Hintayin ko na lang text ninyo. (Translation: Yes, I have. I’ll just wait for your text.)” The driver replied.

Okay po. Dito na lang po tayo magkita ulit. Ingat po sila! (Translation: Okay. I think let’s just meet again on this place. Have a safe ride!)” Han Yeul replied before joining the 3.

(A/N: Credit to this site for the information that Han Yeul had said on the paragraph below: Even though I already know about Luneta Park and of the Philippine history since I'm a Filipino that is all throughout this Chapter, I decided to give information about the park and of the facts on Philippine history on the internet for accurate description. You can say we have been studying about our country but there are times I may forget it so I'm just being careful on giving false or wrong information so it's not like I don't know about our history.)

“Yunho oppa and Changmin oppa, I just like to give you some of the facts about this park. This Luneta Park is also known as Rizal Park. This is an urban park located here in Manila. It is at the northern end of Roxas Boulevard, along Manila Bay. This park is a historical place, where a lot of important events took place. It is part of Philippine history and culture. This park is divided into four phases: Phase 1 (Grandstand area), Phase 2 (Elevated Portion), Phase 3 (Monument area) and Phase 4 (Lapu-Lapu area). We are currently at the Phase 4.” Han Yeul said as they walk together.

(A/N: Credit to this sites for the information that Han Yeul had said on the paragraph below about Lapu-Lapu:

“That is the monument of Lapu-Lapu. Lapu-Lapu was the first Filipino who fought against Spanish Rule. He was the chieftain of Mactan Island of Cebu Island and he killed Ferdinand Magellan, the first man to circumnavigate the world, during the famous Battle of Mactan. He is now regarded as the first Filipino hero.” Han Yeul continued as she explained about Lapu-Lapu.

(A/N: This is the statue of Lapu-Lapu. Credit to this site for the picture:

“Han Yeul-ah, how come you know these facts?” Han Seul asks surprised with her younger sister.

“Unnie, I read about them because I’m planning on using Philippines as one of the setting on my new story.” Han Yeul replied back. Han Seul just nodded in understanding. DBSK were listening and at the same time enjoying the view of the place. They were walking together when suddenly Han Seul spotted something and comes closer to it.

“Wow, they are so cute!” Han Seul said as she petted the kittens and the cats. She even gets a food from her bag & gives them the food while she was looking at them while eating and when the cats and the kittens consumed all the food, she gives them again until all the food she brought is all gone.

(A/N: I have been to Luneta Park for many times and there were really many stray cats and kittens but they are domesticated because you can pet them and feed them. There were also stray cats that are undomesticated but they are all cute that as a cat lover, I wanted to bring them home but unfortunately, on the apartment we are residing, cats are not allowed or other pets but fortunately, the owner allowed me to have Peach-face African Love Bird :) Sorry for the randomness of this author’s note, I’ll continue to the story :)  

While Han Seul was busy giving food and petting the kittens and cats, Han Yeul & DBSK were watching her.

“Unnie really had change.” Han Yeul blurted out making the DBSK members to look at her.

“Why did you say so?” Yunho asked Han Yeul.

“There are many people who tried to make her open up to her especially her suitors but they never succeeded. This is the 1st time that she showed this side to other people. She just always shows this side to me but not to those other people that she doesn’t trust or don’t want to open up about her life. Consider the two of you lucky or I can say I’m lucky that unnie met the two of you because the sister that I once knew is slowly coming back.” Han Yeul explained.

“When did she start to change?” Changmin asked.

“Since our father died. I don’t know why also but I think it’s because it really hurts her losing our father because she really loves our father so much. I also think she started to become distant to others because she doesn’t want others to get worried about her because of the depression she still experience and she choose rather to just open up to me only rather to other people. She’s also started to get afraid that others may use or lie to her so you can say it’s her trust issues. Things weren’t the same when she became a high school student because many use her or lie to her because back then, she was really quiet and observing her classmates when she had learn many use or lie to her but you can say she’s still opening up some of the things in her life to her classmates. The start of her being distant is really when our father died. I’m not really sure about why she changed but that’s what I came up with observing her. Even to me she doesn’t say the real reason.” Han Yeul sadly replied.

“Unnie, let’s go now. Don’t tell me you want to bring one of them?” Han Yeul asked her sister trying to hide her sadness.

Han Seul was still busy on watching the cats so Han Yeul thought her unnie didn’t heard her and decided to talk to DBSK.

“Unnie really is a cat lover. She really wanted to have a cat even when we were young but she can’t because Mom is allergic to cats so even though our parents wanted to have a cat because they pity unnie, they can’t because it may danger Mom’s health. Actually now we can have a cat since I & unnie is living on a condominium and is living separately to Mom but unnie still don’t want to.” Han Yeul replied.

“Why?” Changmin curiously asked.

