Chapter 4 His Memories

First Love Never Dies?

Chapter 4 His Memories

A/N: This chapter will be about Changmin’s memories about Han Seul. It will be like his version of what happened during the time when they were still in middle school.

Changmin’s POV:

I with Yunho hyung and manager hyung were on our way to our company’s building to meet our interpreter. We’ll be having a fan meeting on the Philippines so our company hired an interpreter for our fan meeting there. We just finished our schedule but after we have a talk or meet the interpreter, we will again go for another schedule. Manager hyung told us our interpreter is a girl. Maybe because he wanted to see me & Yunho hyung to be excited but he didn’t get the reaction he wanted because we’re tired from our schedule. We just nodded after he breaks out the news. I decided to take a nap because we’re caught in traffic. I saw Yunho hyung & he was also taking a nap. It was a long ride from our company’s building and because of the traffic; I knew we were late on the meeting. When we reached the company’s building, manager hyung wake me & Yunho hyung. We went on the floor where the meeting will be held by riding the elevator. We met some familiar faces or some of the staff or workers in the company so we greeted them. Finally, we arrived on the room where the meeting will be held.

We entered the room and there we saw a girl who looks like she was really focused and concentrated on the game she’s playing on her phone that she didn’t notice we already arrived.

“Ms. Kim Han Seul” Our manager hyung called her.

After hearing her name, I really find it very familiar. Wait, Kim Han Seul? She is my crush during middle school. Why is she looking like she doesn’t know us especially me? Doesn’t she find me familiar? She was my classmate back then.

“Ms. Kim Han Seul, we’re very sorry that we really came late. We just caught on traffic. By the way, I’m ____, DBSK’s manager.” Manager Hyung introduces himself and also said. He also extended his hand & she shook it as she replied:

“It’s okay. Nice meeting you, Mr. ___”

“Oh, by the way, this is DBSK.” He said as he introduces us. We removed our sunglasses & our masks as we introduced ourselves.

“I’m Jung Yunho. Nice meeting you” Yunho hyung said & extended his hand.

She replied “Nice meeting you” as she shook his hand.

I kept on looking at her maybe she can remember me but I was wrong because she looks like it’s our first time meeting each other so I decided to ask her.

“Can’t you remember me?” I asked.

“Sorry but no.” She answered and that just made me feel disappointed but I tried again to ask her maybe because by this time, she’ll remember me.

“Middle School?” I asked again.

“Shim Changmin?” She replied and I felt happy that she finally recognizes me.

“Han Seul, how have you been?” I asked her trying to start a conversation.

“Sorry for not recognizing you. I’ve been fine. It’s been a while since we last saw each other. Didn’t expect that you will be a member of an idol.” She replied awkwardly. I don’t know but I really felt happy after seeing my first crush.

“You know each other?” Manager hyung asked.

“She was my classmate during middle school & she was living around the neighborhood on my family’s house.” I replied.

Yunho-shi & manager hyung just nodded in understanding. After that, Manager hyung explained that we will be having a fan meeting in the Philippines. All the details or the description of her job was discussed by Manager hyung but the things such as the plane ticket, hotel reservation & etc. will be discussed on the day we’ll go to the Philippines. Since it was thoroughly discussed, she doesn’t ask any questions so we bid her our goodbyes since we have to go to our next schedule while she left the building to go home. I was really disappointed because if we don’t have any schedule, I’ll probably ask her for a dinner together to catch up. She still looks beautiful but I think she looks more beautiful now rather back then because back then, she is cute rather than beautiful.

I was lost on those thoughts that I didn’t notice Yunho hyung waves his hand in front of my face.

“Changmin-ah, is there something wrong with you? You’re deep in your thoughts but you’re also weird because you kept on smiling.” Yunho hyung asked me.

“Nothing hyung. I’m just happy to meet Han Seul. Just happy to meet her after so many years. I was just thinking that it’s rare to meet one of your past classmates through this and also I was thinking of ways to contact her again so that I can meet her again to catch up on things.” I replied.

“I don’t think so that what have you said are only the reasons. Come on. Tell hyung or you want me to guess it.” Yunho hyung dared me. Why did he want to guess it? Is it too obvious? 

“You had a crush on her, right? But honestly, she’s beautiful so it’s not surprising you had a crush on her.” Yunho hyung replied.

