
20 HoSu Drabbles

2. Arashi – Blue

The grass is a little wet but still comfortable. A fresh and clear scent lingers in the air. Yunho takes Junsu’s hand gently and they both sit beneath the stars, beneath the sky that was blue just a couple of hours ago.

Junsu smiles and looks curiously at the stars, wondering where they all were located, how far they are. He turns around to ask Yunho but sees no one next to him. A faint echo in his head whispers to him – “Love will end one day, like how the stars will die out one day.” And Junsu knows that he has been dreaming again.

His hands make a fist, grabbing at the grass when he realises that this time, there is no one sitting beside him. Junsu looks back up at the sky, he feels as though he could see Yunho like that, looking at the stars that blink back at him. Flopping down, Junsu closes his eyes, and still, he could see the stars in his head, he could see Yunho. He wanted to see Yunho.

It was as though he were travelling by himself in a maze, confusion wherever he turned, yet the only thing he wanted was to search for one person, someone who would blur away the blue in the sky, someone who would stand next to him as the violent seasons go pass. Someone who would wrap up his feelings that were choking his heart.

He would never fade from his heart. His forever was different, his meaning of forever laid in his heart.

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jungyyu #1
Yunho smiles, “so then, when your heart bursts, I can give you my heart”


splashie_xyt #2
@almadcuervo: =DDD hahah, thank-you for reading through all of them~♥
Lovely short stories...some were really sad...thank you for sharing... ^_^
splashie_xyt #4
hahaha~ *hugs* thank-you so much for reading them all...and yes, they're all really short because I wrote them in the length of the song I was listening to. >< I'm really happy you like them all!~ :D I'll write more when I have time~ hehehe. ^^