Chapter 2

My Bodyguard


Chapter 2


Entering the KB3 News station, reporter Jin Hee Soo and her cameraman Shin Do Jin hurried past onlookers. They had to get to the broadcasting room before anyone caught wind of what they were up to. “Hurry up!” Hee Soo snapped, and quickened her pace, nearly tripping over her high heels in the process. They got the elevator to level 7, and hurried over to the broadcasting room. Hee Soo opened the door. Or at least, she tried to. It was locked. “You have got to be kidding me!” She said, and got out her mobile phone and dialled a number. After some shouting in someone’s ear, she hung up. Do Jin gave her a questioning look. “They’ll be here in five minutes.”


15 minutes later, Hee Soo looked ready to maim and kill. Finally, a skinny nerdy looking boy turned up with a set of keys. “About time!” Hee Soo snapped at him, and grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. They all went inside. “Better lock the door, Do Jin.” She informed her cameraman, and he did as instructed. “You! Nerd! Turn everything on!” She snapped at the skinny boy. “Ye, noona…,” The boy said, and bit his lip. “But…my name isn’t nerd.” He said, and flinched when Hee Soo shot him a glare. “Then what is it?” Hee Soo asked, humouring the boy for a minute. “It’s Joon Kim.” He said, and fidgeted under her gaze. “Fine. Joon Kim. Turn everything on.” She said sweetly, and then shouted out, “Now!” at the top of her lungs. “Y-Ye, noona.” Joon Kim stammered, and hurried about turning on the various TV sets, and cameras that they had in the broadcasting room….



Meanwhile, still in the luxury car, JJ was woken up the guard, who had informed him that they had found the reporter. JJ opened his eyes, and frowned when he saw the guard’s worried expression. “Why do I feel like I’m not going to like the next few words that come out of your mouth?” JJ asked in a monotone voice. “Well…hyungnim…the thing is….” The guard said and looked sideways, not wanting to look JJ in the eye. “Spit it out. You’re beginning to piss me off.” JJ said, and stretched in the car. “The reporters are from KB3 News. I have heard that they are already at the KB3 News station…” The guard said, and jumped a little when he heard JJ make an angry growl in the back of his throat. “But…But that’s not all, hyungnim…” The guard said, and wanted to be anywhere else when he saw the look that JJ gave him. “What? There’s more?” JJ said, his mouth open in shock. “Ye, hyungnim.  I was informed by someone at that station that the reporter and a cameraman have locked themselves in the broadcasting room there, and have…have already started broadcasting.” The guard replied, and JJ’s eyebrow started twitching. “WHAT!?” JJ’s voice thundered in the car, making the driver nearly lose his grip on the wheel. “Mianhe, hyungnim, I…” The guard was interrupted as JJ snatched his phone out of his hands, and immediately googled KB3 news on it. He found the site, and his stomach did nasty turns when he saw that there was indeed, a live broadcast which was currently on air. His eyes full of dread, JJ used his thumb to click on the broadcast…



End of chapter 2 :)

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