“Is it too obvious?” I asked since I know I’m already caught so what’s the point of denying?

“Yes. The way you look at her when manager hyung was talking with her & especially how you smile when the two of you were catching up on things say it all.” Yunho hyung answered.

“Ok. I admit. We were classmates during middle school. We’re both on the Grade 9 Section A. I was always on the Section B ever since I was in elementary up to 8th grade so she only been my classmate when I was in Grade 9. She was very intelligent because she’s always the top student on their section and she is very cute back then rather than beautiful. She is already kind to the teachers and to her classmates. She’s also very helpful to people and very friendly. She always smiles so I think because of those reasons I had a crush on her.” I confessed to Yunho hyung.

“You don’t have to say you have a crush on her because the way on how you described her says it all. Then what happen next?” Yunho hyung teasingly replied.

“We’re always the top 2 students on our class. She’s the first while I’m the second. I don’t mind it because I know she’s really good so I don’t compete with her. You can say we’re close to one another just like what normal classmates relationship but not that close on how her friends relationship to her. One day, I went to a mall. I saw butterfly hair clips and it reminded me of her because she likes butterflies and her birthday is near so I decided to buy it and gave it as a gift.” I continued.


“Han Seul, happy birthday! Here.” I said as I handed my gift for her. I was really surprised because I was the only one who gave her a gift. I thought her friends will give her gift but I was surprised I was only the one.

“Why you bother on giving me a gift? It’s okay. Only a greeting will do. By the way, thanks for this.” She replied while accepting my gift. She’s really kind and very simple that she doesn’t expect from anyone.

End of Flashback

“So you fall for her more, right?” Yunho hyung teasingly asked again.

“Yes.” I shyly replied. “Because of that, I decided to invite her on my birthday party set by my parents. She greeted me & even gave me a gift. It was 2 handkerchiefs. She first rejected my invitation but I insist so she ended up going.” I continued.

“So what happen on your birthday party?” Yuho hyung asked with a hint of interest.

“Why you sound so interested hyung?” I asked him.

“You know, telling a cliffhanging story is really annoying or will get you to think what happen next so why not continue?” Yunho hyung answered. I just replied with an “Ok” as I shared to hyung what happen on my birthday party.


“Honey, are all of your classmates who you invited will attend your birthday?” Mom asked me as she cooked and prepared the foods for my birthday party. When she finished doing those, she started preparing the place which is our garden where my birthday party will be held. I was also helping her so that we’ll be able to finished preparing the place before my classmates will arrive.

“Yes, Mom. Why?” I asked.

“How about Han Seul? Did you invite her?” Mom asked.

“Yes. She promised she’ll go.” I answered.

“Is that the reason why you’re so happy?” Mom teasingly said.

“No. I’m just happy that I get to celebrate my birthday with a party with my classmates.” I lied to Mom.

“Honey, you can’t fool me. I know you had a crush on Han Seul. Remember you even gave her gift on her birthday.” Mom said to me.

“Wait, Mom. I hide my gift to her on my room. How did you know?” I asked.

“One of your classmates told me about that. He accidentally reveals it to me. He told me not to tell you.” Mom replied.

“Who among my classmates?” I asked really wanted to know who revealed it.

“It’s a secret.” Mom answered with a grin.

“Mom!” I said as I pout.

“But wait Mom, is it really too obvious? Do you think Han Seul know or feel it?” I asked Mom.

“I don’t think so. Han Seul is very oblivious because many of your classmates or some of your schoolmates has a crush on her but still she doesn’t know about it. I asked her one time when I get to talk to her and she told that she don’t know about it. Han Seul-ah is popular so better make your move on her because you have many rivals. Maybe someone may win her heart.” My Mom explained.

I was about to reply when one by one my classmates whom I invited arrived. Each one of them greeted me and I offered them to sit on the chairs available. I was even happier when I see her and wearing one of the hair clips I gave to her as gift. After that, we decided to play games to make my birthday party fun.

End of Flashback

“So what games did you play?” Yunho hyung asked.

“I was about to continue hyung but you just interrupted me. Actually hyung, Mom was taking pictures on that day but I don’t have the photo album with me. If I have it with me, you can see what the games we played but since it’s in the house, I just tell you what games we played and what happened during the games.” I told him as he grin and said “Sorry. You can continue.”

