Le Kangteuk Oneshots


A collection of oneshots centering around Super Junior's umma and appa, Leeteuk and Kangin~ \o/

I write a lot of fluff though~ Cause I just adore fluff :3

I might work on some later though ahahah~ .-.


I know that there are probably a lot of Kangteuk oneshots out there but EVERYONE loves Kangteuk //nods// SO just read, okay? :PP


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Chapter 4: cuuute T_T leeteuk umma must be tired but knowing he always surrounded by hillarious family he must be happy rite :^D
Chapter 5: I really like the first and the third story! :D
hebteuk #3
Chapter 5: ohhh that was defently so cutie..just wanted to know how old jungsu nd kangin were
Chapter 4: this is my favorite chapter.. chapter 4 is like the only one i want to read
Chapter 4: AWWWWW
These one shots are so cuuuute!!!
Especially the last one. Kid!suju so cuuute. And I laughed when Yesung was having a mini heart attack and then stood up like it was nothing. Lol
siezzy #6
Chapter 4: I always love kangteuk!! And Kangteuk with fluffiness is just daebak!! I love all the story, but if you can please write a continuation for chapter 2, pretty please >.<

Do you accepting request?? I really love kid!suju, and I always read kangteuk as the parent of other suju member, is not that I don't like it when kangteuk become the parent (hell, they are ultimate umma and appa) but sometime I also want to read kangteuk as a kid >_<
hebteuk #7
Chapter 3: happy anniversary kangteuk <3
hebteuk #8
Chapter 2: that was so sweet..i luved how they didn't understand each other's language, but feel each other's feels..that's cute :)
hebteuk #9
Chapter 1: poor leeteuk..these things often happen to me =.=
i liked how kangin was sweet in the last part..man, u always have the solution <3..kangin couldn't get back to sleep hehe, but c'mon if u have a cute-babbling-sleeping-husband like teukie beside u, y will u need that sleeping thing~