Fruit Loops

Hey stupid you didn't heard me say I like you


“Her nostrils getting huge” said insect 1

“She’s beginning to look like a monkey” said insect 2

“ is hanging” insect 1 added

“Wanna bet how long it’ll take before saliva starts to drop?” insect 2 dared


“YAH!!! You both! Can’t you shut mouths?!” I snapped and the weird thing is they grinned. Oh no…

“Victoria lost!” Insect 1 or commonly known as Krystal Jung screamed as she jumped out of joy

“Vicky’s buying lunch!” Insect 2 or Nichkhun for short echoed.


I stared at the crashed Totica block game on the floor. Oh damn, I shouldn’t have let them get into me.


“Yah! That’s not fair!” I complained but they weren’t listening, instead they were deciding on what I should buy them. These parasites…

“I can’t believe this [sighs]” I said to myself picking up the blocks and putting them in the box


“Fine, Whatever, Let’s order now, I’ll pay. I’m hungry.” Krystal and Nich looked at each other before laughing. Ok? I don’t get it, thought they wanted lunch?

“Uh uh, the deal was the loser buy lunch” Krystal stated. Didn’t I… I’m confused

“That’s what I said”

“But no delivery. The loser will buy it take out and should be back in 45 minutes.”

“Ok? did I agreed to that?” I asked

“Yup you were dosing off earlier, so I don’t think you really processed that” Krystal answered smiling from ear to ear, standing on the couch.

“And If I didn’t came back after 45 mins?” I’m getting nervous

“You’ll have to treat us to lunch the whole week” Nichkhun replied as though it wasn’t a big deal. Aish, I gritted my teeth. I knew it!


Krystal burst out laughing when she saw my reaction. She was about to sit when she slip out of the couch. Karma is always fast.

“Careful” Nich caught her before she even hit the ground. So now the two of them now are hugging in front of me. And honestly? I think they really do look good together. And Seriously? It kinda piss me off.


No delivery. I bet they planned on making me lose before even playing. I sighed, there is no time feeling like this. So I just shrugged and head out the door.


“Start the time. I’ll go buy some Chinese food” I said with my back on them.


I was already at the gate when I heard the front door opened, I turn around and saw Nichkhun heading towards me.

“What?” I asked

“Go back inside, I’ll buy” he said, his eyes avoiding mine.

“The last time I checked, it was me who lost”

“The last time I checked, you should be thanking me now” he mimicked me. He open the gate and was about to go outside…

“I’ll buy. I’m the one who lost.” I slapped his hand away from the gate’s knob

“Vic” He was serious and I’ll tell you what’s going on. He’s worried, I knew that. The last time I go out alone with his consent I was hit by a car. That was five years ago. Since then, it’s either he’ll go out with me or someone will. If not then it’s a make or break decision for me…stay home or escape the prison guard.


“No biggie, I’ll be back fast.” I told him smiling that million dollar smile

“You sure you’ll be fine?” I should be happy right? He’s worried but then again everyone gets worried for a mere friend. K

“Yup, not a kid anymore” I said looking down, but if he continues to do this. To protect me, I think I…

“I mean they might arrest you for looking like a criminal.” He stated. HE IS SERIOUS.


“Kidding” he smiled and run his hand on his hair

“You look more like of a bummer than a criminal.” I glared at him, he gave me the puppy eyes. That’s not fair!

“Go, ah buy me extra spring rolls” he said as he slightly pushed me at the back

“Psh. Fine” I stepped outside but then he was holding now, my clothes at the back. Pulling me slightly.

“Go” he said. :”> did I just blushed? He was holding me back after all. I’m stupid. I know.

“Let go” I clearly stated. He did, and disappointment crowded in. I shouldn’t have said that

“You sure you can go alone?” he asked innocently

I turned to him “Yah, I’m going downtown to buy food not in a war”

“Yeah, you’re right.” I turned away from him again and successfully got out of our house


Outside I could hear his loud voice saying “If someone gave you a penny, tell them you’re not a beggar!” I hope nobody kills me back when I murdered this this…prince. T.T


Usually it takes 10 minutes to walk downtown. They said I shouldn’t take any means of transportation other that my two feet. T.T

So it’ll take me 20 minutes to and from. Nich already wasted another 10 minutes. So I only have approximately 15 mins to order food. Fair enough.


I reach Wan Chai (the restaurant) in 12 minutes T.T Was I too slow walking? Then why am I catching my breath right now? Beats me.


I ordered enough food and started to head back. What’s weird is that I only got seven minutes left. Seven minutes that could save me from treating those insects to lunch for a whole week.


