Chapter 1

You're Beautiful!!





Lee Taemin smiled sadly as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was a normal school boy in his teens. As expected he had his own insecurities. Yet he was not the type to let his insecurities be known. Burying them deep within himself, he appeared happy with an angelic smile grazing his lips always.


He had a lot of friends who thought him as a ‘Happy-Go-Lucky’ person. Not one soul in his world knew the sad and melancholy Taemin hiding inside him. He wanted to appear strong in front of others. So he put on a happy façade concealing his weaker side and burying his insecurities.


In spite of having a lot of friends, Taemin always felt lonely inside since he couldn’t approach or the least speak to ‘him’. ‘He’ was his greatest crush, his ultimatum, his soul mate or what not. Choi Minho might not be the most popular kid in the school yet he had his own circle of friends whom Taemin thought were far better than him. So, Taemin couldn’t build up the courage to approach Minho albeit having a crush on him.



Taemin was a shy kid who opened up only to his best friend Key aka. Kim Kibum. Yet he couldn’t disclose about his crush to Key fearing of being made fun of. Taemin was so insecure about himself, his looks, his attitude, his behavior…


What if Key hyung makes fun of me for liking Choi Minho?’


‘What if Key hyung tells me that Minho doesn’t deserve someone like me?’


 ‘What if Key hyung…?’


‘What if…?’

Lots of ‘What if’s’ pop up in Taemin’s mind whenever he plans on revealing to Key. Though he knew at the bottom of his heart that Key wouldn’t make fun of him, he didn’t have the courage to break it up to him.


All these frustrations take their toll on Taemin at night shattering his strong façade where he breaks down into sobs in his room muffled by his pillows. The insecurities he tried to suppress overpower him and he just couldn’t handle them. Warm and thick tears flow down from his eyes soaking the pillows. This continues for hours until he finally falls asleep exhausted.


He wasn’t this kind of person from the beginning. It all happened only after he had eyes for him,’ THE GREAT CHOI MINHO’


2 years ago,


Taemin sat in his classroom with Key waiting for his teacher to show up. He chatted animatedly with Key about random things bursting out into laughter now and then.


“Its not fair hyung…!” Taemin giggled.


“Ah Taemin-ah.. You are no fun..!” Key whined.


“But hyung~”



The teacher’s voice boomed through the classroom bringing everyone’s chirping to an abrupt halt. The most dreaded teacher Mr.Kang entered the classroom with a scowl on his face.


“No chit chatting in my classroom. This is not a place to play or have fun. Got it??” Mr.Kang barked exhibiting his bad temper.


Mr.Kang was the most strict and deadly Teacher in the whole school. No one dared to face his wrath. Falling on his bad side of temper earns you a straight and neat detention.


“Yes Sir!!” The students nodded quickly.


“Well that’s good! Now lets…”


“Excuse me Sir??” Mr.Kang’s speech was cut short by a low and deep voice which grabbed everyone’s attention..




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Chapter 2: update nooooooow!!! xD i mean it!! ^^;