“For the games we played, we were split on 2 teams; which is the Boys Teams & Girls Team. The first game we played was Kai-Bai-Bo (Rock-Paper-Scissors). My team was really good in playing the game but we lose because of Han Seul. She’s so good in the game that she was able to defeat all of us. I was the last player that time and I know I’m good at it but unfortunately, Han Seul beat me having their team to win. We have no choice but to accept the punishment which is hitting on the forehead. She was chosen by her team as the representative to hit us the losing team. I thought because she is a girl, she can’t hit us hard but honestly, it hurts.” I said.

Yunho hyung giggles after hearing what I shared to him.

“Hyung, it’s not funny. I know if you were able to experience her hit, I know you’ll not giggle.” I said to hyung.

“Ok. Sorry. Just can’t help it. You can continue.” Yunho hyung said.

“We played again & it was the Chicken Fight Game. That game didn’t last too long because her members kept on falling down one by one until she was the only one left in the team. I was surprised when suddenly the 3 members of my team fell down because of her. But at least we’re still with 2 members on our team. That time I realize she’s really strong & very competitive. Since I was also competitive, I decided to attack her but she defended by trying to make me fall but she lost her balance and fell on top of me.” I shyly told hyung especially when I told him on what happen between I & Han Seul during the game.

“Did the two of you kiss?” Yunho hyung asked.

“No but our faces were really near to each other that both made us blush and uncomfortable. She immediately stood up & saw the happiness or the cheering of my other team members. I join them because we won the game. She pouted because they lost in the game and I can’t deny she looked so cute and very adorable when she did that.” I shyly explained.

“Did you play any other games?” Yunho hyung asked.

“We played again a game to know who will wins. It was dodge ball. She really looks like she enjoyed the game because she always kept on throwing the ball and hit my team members. Only I & one of my team members successfully hit her team members. She always attacks my team & hit my members before we can attack her team members. And because of her strength, she was able to also hit the two of us making them the winner.” I told hyung as I continued.


“Since the team games are finished, why don’t we play a couple game? The winner will get to eat the cupcake I made. You can choose your partner now.” Mom announced.

I was about to go on my friend or one of my classmates so that we can be a pair but I already saw him with another boy classmate of us. The others are also already paired into 2 boys and 2 sets of pair of one girl & and one boy. And that left me with no choice but to be paired with Han Seul. They were flashing grins so I was suspicious that it seems like they already plan this for us to become a pair. I was really wondering why their way of thinking is synchronized or their way of thinking are the same that they can do work together on one goal/task.

The game started and it was the Newspaper Dance Game. It is a game where the couple/pair will dance & when the music stops, the pairs must step on the piece of newspaper and avoid touching the ground. The newspaper is folded in every stop so it gets smaller and smaller. The pair that remained standing will be declared as the winner of the game.

We dance like we’re crazy so we were really having fun. All of us or the 5 pairs were able to pass the first and second stop where the newspaper is folded into half.

But when the newspaper is folded again for the 2nd time for the 3rd stop, 2 of the pairs failed so we are left with 3 pairs surviving but our position is really awkward for us because we’re very close to one another that I can smell her scent or her perfume.

I tried to hide my blush but thankfully, the game started so I was able to concentrate with the game & forgot what happened. For the 3rd time I suddenly realized that it will be fold again & it will be smaller. What should I do? I don’t care what will she thinks but I have to do this to win. I’ll do anything just to taste Mom’s cupcake.

I carried Han Seul in bridal style while I step on the newspaper.

“Ya, put me down!” I heard her shout while trying to get off from my hold.

“If I put you down, then we’ll lose the game. Remember that the winner will get to taste Mom’s cupcake which Mom seldom made. I really love those that is why I decided to carry you like this so that we’ll be able to win.” I explained to her.

“Then I don’t care. You can ask your Mom again to bake you many cupcakes so just put me down.” She replied to me.

“No. Mom often is busy so she has no time to bake cupcakes so I have to win so even though I don’t like to carry you, I’ll do it so bear with it.” I explained to her trying to convince her.

“Wow, you’re such a stubborn one but sorry to tell you I’m also so put me down or else I’ll surely hit you.” She replied back.