“Both of us are busy with our work and often times, we are not on the house so she thinks no one can take of care of the cat if we’re not on the house. She doesn’t want the cat that she may buy will just die because of not being able to take care of it. She always pity those cats that she can see on the streets lying lifeless and many times she really wanted to brought home those stray kitten that are on the streets especially if they are domesticated or very cute but she always prevent herself thinking of she won’t be able to take care of it.” Han Yeul explained.

“Ok, let’s go.” Han Seul replied as she comes closer to the 3.

“I thought you didn’t hear me.” Han Yeul replied back.

“I was just waiting for the cats to finished all the food. Where do we go next?” Han Seul asked.

“How about there?” Changmin pointed the Orchidarium and Butterfly Pavilion.

(A/N: This is the Orchidarium and Butterfly Pavilion that Changmin pointed out. Credit to this site for the picture above:

“Are you sure? Do you know about the place?” Han Seul asked Changmin.

(A/N: Credit to this site for the information that Changmin had said on the paragraph below:

“Yes, I read about it. Orchidarium and Butterfly Pavilion is a one-hectare theme park that showcases a rich collection of orchids and other colorful flowers. Aside from its floral collection, the Orchidarium has mystic lagoon, crystalline waterfalls, a climbing wall, a replica of a man-made rainforest, and a butterfly paradise.” Changmin explained.

“You sure about it Changmin? How about the two of you? Do you also want to go there?” Han Seul asked.

“Yes, I’m sure about it. I’m really curious because I had read that it’s a beautiful place and just wanted to see it.” Changmin explained.

“Yes, I really wanted to go there. Remember unnie when we go here last time, we really enjoyed the place especially you so I really wanted to see if it’s still the same or some changes happen on the place.” Han Yeul replied while Han Seul looks at Yunho waiting for an answer.

“I’m fine with it.” Yunho replied.

“Ok. I’ll just pay for our entrance fees.” Han Seul said as she comes closer to the place for paying the entrance fee.

“Changmin oppa, 1 point. You know about unnie liking butterflies right? Way to go oppa! Fighting!” Han Yeul teasingly said to Changmin while Yunho just chuckle hearing what Han Yeul had said.

“Let’s go now. I already paid for our entrance fees.” Han Seul shouted and called for them.

“Where did you get the money?” Han Yeul asked being confused.

“I wasn’t only hired to become their interpreter. I was also asked by the company to be a tourist guide for them if ever they wanted to go around the country so they gave me money for it. You can say this fan meeting also allows the DBSK to have a vacation or touring the place.” Han Seul explained.

“What are you still doing there? Let’s enter now.” Han Seul excitedly said while the 3 followed her to enter the place.

Author's Note:

This is the 6th chapter.

Sorry that I just updated this story just today because I can’t update because I’m getting busy lately and I’m experiencing writer’s block. Not only that, I have 2 on-going fics aside from this so I hope you understand if ever I update late.

Thank you to @Eternal_Cassiopeia04, @a-flowingheat and @ayrindioys who just subscribed on this fic :)

Thank you @ryoma28 and @JaneParkJooHyo for commenting on the 5th Chapter :)

And really thank you very much @Eternal_Cassiopeia04 for upvoting this story :)

And also really thank you for those who read this Chapter :)

Don’t know when I’ll update because I don’t have any spare Chapters or Chapters that I can update after this chapter so I’ll hope you understand if I’ll not be able to update.

The next chapter will be the continuation of their trip to Orchidarium and Butterfly Pavilion but also to the other parts of Luneta Park so I’ll hope you’ll wait for my update :)

And also hoping you give comments on what you think of this Chapter :)

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Thank you!
Just updated the Chapter 15 of First Love Never Dies? and hoping you'll leave comments on it :)


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Chapter 14: Wow..That was really unexpected..I never thought Han Seul would be a trainee..Really looking forward for their perfomance..
Chapter 1: Just began reading this♡♥♡ It seems pretty interesting... :))
It's really sad that Han Seul and her step sisters don't get along... :(
Chapter 13: Waaahh! Why does it have to be a dream?! I hope that both their dreams come to reality soon..
I like it! Keep up the good work!
Chapter 6: The story is quite cute ^^ (And these facts are really interesting!)
Chapter 1: I like the way Han Seul introduces her life to the readers. Looking forward to reading the next chapters! ^^
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update..Finally they're able to somehow confess that they are each other's first love.. I hope that they will officially be a couple very soon cause I think that they've already waited a long time to be with the person that gives them happiness..And Changmin is really sweet for remembering all those things about her.. :)
Chapter 11: I really wish someone will leave a note for me, telling me to eat medicine since I don't feel well again. O_O
Chapter 11: This is so kilig..I was glad that Han Seul weren't shocked when she woke up with Changmin beside her and that she actually followed his orders :) And Changmin finally confessed! I just hope that this isn't because of his drunken state.. :/
Chapter 10: I really like this chapter.. There's some progress in their friendship and Han Seul is finally opening up to Changmin..^_^

Don't feel too pressured to update, life can get really hectic at times :)