There was only one solution left, and since I’m no cheater… it’s to:  RUN!


So the moment I stepped outside the restaurant, I ran full speed. The only con was, I’m running on such a busy street. Which means I have to make my way thru all this people here. I focused on overtaking person by person…


That I didn’t seem to notice the stupid tin can on the floor…What happen next, should I just skipped to the part where I got home? (sigh) fine.


The next thing I knew Kung Pao Chickens are flying, Mapo tofus were everywhere and the noodles were dancing. And I? I think I just hit my head into something hard. Oh and chicks seems to be circling above my head.


“Aish. Yah! Ah.” A guy was in front of me supporting himself with his two hands as he tried to stand up.


 “Yah! Are you stupid?” he shouted, everyone stopped and started to look at us. If I can, I would’ve rushed out of here but I can’t. My seriously hurts. I wish my tailbone still fine.

“Sorry.” I muttered. Still seated as I look up to him, hey he’s quite good looking, I’ll bet he’s around my age. He has this black hair and a pair of glasses yet still look hot in it.


“Ah…” He said as he finally looked at my face. What is something wrong? Did it gone deform?

“Aish” He cursed, he was frowning again. But even if he was, I think he’s still fairly handsome.


He held out a hand and helped me up. But I sat back down again. My hurts T.T

“Ajumma, hurry and stand up. People are staring” He said, he was still holding my hand. I kept trying, but my …oh god my ! And what? Ajumma?

“AJUSSHI I can’t” I said emphasizing the word ajusshi

“Why?” he asked

“My ..” I started. God this is embarrassing


“My hurts” I almost whispered. Phew I said it

“What?” Is he deaf?

“My hurts” I repeated

“What did you said?” He asked again

“AISH!! SERIOUSLY! I SAID MY BUUUTT HUUUUUUUUURTS!” I screamed. All the people stopped chattering and looked at me with expressions I’m sure you won’t even imagined. This guy in front of me laughed. Oh no, he’s a devil. I knew it. He was just playing around.


He sat in front of me, his back facing me. What is he trying to do?


“Hurry and get on” He said. Get on?

“Why would I?”

“I’ll take you to the hospital” he answered

“Just call an ambulance then.” I commanded

“Then you’re gonna sit there the entire time?” he asked me, I could feel his smirk even without seeing his face.

“Yeah” I answered unsurely.

“Ok” he said and began to stand up. I could see everyone’s eyes on me, some were whispering, some were laughing, some were even taking pictures. On the second thought…

I pulled his shirt.

“If you ever do anything, ANYTHING! I’ll sue you” I stated seriously

He chuckled. I got on his back. It was sooo warm and comfortable, that I had the urge to hold on tighter.


Thinking about it, I think the last time I was carried in a piggyback was after that tree incident…


A day before Krystal and Nichkhun became a couple.


A/N: 2pm characters will come out soon. If not in the next chap, then in chap 4

I'll appreciate if you guys leave a comment 

cause I don't know if I'm doing  a good job right here T.T

I don't have much confidence, you know :|

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Honestly, this I'm the real author's sister and she's abandoned this fic BUT I'm here to the rescue! So fear not. I'm setting this straight :)


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Chapter 13: oh my gus!!!! i love the second last and last paragraph! let me die from fangirling!!~~~ kyaaaaaahhh!!!
Chapter 13: I just finished reading it from the first chapter and I think I like kyuhun's character here, I mean I'm a khuntorian but khun's behaviour here is really testing my patience, hehe, so I'm more corious to know who kyu really is
and one more thing, I still can't picture khun and krystal as a couple, it'll be easier to imagine if the girl is not krystal but some girl at vic's/khun's age such tiffany, yurri or other, but it's oke, I still really like your story, hope you will continue and finish it and hope to see your update soon :D
londonboyalexa #3
Chapter 13: I waited what seemed like ages for you to update your story... so please I beg update soon!! Love this story!!
Chapter 13: Oh always make us curious and gregetan huhuju
babypou #5
Chapter 13: And? Author please update asap T.T
ashilafn #6
Chapter 13: Oh my god !!! Why so short???
Upde soon please
girlymoon #7
Chapter 13: interesting, need more updates hehehe
londonboyalexa #8
Chapter 12: Love the story!!!! Pls update sooon, you should make the chapters longer.
aarasa #9
Chapter 12: First of all, thank you for the update! love this story so much! It's painful to see Vic in pain, but I'm still hopeful that things will turn around for the both of them, anxiously waiting for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 12: Ah wae wae wae?! It's TOO TOO TOO SHORT authornim, but thank you so much at least u still updated kekekeke. Wait for u again, hope u will make double update /imagine/