“It’s my favorite so I don’t care if you don’t want to win the game but since we’re a pair, you have to bear with my ways on how to win the game. Stop struggling. It’s getting hard to carry you. We’ll fall down if you continue struggling.” I reasoned out.

“I don’t care. Put me down. Why are you sounding like I’m so heavy that you can’t carry me? Yah! I’m one of the lightest on our classroom even if you check on my record.” She shouted at me.

“Did I say you’re heavy? Even though you’re light but still with you struggling from my hold, I may lose my balance & we’ll lose in the game.” I also shouted back because she’s already getting on my nerves.

“Ya! I don’t care then you should have not chosen me.” She shouted back.

“As if I have a choice earlier to choose who I’ll pick as my partner. Look we’re only left with 1 couple. We can win.” I explained with a smile on my face seeing there are 2 pairs left including us.

“No, just let them win. Why are you so stubborn? Look. I’ll count from 1 to 3 then if you still didn’t put me down by 3, and then I’ll surely beat you up.” She said or you can say dare me.

“Then I will also count from 1 to 3 then if you still didn’t stop from struggling by 3, I’ll surely make a way to stop you from struggling.” I also dare her.

“Then how?” She asked as if daring me. That time she really makes me think. I don’t know why but this one thing pops on my head & I blurted it out knowing it’ll really stops her from struggling if I did it.

“By kissing you.” I said as I move my face closer to her. I was really surprised with what I replied to her but I know I succeeded from stopping her from struggling. I immediately put her down knowing we won the game because the other couple didn’t able to last because they lose their balance & the guy who was also carrying the girl in his back feet touch the ground.

“So this is the cupcakes for our winners. Changmin-ah, Han Seul-ah!” Those words wake me up from that uneasiness or being uncomfortable with her. Mom was smiling at us while handing us the cupcakes. I took a bite from it & it was really delicious that I forgot what happen earlier on our argument.

“Told you so.” I said as I look at her. She only nodded as a sign of approval. Mom is really good in baking cupcakes that I didn’t regret the method that I used earlier just to win.

End of Flashback

“After that, they started giving out their gifts to me & then we eat. Then after we finished eating, they bid their goodbyes & thank us for the party especially for the food.” I continued as Yunho hyung nodded.

“What happens next? Maybe during the graduation & also your high school days?” Yunho hyung asked.

“Hyung, I’d like to ask again. Why do you sound so interested?” I asked again Yunho hyung.

“It’s because she’ll be working with us & knowing the two of you had past, I can’t help but to be curious.” Yunho hyung answered. I just sighed as I continue telling him what happen knowing he really has a point & I just lost because of his reasons.

“After my birthday, constant teasing from our classmates always happens on our room. Our relationship as being classmates or how we talk with each other or how we were before they started teasing us didn’t change but I felt like she hate me when they’ll start teasing us.  

“They didn’t even miss the chance of teasing us during graduation. That time I’m starting to get sad feeling that she hated me because of the teasing and just wish that we were just like back then so I’ll get closer to her.” I sadly told Yunho hyung.

“It’s okay Changmin. Maybe she didn’t hate you now so you’ll still have a chance.” Yunho hyung said like comforting me.

“Do you think hyung?” I asked hyung.

“Yes. I’m sure of it because I know you. So what happen next?” Yunho hyung asked again.

“I thought you’ll stop after saying that but I was wrong. Ok. I’ll continue.” I said before I continued.

“We come closer to her to greet her or to congratulate her as the valedictorian of our batch. Mom gave her those photos during my birthday party as a gift to those who attended my birthday party. What happens next is I congratulated her that I didn’t know will create constant teasing from our classmates. Even our parents & my parents’ join the teasing that I think get her mad or angry because she told us that she has to go to the bathroom with a cold expression.” I said to Yunho hyung.

“But hyung, there was a time that I get confused with her. There was this incident that happens one time that I can’t explain why she did that.” I asked Yunho hyung.

“What is it? I may tell you why.” Yunho hyung replied back.


She was with one of her stepsister & I think they are on their way home. They were chatting with one another when I spotted them so I decided to call her.

“Han Seul-ah!”  I called her while smiling & waved her. I was with one of my friends that time.

She suddenly run off and leaving me and my friend confused. What did I do wrong? I just greeted her with a smile. It’s not like I glared or scared her off.

