Love is hard


You love him and him love you too.But you can see how his face because you are blind.You can see what he doing behind you.Are him cheating behind you you don't know.Until One Day....


My First please be nice to me ^___^,and english my 2nd laguage,so sorry when my grammar is wrong..^^



You : ( Park Saemi )

- A Blind Girl

- 19 Years Old

- Kind,Beautiful,Clever

- Love Sehun



Oh Sehun

- Just a normal people

- 19 Years Old

- Handsome,Porpulor around the girl

- Love Saemi



Kim Hwamin 

- Your Bestfriend

- 19Years Old

- Beautiful,Porpulor around the boy

- At the first befor you falling i love with Sehun,She likes Sehun and plan to take Sehun from You





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