Reese's puff part 1

Hey stupid you didn't heard me say I like you




When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a princess. It was my dream to become one. You know to meet that charming prince with that dazzling smile who’ll wake you up from your endless sleep with a kiss. But then as I grow up, I realized fairytales are just fantasies made to give hope to innocent children only to break their hearts in time. Because the big white castle, the knight in shining armour, they don’t exist. Not in the reality I am in, and definitely not on the day of the cotillion.


“Oh my God! You look amazing!” Krystal squealed as I went down the stairs dramatically. I smiled at her, I was feeling the high, because the moment I looked at the mirror, I saw myself ten years ago, dreaming of being a princess. And now I’m proud to say I look close enough.

“I told you! It looks perfect on you!” Sulli screamed in delight as she eyed my pale pink satin rouge dress that goes all the way to my feet.

“You look beautiful!” Luna commented “Too bad Amber’s not here.”

“We should totally take a picture” Sulli said as she ran off to get the camera on the table. Just then Krystal’s phone began ringing.

“Hello?” she answered “Oh no, don’t bother, I mean I’m only beside your house.....yeah, I’m at Vic’s.....Khun?......Hello?.....I thought you hang up......yep see you ^^ bye”

“Nichkhun?” Sulli pried on as she took continuous shots of everyone.



“Ok seriously where are you taking me?” Krystal giggled a bit as nichkhun block her views with his hands, guiding her from behind.

“And you can open your eyes.... now.” Nichkhun took off his hands and Krystal slowly peeked.

It was majestic. Like a place driven out from a storybook. Lots of different flowers filled the place, butterflies were everywhere. And the light illuminating from the glass ceiling had this enchanting effect on it as it shine through the small pond near a gingerbread house-look alike.

“Wow, where are we?” Krystal asked gazing at the surreal surrounding.

“It’s a secret.” Nichkhun gave a playful smile and Krystal gave him a look. “We’re in Hana-Kyeochi conservatory. It’s not actually opened for public but uhh, Vic’s aunt owns this place.”

“Oh” Krystal’s face suddenly fell. “What’s in the small house?” She pointed “Looks yummy, can I eat that?”

“A hideout” Nickhun said and pulled her inside it.

The interior of the house is just as fantastic. It looks like it just came out of the oven. With all these chocolate chip chairs and marshmallow bed. It looks delicious.

Krystal walked around the cottage; touching every furniture she passed by. She stopped by the fireplace and sat in front of it, on the cozy fur carpet..

“Comfy” She said to Nickhun who sat beside her.

“You like Victoria, don’t you?” Krystal blurted out. It wasn’t what she wanted to say and it’s definitely not what Nichkhun expected her to.



“Yeah, he was acting kinda wierd this morning. I don’t know” Krystal said as she put her phone back on her purse. She was wearing this crystal red satin floor length evening dress as if she was the untouchable queen...the one that will make a poison to protect her king.

“Did something happen?” Luna asked worried

“... I guess I don’t know” She said.

I glanced at Krystal. Yeah, something happened, and you know about it, I thought



“Figures. You’ll find out soon enough. I just wanna check if you’re ok now since you look like you were crying earlier... Hanging up...” Kyuhyun said before a beep.

Find out soon enough? Am I missing something here?

Oh Come On! Let’s just sleep.

“Are you awake?” I heard someone speak by the door.

“Not really” I said before opening my left eye. And there he was already, sitting at the end of the bed. Nichkhun.

“Ok, what is it?” I sat up and looked at him, he looked bothered. Not the usual happy go lucky guy who looks like he can smile 24/7.

“We need to talk.” He simply said. He didn’t look up, instead he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees and clasped both of his hands in front of him.

“Whoa, are you ok? You look almost serious” I joked and leaned on the headboard. He looked.... distant.

“I’m serious. We need to talk.” He said meeting my eyes.

“About what?” I already don’t feel good about this.

His pupils shook in the dim light.

“Us.” It was almost a whisper but I heard it clearly.



