
A WEEK SERIES: A Week Into Marriage/ A Week to Marry



I don't understand why he can't leave me alone? We are going to go our separate ways in a week’s time so why is there a need to get to know each other? I wish he just take that y stupid smile of his and go somewhere else. I can't cook with him so close. After we got home he left me for like ten minutes to take a call and then came back to following and smiling at me. Why was he always smiling? Is there any reason to be smiling anyways? I mean come on we are in a mess up relationship, we barely know each other but that didn't stop us from getting hitch and then we agree to a divorce in a week. How is he smiling at this situation of ours?

"So we have to leave tomorrow around one or two in the afternoon. By the time we get to my place it will be dark and we can avoid seeing my parents until Monday. I'm sure we will be meeting for them for lunch so be prepare for that. Tuesday we have a Charity function my dad wants us to attend to with my parents of course. Wednesday my older brother and his wife will be back from London, mom has a family dinner plan for the evening. Thursday is our free day, I don't have anything schedule for that day. Friday will be my dad's company party; my great brother is getting promoted. And then Saturday we will be free and done."

I shake the lettuce and nod my head. How the hell am I going to remember all that?

"I type up the schedule in case you weren't listening and just shaking your head so you think I think you are but you're really not." Siwon holds up a piece of paper.

I sigh and place the lettuce in a bowl. I turn to him and his stupid smile seriously doesn't his face hurt from smiling so much? "Thank you" I take the paper and stick it to the fridge. "You know you can go watch TV if you wanted. I don't need your help in the kitchen."

"Yeah but then I don't watch TV that much unless it has the stock market on. And that equals work so I rather stay here. Besides you look lonely."

So? I don't need him...I don't need any man in my life. It's not that I prefer females instead but all males are the same, they always end up hurting me and I'm done with getting hurt. I just want to live quietly and free.

"I can help chop veggies you know. I live by myself in New York for four years and I didn't have anyone to cook or clean for me." Siwon reaches for the lettuce and starts slicing them for a salad.

"Why? You have the money."

"No, my parents had the money. I went against them and pick my own path instead of taking the one they plan for me. Like my brother I was to go to college and then take over the family company but seriously taking over a food company was not my thing. For my brother it was but me I rather play on my computer all day. I love creating virtual worlds and games but my father didn't see that as a successful career. It was just playing around. So I took the credit card he gave me since I was sixteen and bought a plane ticket to New York, one way."

"Do you regret it?"

"Hell no. Well maybe at first, I was broke and almost homeless. My older brother understood me and supported me whenever he could. He sent me money so I can rent a small room. It had no kitchen and the only other room was the bathroom but I loved it. I soon got a job at a pizza place and stop my brother from supporting me. I filled out job applications everyday from Microsoft to Playstation but got nothing in return. I gave up that dream of being a gamer. But it was a door opener for me too; I was good with money and management. One random day I came across DongHae at the pizza place and we got to talking. He told me he was building a new hotel nearby and I don't know why he trusted me so much but he told me his plans and couple days later he came back to the pizza place and ask me what kind of degree I had and about my plans. I didn't have much plan after my gamer plan went down so I agree to working with him. I got him money to build his business and he brought in money enough to pay back the loans and build new buildings. Couple of years down the road and here I am co-owner of a multi-millionaire business. We get loans, build buildings, sell it for twice of what it took to build it and pay back the loan so we can do it over again."

"Wow you achieve such an accomplishment. Your parents must be proud of you now."

"They are but they still ask me to come back to the family business and work in the finance department but like I say food and buildings are different, I know nothing about food. My parents have lay off me for quite a while now, it's my grandpa he's the stubborn one. He told me he would only be happy if I married you."

I nod my head understanding him on that point. We both got married not for our own happiness but for others.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What's your story?"

"I don't have one."

"Sure you do, everyone has a story."

I shrug. "It's not as interesting as yours."

"Well let me be the judge of that. Tell me."

"My mother die giving birth to me. My father re-married after my tenth birthday to our maid. When I was fifth-teen my father pass away because of a car accident. He was driving drunk. Turns out my step mom was cheating on him with an old fling of hers. After my father pass she took over the house and move in her boyfriend. I got out of the house after realizing she wasn't a guardian. My father left a will for me. All of his money goes to me including his company. But since I was a minor my step mom took care of the business and ruin it. There was also my father's last wish, I was to married to you and my step mother will be free of me with a big sum of money will be handed over to her. It was a way for my father to know I was being taken care of until I get marry. He knew she was after money and that was a way she wouldn't abandon me."

I look up at Siwon and found him frozen. The knife was down and the lettuce was set aside.