“Yah Changmin-ah! Never thought that your greeting can make girls run off. Do you look scary?” My friend teasingly said.

“Yah!” I said as I hit him on his arm.

“Ah! I was just kidding.” My friend replied while rubbing his arm where I hit him. After that, we continued walking to go on our way but still I can’t help but to think of what Han Seul did.

End of Flashback

“There are two reasons. One is she also has a crush on you and second is she can’t bear seeing you because she hates you that’s why she avoided you or run off.” Yunho hyung answered.

“But I think it is the second reason especially after seeing her expression when I congratulated her during graduation and how she avoided me.” I sadly replied to hyung.

“Did you become classmates again during high school?” Yunho hyung asked.

“No. I’ve learned through some of our girl classmates during middle school that her parents make her attend to an all-girls high school while I studied on a school nearby to us. Our schools are not far from each other so I often see her.” I answered hyung’s question.

“There was a time that I accidentally met her on a supermarket. I’m on my way to go to the supermarket while she was on her way home. I didn’t greet her because I know she is mad at me so I pretended that I didn’t recognize her and she even didn’t greet me so I just decided to avoid her but it looks like she was uneasy and she was like really hiding because she was looking down.” I tell hyung.

“I often also see her that sometimes I wanted to greet her but that time we already debuted so many of my classmates or my schoolmates talk with me or like ask for my autograph. There was really a time that I wanted to confess her my feelings but I can’t because I’m afraid that she will reject me so I decided to keep it from myself. And then because we’re starting to get busy and I moved to our dorm, I seldom see her or many times I don’t meet her but I know my feelings  for her didn’t fade away and I was hoping I’ll meet her again and this time I’ll say my feelings for her. And I’m happy today that I was given a chance to say my feelings for her since she’ll be working with us. I’ll really use this chance given to me.” I said to Yunho hyung.

“So she’s your first crush and first love right?” Yunho hyung asked.

“Yes and I still love her that I’m sure what I feel for her never fades away or I forget about her and my feelings for her.” I replied back.

“Sure your fans will really feel envious of her when they learnt that you’ll still love your first love.” Yunho hyung said.

“Yunho-ah, Changmin-ah, we already arrive. Let’s go now.” Manager hyung said as he took his earphones off as he was sleeping and listening to music throughout the ride.

We go on our schedule with the thought of looking forward to meeting Han Seul again.

Author’s Note:

This is the 4th chapter.

Sorry that I just updated this story just today because I can’t update because I’m getting busy lately and I’m experiencing writer’s block. Not only that, I have 2 on-going fics aside from this so I hope you understand if ever I update late.

Thank you to @changmin93 who just subscribed on this fic :)

Thank you @JaneParkJooHyo for commenting on the 3rd Chapter :)

And also really thank you for those who read this Chapter :)

Don’t know when I’ll update because I don’t have any spare Chapters but I hope you’ll wait for my update.

And also hoping you give comments on what you think of this Chapter :)


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Chapter 14: Wow..That was really unexpected..I never thought Han Seul would be a trainee..Really looking forward for their perfomance..
Chapter 1: Just began reading this♡♥♡ It seems pretty interesting... :))
It's really sad that Han Seul and her step sisters don't get along... :(
Chapter 13: Waaahh! Why does it have to be a dream?! I hope that both their dreams come to reality soon..
I like it! Keep up the good work!
Chapter 6: The story is quite cute ^^ (And these facts are really interesting!)
Chapter 1: I like the way Han Seul introduces her life to the readers. Looking forward to reading the next chapters! ^^
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update..Finally they're able to somehow confess that they are each other's first love.. I hope that they will officially be a couple very soon cause I think that they've already waited a long time to be with the person that gives them happiness..And Changmin is really sweet for remembering all those things about her.. :)
Chapter 11: I really wish someone will leave a note for me, telling me to eat medicine since I don't feel well again. O_O
Chapter 11: This is so kilig..I was glad that Han Seul weren't shocked when she woke up with Changmin beside her and that she actually followed his orders :) And Changmin finally confessed! I just hope that this isn't because of his drunken state.. :/
Chapter 10: I really like this chapter.. There's some progress in their friendship and Han Seul is finally opening up to Changmin..^_^

Don't feel too pressured to update, life can get really hectic at times :)