“Hey! Umma!” Sulli snapped her fingers on my face.  “I’m asking you if I should get it.”

“Huh? Get what?”

Sulli rolled her eyes. “The door! What if that’s Cho Kyu- something?”

“Oh yeah. It’s uhh fine” I said. She looked at me weirdly but let it go and just proceed in getting the door.

“Hey, you know I heard something from my club.” Luna said, glancing at me.

“I heard----“

“Damn you look gorgeous” Time momentarily stopped. Nickhun. I knew it from the voice. Please just go away.

“Why thank you, and you look uber handsome.” I heard Krystal say.

“Oh Nickhun’s here.” Luna peek out “Hey you! You look almost a prince!” Luna exclaimed. Then there were footsteps.

“And you look almost a lady” I heard his voice getting closer by the second.

“Oh Shut up!” Luna made a face “Here, look at Unni, doesn’t she look like a princess?” Luna spun me around, making me face Nichkhun.



“Us?” I repeated

He didn’t move, His eyes locked on hers.

“Hey come on, you’re scaring me. What do you mean you wanna talk about us?”

He sighed and looked down.

“Krystal told me this outrageous thing. She says I got to fix this, whatever this is.”

“What’re you talking about?”

“She told me I like you” He said.




“You look good” Nichkhun said without even looking at me.

“Right” I muttered.

“You and Krystal don’t match” Luna said looking from Nich to Krystal continuously.

“Excuse me??” Krystal shriek.

“Well, I mean you’re wearing like red and passionate while Nich’s on gray tuxedo. Doesn’t match”

“Luna! That’s mean!” Sulli pulled Luna away leaving traces of distinct scolding.



“It’s stupid isn’t it? My girlfriend telling me I like my childhood friend more that i don’t know friends?” He shook his head and let out a mocking smile


“I told her I don’t see you more than a sister”


“She didn’t believe me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No Vic. I’m sorry.”

“What’re you---“

“She asked me to choose.... And I love my girlfriend more than anyone in this world.”

I stared at his face. He looked so distant, as if he was miles away rather than a few steps apart.

“I’m sorry.” He said once again.





A/N: I’m sick. I’ll continue this some other time. I’m sorry. My head’s all dizzy.

Whatever. Anyway, please do comment so I can uhh... improve? Yeah? Thanks. Loveandapples



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Honestly, this I'm the real author's sister and she's abandoned this fic BUT I'm here to the rescue! So fear not. I'm setting this straight :)


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Chapter 13: oh my gus!!!! i love the second last and last paragraph! let me die from fangirling!!~~~ kyaaaaaahhh!!!
Chapter 13: I just finished reading it from the first chapter and I think I like kyuhun's character here, I mean I'm a khuntorian but khun's behaviour here is really testing my patience, hehe, so I'm more corious to know who kyu really is
and one more thing, I still can't picture khun and krystal as a couple, it'll be easier to imagine if the girl is not krystal but some girl at vic's/khun's age such tiffany, yurri or other, but it's oke, I still really like your story, hope you will continue and finish it and hope to see your update soon :D
londonboyalexa #3
Chapter 13: I waited what seemed like ages for you to update your story... so please I beg update soon!! Love this story!!
Chapter 13: Oh always make us curious and gregetan huhuju
babypou #5
Chapter 13: And? Author please update asap T.T
ashilafn #6
Chapter 13: Oh my god !!! Why so short???
Upde soon please
girlymoon #7
Chapter 13: interesting, need more updates hehehe
londonboyalexa #8
Chapter 12: Love the story!!!! Pls update sooon, you should make the chapters longer.
aarasa #9
Chapter 12: First of all, thank you for the update! love this story so much! It's painful to see Vic in pain, but I'm still hopeful that things will turn around for the both of them, anxiously waiting for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 12: Ah wae wae wae?! It's TOO TOO TOO SHORT authornim, but thank you so much at least u still updated kekekeke. Wait for u again, hope u will make double update /imagine/