"Wow and you said it wasn't interesting. Liar." Siwon set back in his seat and laughs.

I look away, I had said too much. I don't let anyone in this much not even JiHyun and the girls. My secret is not something I want to tell anyone ever.


After getting her to open up to me she shut herself back down and stay quiet the rest of the day. I feel bad for her, her childhood was not a good one and her parents weren't there for her. She was lonely and still is. Just looking at her while she told me her story tells me she haven't told anyone about her past. It also told me she wasn't telling me everything but it's okay, it's her secret to tell. I hope I will be here long enough for her to tell me. I don't know why I want to know but I do. GaYoon is one mysterious chick.


"Are you sure you don't want to hit the beach before we leave? We have like four hours left here."

GaYoon looks out the glass door and sigh. It looks like she really wanted to go out there but then she looks back and me and shake her head.

"I rather just stay inside."

What was she so scared of?

"Sure? Well I guess I'll go enjoy myself then."

I slide open the glass door and head down the stairs to the sand. I turn back around to see if she was still there but when I did she was already gone. I walk to the edge of the water and dip in my feet. The cold water instantly cools my body from the hot summer heat.

No matter how hard I try to not think of GaYoon her face kept popping into my mind and her story. At what age did she leave home? And why didn't she receive her father's company yet? She was twenty-three and old enough to take what’s rightfully hers so why didn't she?

"It's cold."

GaYoon's voice brought my attention to her. She was standing next to me in a long gray t-shirt.

"I thought you didn't want to come out?"

"I change my mind...I won't have another chance to come back here after today and I really like the beach." GaYoon dips her right feet into the water again to test the water.

The water was cold because she immediately pulls out again.

"That's not going to get you anywhere today. If you want to get into the water you will have to jump in." I raise my hand to her lower back and with one push GaYoon flew into the water.

"YAH!" She screams out.

I back away laughing. It was good to hear her scream, her voice had been mono tone since we met and it was driving me crazy.

GaYoon sat in the water like a kid and started coughing. Her face turn red and she started shaking.

. "GaYoon are you okay?" I ran over to her and kneel down in the water besides her.

GaYoon whips her head to face me and within a few scary seconds she had my fully submerge in water. She was holding my head under water as she got up and ran. I pulls my head out of the water and gasp for air. What the hell just happen? I look around for her and found her making her way back to the house.

Quickly I ran after her and pick her up throwing her over my shoulder; she was light as a feather.

"Let me go!" She started kicking and screaming but I wasn't going to let her get away that easy.

Once to the water again I ran full speed in and drop her in once the water hits my chest.

GaYoon resurface from the water and ran her hands down her face to wipe away the water. Waiting for her to open her eyes I step back and waited. Once her eyes were open I start splashing water at her and she started screaming.

"Stop! SIWON!" She move towards me and started splashing water back at me. "Stop!"

The more she told me to stop the faster my hands move to splash more water at her.

Her "stops" turn into "SIWON" and then laughing...laughing...GaYoon was laughing. I stop what I was doing and stared at her as she wipe water away from her face and her smiling face stun me. She was even more beautiful like that.

"What's wrong?" GaYoon ask looking at me. "Are you okay? Leg cramps?"

She started walking towards me her hands reaching out for me. I let her reach me and put her hands on my biceps.

"Are you in pain?" She started examining me. "Siwon" She pat my cheek and I snap back.

"Huh?" I look into her big brown eyes and got lost again.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I just...nothing." I shake my head and turn around embarrassed.

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This story might get a [M] rated chapter later but nothing graphic!! I promise.


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Asmaamanina #1
jihae couple
Chapter 12: about sohyun next pls hihi
Chapter 12: Please do make the third addition to this series for Jihyun and Donghae. I really want to know haha xD
fatymoona #4
Chapter 12: hope you will be update soon, hope to know more about JiHae couple
Chapter 12: Jiyoon and Kyuhyun couple please...
Chapter 12: Yay!!!! Thank you I've been waiting for this.
I will definitely be awaiting for the third in the series!!! :)
rion_01 #7
Chapter 12: Yay~ Completed~ Congratulations! It's a great read. Loving this gentle Siwon but too bad that the story's already over. >.< Thank you so much for sharing this fic and for the sweet and happy ending for both of them. ^^ Great job and more strength to you for your other future fanfics . <3 Keep it up!
hessah #8
Chapter 12: Yaaay you will complete jihyun and donghae story
so excited can't wait
nezzazu19 #9
Chapter 12: Waaaaaa great job author-nim. *\(´▽`)/*
Thank you for make this story complete.
I hope u can make another great story. I can't wait for donghae and jihyun.

Fighting author nim :)