Through the Glass of Dreams


Character Files:

Taemin: A 19 year old guy searching for his dreams of true masculinity in Wonderland, in order to become "Tae-man." Unfortunately, he is often mistaken as a sweet teenaged girl, therefore dubbed, "Tae-lisu."

Onew: Often tripping over flat surfaces, this thick-haired, pale boy always scrambles around worriedly in fear that he is late.

Key: The Prince of Wonder-hearts, often bribed with a pair of good shoes.

Jonghyun: A wide grin always covering his face, the sneaky feline tromps around happily.

Minho: He is the Olympic gold medalist of tea drinking. Caffeine may skyrocket in his body, but he knows what he says and does.


SHINee has often been parodied into many stories and fanfictions, including Alice in Wonderland. This is just a fun lulu416589 comic twist on a certain maknae looking for his path to manliness.

Just a note:

This idea came to me today while I was daydreaming during a free period. If it seems similar to any other fanfictions you've read, I have absolutely no connection to them. The entire plot is based on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, facts that I've picked up here and there about SHINee, and random things that pop up in my head as I type away.


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