Too Close

Wild Things


[Chunji’s POV]

I felt my eyes closing eyes his face dipped toward mine. His hand reached behind my neck and pulled me closer to him.

Oh my gosh what is going on he’s going to kiss me! My mind was screaming at me, but the only thing I was focused on right now was the heat radiating off of Changjo’s body. He bent closer and closer until his face was only a few centimeters away from mine.

Before our lips could touch, we both heard someone running down the hallway towards the room we were in. We sprung apart just before Niel burst through the door.

“This place is amazing, Changjo!” He shouted happily before noticing the facts that both our faces were flushed and how awkward the atmosphere had become, “Um, did I interrupt something?”

“No!” Changjo and I exclaimed at the same time, and Niel gave us a weird look before slowly backing towards the door.

“I’ll come back later-,” Niel started to say before I cut him off.

“I have to pee!” I blurted without realizing what the hell I was even saying. Niel looked at me strangely before pulling me out of the room without another word. He took me through the brightly light hallway and barged into another completely random room.

“What happened?” Niel asked me seriously, taking hold of my shoulders and looking into my eyes. I still felt a little dizzy from being so close to Changjo, but I just tried to laugh.

“What do you mean, Niel? I accidentally walked in on Changjo changing and things got a bit awkward,” I explained to him, surprised at how normal my voice sounded. Technically it wasn’t a lie; I had walked in on him changing, and things did get pretty awkward after he pushed me against a wall and almost kissed me.

Niel gave me another strange look before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him. I was confused: was Niel mad? Niel -- the boy who had been picked on in school and never raised his voice, the boy who didn’t say a word when his girlfriend cheated on him, and the boy who’s the most happy, energetic, peaceful person I know – was mad.

But at what? Me? I thought, thoroughly puzzled.


[Niel’s POV]

What the heck was that? Why am I so mad at Chunji right now? I exhaled in frustration.

I knew that something was going on between Changjo and Chunji, I just didn’t know what. When I walked into the room, they were both red-cheeked and breathing heavily. I’d have to be stupid not to notice that. But why am I so upset over this?

I shook my head and walked outside. That house, as beautiful as it is, was getting really stuffy, not to mention extremely awkward. Exiting the house, I saw a path leading into the densely packed forest.

“May as well,” I sighed to no one in particular and strolled toward the path.


[Changjo’s POV]

I shook my head when the two boys left my room rather quickly.

What the heck was I doing? I wondered. When Chunji walked in, I just felt the world narrow and the only thing I could see was him. He looked so cute; cheeks flushed scarlet, breath coming in tiny gasps, hands shaking slightly. My head was in the clouds when I walked over and forced myself on him. Thank god Niel walked in. Niel…

Where is he now? I wondered about the boy who had cut through the haze I was in. Aish, I’ll think about that later. First I have to figure out what to do about all of them.

With that in mind, I strode out of the room and called everyone to the kitchen where L. Joe and Rocky were already seated at the huge oak table. I never knew why I built a home that could comfortably house twenty people, but I figured that someday someone would come. I just never knew when.


When Chunji walked in, he looked at me and immediately blushed slightly before looking at Cap, who came in moments after him. After a few minutes, everyone sat around the table except for Niel.

“Where’s Niel?” L. Joe asked, and I felt a sliver of worry nudge my mind.

“Ah, he’s probably just outside,” Chunji said lazily, “you guys know how he likes to wander.”

“Yeah, I saw him take that path leading into the jungle out back a few minutes ago,” Ricky chimed in, “so he’s probably just taking a walk or something.”

At that, I whipped my head towards him. “What?!”

Oh crap oh crap oh crap.

“Do any of you know what’s out there in that jungle?!” I snapped at them, earning surprised looks, “I’ve lived here for 109 years and I still can’t identify some of the things on this stupid island. If I don’t find him before it gets dark, he’s as good as dead!”

Feeling myself start to change again, I bounded out the door in the direction Niel took. I managed to get outside before the change completely took over my body, and I fell on all fours and sprinted towards the path.

arghsd sorry there wasnt very much action this chapter. i finished reading the saddest fanfic ever about BAP. All of them died just like in the One Shot MV.


ive also recently discovered that i make this face a lot when watching k-dramas


i then proceeded to watch the death of an important character in One Piece over and over again


I'm dying to write a fanfic about the miss right MV *literally dying over here* hope you guys liked this chapter :) more to come in the next few days


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minhyun #1
Chapter 1: I hope it will end up with changniel . I love this pairing . Heee
ND2011hakuren #2
Chapter 4: dear author I never found a story like this. I love it and please I beg you let it be Changniel at the end. Please.........................
Chapter 4: OMG. WHY DID I SEE THIS JUST NOW. Memory lost? alksdj. Niel will lose all of his memory? Hmm. Sounds interesting. ouo And ohgad the kiss is hot even if it didn't really happened. keke. asldkj. Changniel all the way please? ;w; <3 I'll be waiting for the next update. ^^ Hwaiting! <3
jiosne #4
Hi! I see you did not use the background... do you not like it? or are you not aware that theres a background? if yes, heres the link -
Chapter 3: Niel is jealous of Chunji ! Go Changjo ! Find him and save him ! ><
The death of an impt character in One Piece ? Ace ? That was touching and sad .... TA T
byulbit #6
Chapter 2: cliff hanger!!! =[
Chunji is so cute kkkk xD

Changjo doesnt age any more right? I wonder what would happen to his partner who still ages... You wouldnt let him die before Changjo right? :[
well I think I'm taking it too far from what is happening hehe...
JuzzMee #7
Chapter 2: omo what changjo want to do?? my mind already think dirty here.. you need to take responsibility hehe..
anyway there is less changniel interaction here... a little bit disappointed i must say but i'll wait patiently...
can't wait for your next update
Changniel obviously, just watch teen top rising. Changniel is plastered all over the place. Pretty please? :3
JuzzMee #9
Chapter 1: only first chapter and i already like it
and i never imagining you would turn changjo into a panther..
when i first read it, i thought you would turn him into a monster but i like the idea