Stay With Me Tonight

20 HoSu Drabbles

5. DBSK – Stay With Me Tonight

Yunho watches as Junsu opens that precious blue notebook again and hurriedly writes something in that notebook. It’s a notebook he’s never flipped through before, but he can guess the contents of that notebook, thoughts, feelings, things you’ll write in a diary.

“Yunho?” Junsu whispers, nudging the other lightly.

There has always been something special about Junsu, his radiant smile? It was the atmosphere around him, it was so bright, so happy, so bubbly, almost too blinding. Yunho knows he harbours feelings that are more than friends towards the other, there are so many things he wants to tell Junsu, yet because he is scared, he hasn’t been able to say anything.

Staying as just friends is good enough for him.

But he wanted to keep Junsu all to himself, he didn’t like seeing Junsu being overly friendly with other people. This kind of selfishness…it disgusted him and he still had the guts to think about wanting to be the only light in Junsu’s life, to be the one that would constantly preserve that smile on the other’s face. It was worth laughing at.

“Yunho? Hey, can you hear me?” Junsu asks, louder this time

“Hm?” Yunho shakes out of his own thoughts, “Junsu? What is it?”

“Kinda…want to share something with you”, Junsu leans in and whispers into Yunho’s ear, “I love you.”

Yunho is a little shocked at the confession but he regains himself and plucks up his courage and asks Junsu, “Stay with me tonight?”

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jungyyu #1
Yunho smiles, “so then, when your heart bursts, I can give you my heart”


splashie_xyt #2
@almadcuervo: =DDD hahah, thank-you for reading through all of them~♥
Lovely short stories...some were really sad...thank you for sharing... ^_^
splashie_xyt #4
hahaha~ *hugs* thank-you so much for reading them all...and yes, they're all really short because I wrote them in the length of the song I was listening to. >< I'm really happy you like them all!~ :D I'll write more when I have time~ hehehe. ^^